
I had a colleague who named herself as Cinderella. I told her it was not a great name for her. Cinderella couldn't marry the prince if godmother didn't showup, I thought. Cinderella is for poor girl, though she may have some kind of luck. Therefore, I suggested her why not just called "Cindy" instead. Later, she changed her name to Cindy. One day, I met a business woman who mentioned to me there was a pretty girl in her company, her name was Cindy. When I went to see the pretty girl, Cindy, it happened surprisely she was the "Cinderella", my ex colleague. What a small world it was! She said to me she liked the name, "Cindy" very much afterwards.


Yesterday, I learned there was a quake catastrophe in south asia. A major earthquake striked the under sea of India Ocea and made tsunami. It was reported approxiamtely 15,000 people had lost their lives and the death tolls was expected to increase. What a terrible massive disaster it was! What is the matter with our earth. I think it is almost hard to avoid this kind of catastrophe as long as the earth is evolving around the sun. All we can do is to pray and help those residents, the wounded, and victims as we possibly can. We should be aware of that even the modern society can't do anything to prevent it. And, we ought to cherish what we have at this moment on other side of the earth, right?

Who am I?

Who am I? This is the beginning of socialization. Cooley said, however, it started from the mirror. One examined himself through the mirror. This is also called one "I". Then, there are two I's which are created by G.H. Mead. Mead said one is "I" and another is "Me". The last, there were three "I" which were stated by Freud. He named three "I", as identity I, super ego, and ego. They all think people have the original "I" and another socialized "I". Last night I had a dream which could only happen in a dream. That was decribed by Freud as identity I. We are suppressed by our society, where some dreams just couldn't be mentioned to the public, right?


昨天唸國文,田園詩派始祖寫的詩,覺得內容寫得很好, 一時興來,翻成英文看看: Boat moved genly and slowly, winds started to pick up my clothes, the morning light seemed dull and unspoken, when I asked where was the returning road.
Clouds floated inside the valley, tired birds knew ways to return, shadows tilted longer and longer, as I loitered around the trees knowing the pleasure of coming home. 有沒有人,找得到這些原文句子?嘻

Water Plant

Water plant may be written as aquatic plant. Since I bought two tiny aquariums where only peacock fishes were raised, I have great interest about the life of peacock fish and some aquatic plants. The reason I grow two glass boxes, because I am afraid one is not enough and with two I can separate small fishes from big fishes. Yesterday I went to attend a class of aquatic plant. There teacher introduced not only the pictures of many kinds of aquatic plants, but also got us touring the campus pool. The pool is established like a river, but only eighty meters long and one meter wide. It is easy for me to jump from a bank to another bank. However, there are more than twenty species therein and it became hard for me to distinguish their names. I was surprise many peolple can call their names by their appearances. It was great that I learned many names in a day, like lily, and goldfish watergrass. At last of the class, I was filled with basic knowledge of aquatic plant and subsided my loquacious mood.

Global warming

Today is another warm day in Central Taiwan. The global warming is proposed by either the extraordinary light emitted by the sun or the energy consumed by our fast-paced society. It is hard to believe that many people wearing shorts in this time of the season. The result of the warm temperature will likely effect many things. The first some birds will stay in the north rather travelling to the south. The second many flowers don't blosom and no fruits ripen. The third some mosquitos and germs would thrive and people tend to get sick more easily. The fourth I won't feel the changes of the seasons and the power of the nature. In conclusion, I hope people should take this phenomenon seriously. For the long-term destination, we should cut down all the energy consumption as priority and keep earth clean and neat as possible.

General English Proficient Test

Yesterday, I participated the General English Proficient Test(GEPT 全民英檢). I felt exhausted after the test. This was a follow-up test which included only writing and speaking. I think I did pretty well on the writing test. There was only two questions, one was translation from Chinese to English and the other was compostion. On the speaking, it was a nightmare. I didn't know the rules until the exam had started. We had to reply to the questions in different periods of time. Some take 15 seconds, while some need 30 seconds. I remember I got some cut-off when I spoke at the midway. It was hard to control the timing. It should be called beating the clock or storming your brain. GEPT mainly assesses the living spoken English because no harsh words appeared. Anyway, I am glad it is over. I hope I don't need to trudge it over.


The internet is a product of technology that can connect two computers through electric wires or cables. Nowaday, people can send mails or messages immediately with a touch of keyboards. Since it is so convenient that many government agencies and institutions tend to rely on internet to process their daily works. However, the internet requires a computer that equipped with some hardwares and softwares, which seems expensive for many people with low income. Besides, the users have to learn how to operate properly that also cost them a lot of time and money. Luckily, children can learn from school, nevertheless the computer courses are designed by computer experts and most of students are left behind the basic curriculum. Most students logon internet just try to chat and play games that definitely slow study in their required courses. Many students can't resist the enchanting of internet, then skip their schools or meet internet pals to isolate their social lives and look for transient pleasures. Therefore, as people said what come around, go around. The internet bring many conveniences, but it also makes some teens away from normal life. Our education for children should be more careful and well prepared towards this newly prevail technology.

Sport Event

From yesterday, our school underwent sport events. One could see the school's field and track be packed with students. Students ran and jumped on campus trying to compete with each other. The official day for annual sport event is set on Saturday, however, many events were held before that day. Some class teacher are eager to put their students on training and hope to get better overcome for their students. The school is filled with energetic voices and laughs now. I really like this atmoshpere, for I used to an outstanding athelete in the good old time.


This morning I attended an observation of mathematics class that one practice teacher taught for first grade students in our elementar» school. It seems she has experience to subside those noise of »oung kids. The class were seated in small group that students tend to ¬uarell in man» wa»s. The content of instruction is counting the number within 1 and 20. I have no idea of how to teach the first graded, though I taught second graded last semester for one of m» practice training. I see it is ¬uite different from first grade and second grade. The first grade students still lack of disciprine, whereas the second grade know how to behave according to the rules set b» the class teacher. The practice teacher used animal pictures for students to number and students were asked to guess what animals being selected in the beginning. I think students were motivated and eagered to learn the counting. However, fort» minutes periods seem too long for first graded, that after twent» minutes students tended to move around their seats. A game was utilized to call students' attention. Students were cooperated mainl» because practice teacher keep use group competition and personal rewards. The class finall» ended with peace and we all have a great observation in this earl» Monda» morning.


Tomorrow is an election day of legislative members in Taiwan. Some people said they had received bribe money, while others said this time there will be a clear election and no bribe money would circulate in Taiwan. Democracy is based on counting citizen’s votes that seems reasonable as the constitution and local government law are established on people’s will. However, when bribe or distorted media are carried on, the elected members are produced by means of politician’s will or other party’s forces. The true democracy won’t arrive and our society will remain chaos indefinitely.From my view of the political situation in Taiwan, I find there are many things that can be improved. The first is the representatives are too many that many of them don’t show up during the meeting. The second is the election should depend on the smaller district, rather than larger district, some candidates are elected with small amount of votes. The third is candidates should be restricted by their backgrounds. Some of candidates are charged with criminal evidences that shouldn’t allowed to be voted. I hope people in Taiwan can elect their ideal legislatives according to their interests this time.

Alice In the Wonderland

Today the story for my students is "Alice in the wonderland." I think I did it pretty well. Actually, I have listened to this story for about a hundred times. I listen to the story audio CD again and again for many years, because it is so glamorous and sounded which also have improved my listening ability. The original story of "Alice in the wonderland" is somehow complicated to comprehand. Last week, I found another edition with audio CD in it made by local distribution and it was on sales for 49 NT dollors. I bought it immediately and also bought other three same type of colorful books. On the next day, I went to the store to buy other fifteen books, mostly fairtales. I have spent too much time from internet searching tales to tell for my students. I need pictures along with audio to prepare before my presentation. Now, I am better equiped as a story teller, I recken, from those books.

Credit Card

Credit card is more than a banking card that people can loan money from the credit card or the bank. Nowaday, people can charge to credit card in advance then pay later. It seems many people like to use it, while some people prefer to use cash instead. I always like to use it. The reasons will be described as following.
The first reason is that I don't need to prepare cash all the time. I don't need to carry much money and changes in my pocket. It is inconvenient for me to withdraw money, when sometime I have problem finding a bank or banking machine. The second reason is that the credit card is a sign of personal credit. When merchant charges my credit card through the telephone line, he or she will be noticed my prominent credit. The third reason is when my monthly payment can't reach properly to my account, I still can spend without much money at hand. Sometime when there are sales going on in the shop, I can also purchase goods and other necessity in advance.
Of course, people have discrepancy on their opinions about their consumption behaviors. I tend to prefer using credit card for the above reasons, though there is a high interest along with it if money transfer is delated.

writing on composition

This morning, I continued reading my English book which was a book I prepared for Tofel. This section was about compostion. I believed I read before, but it seemed foreign to me. However, I was surprised about some pages which stated how to begin a composition. It outlined several ways that looked familiar to me. The first one was to begin with a story. I was immediately falling to yesterday session when I speeched to students. I always told story to begin a session, didn't I. Did both writing and teaching merge as one. Should I write composition as if I am preparing a lesson plan? Then, I kept on reading. The second one was to begin with contrasting. I thought I was good at this one, because Tofel test gave all this kind of problem for examinee. While I am sleeping, others tend to lie awake. The third one is to pervide questions. This seemed to be used in a speech as beginning. The fourth one is to explain the topic. This was elementary students' preference. The fifth one is to begin with a proverb. I think I will skip this one because I can't memorize a thing. The sixth one is to begin with self feeling about the topic. I feel like this topic give me some hint and so on. These six ways were extraordinary for me, see, I still remember in my brain. It seems I put them in my long term memory since the morning.

Tell a story

This morning I went to tell a story for elementary students. I began with a chant for motivation. When students were ready, I would start my story right away. The story is extracted from a story book, "The Golden Arm." Students seemed like this kind of story because it was about a ghost. Though it was short, I still have many phases to memorize before going on the stage. Besides, I prepared three pictures and one fake golden arm. They didn't know how much time I spent on my preparation. I knew that onl» m»self. It took ten times to get myself ready. Can you believe?

Poker game

I like to play poker cards since I was a kid. Poker game seems very popular. When there is a poker game, there are joy and laughs. I learned from my brothers and neighborhood kids. I think I am good at poker game and my skills have shown in excellent grade on mathematics. Nevertheless, the poker game is forbidden in our house. My father wouldn’t let his children play, and all we had played were under the table. Father thought poker game tended to addict in gambling. On the contrary, school teachers like to promote the poker games for teaching calculation and recreation purpose.Nothing is extreme right or wrong. After growing up, I don’t addict to gamble because of our family rules. I think my father is great to turn the poker cards away from my life. I don’t object to playing cards for fun, but it should keep alert that poker card may lead to gambling according to media survey. In addition, the internet gambling becomes one of the dangerous and sly place for kids and teenagers. We ought to look into what poker game really can do in our lives. As experts suggest that the randomness always control the poker game like lottery, though skills play minimal factors. Therefore, we should take poker game in serious concerns.

one practice teacher's reflection

Today I heard a teacher saying, “Having tests is really a waste of time.” I know that I have different perspectives from this statement, but was not in the position to express my opinion then. Nevertheless, this sentence led my mind to think. In the past few weeks, we have been busy discussing how we would carry out our mid-term assessment for English. We came up with the agreement of having both an oral test as well as a written test for the sixth grades. As for the fifth grades, I knew that I would not compromise my subjectivity for evaluation with the other teacher. So, I decided that we should have the assessments held out our own way. Just before we sent in our test papers for print, I heard the teacher say that she has no intention in failing the students, thus she has her test written as simple as it can be. A question that flashed into my mind was, “I’ve covered thoroughly all the things I’ve taught, does that mean I have the wicked intention of failing them?” I was offended.In terms of assessment, I think it is important that while thinking of what and how to test the students we go back to the basics of teaching methodology. In curriculums and teachers guides states clearly the objectives of each unit. Hence, when we are considering what to include in our tests, we should be looking back at the objective and taking into account whether our means of assessment can truly measure these objectives. If a test is made too easy, it cannot help teachers learn whether their teaching methodology requires adapting. Nor can a test that is made to difficult give positive feedback to teachers, not to mention the discouraging effect that it brings to students. Only when a test covers the objectives of the units is it going to have the function that it was intended for. Therefore, it is important for me, and I hope for the other teachers too, that we hold a positive attitude for our profession. To know at all times the real ability of ones students is not a crime. Thus, it is unfair to say that spending time finding students’ ability is a waste of time. It certainly isn’t. By knowing their ability, I have the confidence that I am able to help them improve their English, and allow ones who have done well be honored and encouraged by assigning them to be teachers. Tell me if I have done wrong!

My presentation as a practice teacher

My presentation was over nicely. I was released from then. It went as expected, but my professor commented more than complimented. I didn't care that at all, because he said at last that I was all right as a whole.
I set up my presentation to begin with a chant and a story, which mainly tried to motivate students. I thought elementary students' goal should focus on their interests on studying English. My professor insisted presenter should express his/her ability on the stage, but not how students have learned during the session. I didn't agree with that. Even though it was only a presentation, I still stopped many times when students seemed couldn't catch with their study. I taught lesson five which was ahead of their normal schedule. Now, I have done as a practice teacher and will move on to my next prospect. God bless me.

they were considerate

This morning I attained 5B to chant with students and begged them to cooperate for my presentation on Wednesday. I told them I could treat them with drinks only when they behavior themselves. One student asked if I would be possible to flunk? It was so sweet of him. I gave them my words that I did very well academically. They were very considerate, weren’t they? I hope tomorrow will be sunny and bright and everyone is happy with my work.

after rehearsal

I am writing a journal after my rehearsal on class 5A. I am going to present for class 5B, but my guidance said she suggested me to do a practice on different class to check my timing of my presentation. She was very right about that. And I did find out my instruction was too fast that a correction was definitely needed. Besides, my sentence slips weren’t enough to cover my activity. I think I am obliged to her, though she seemed to be nice to every teacher in school. Today, I used some Chinese word cards during my story telling, “The Palestinian Child.” I think it is not necessary. I won’t use them and hope students can immerse in English environment on the coming Wednesday.

lesson plan

Lesson Plan教案

What’s Your Telephone number?
5th grade
Coco and Momo–Lesson Five
40 mins.
Student Analysis

1. They have little reading, speaking and listening ability.
2. Students have learned English more than one year.
3. They have enthusiasm in studying English.

1. To enhance their motivation about learning English.
2. To describe textbook’s dialogues.
3. To learn how to ask for telephone numbers.

Telephone, number, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine

Sentence Patterns
What is your telephone number?
My telephone number is _______.

Teaching Content
Warm up
1. TPR “One two buckle my shoes.”帶動唱
2. Story time ”Jack and the Beanstalk”說故事

Students get ready to learn.
1. Review last class lesson
2. Teacher leads students to read the dialogues in the textbook (P.48)Teacher draws group or students to read as evaluation.
Reading new vocabulary in the textbook (p.71)Teachers asks volunteers to say the new words.(per each group)

2. Teacher introduces two patterns. (P.50)What is your _______? (name/telephone number)
My name/telephone number is __________.



Sentence slips
Students can read and speak out the textbook.

Students learn new patterns.
Activity 1
Teacher plays CD player for listen.(student book p.48)
Students then practice in pair with: (see blackboard)
What’s your telephone number?
My telephone number is 234-2345.

CD player
Sentence slips
Flash card

Students can actively participate in the activity.
Activity 1
Teacher asks students to interview their friends, and fill in the sheet.”What’s your telephone number?
My telephone number is ______.”
Interview sheet
Ss can make interview correctly..

Wrap up
1. Assign homework.
2. Write the workbook.
3. Review the song, “Five little monkeys.”
Sentence slips

請訪問四個朋友 再填入表格
問:What’s your name?
答: My name is _______.
問:What’s your telephone number?
答: My telephone number is _______.

班級 _________ 座號 _______ 姓名 _________________________
Telephone number(同學電話)


Jack and Beanstalk script

Once upon a time, a little boy and his mother lived in a very small house on a poor little farm. Jack’s mother kept their little house neat and clean. Jack worked very hard in his garden, but nothing grew. The only thing they had left was the family cow. Jack’s mother told him to sell the cow for money to buy food. Jack traded the cow for a little of magic beans. Jack’s mother was very unhappy with the beans and threw them out the window. During the night, the beans grew into a giant beanstalk. The next morning, Jack was very surprised and climbed the beanstalk. At top of the beanstalk was a castle. It was the home of a giant. Jack met the giant wife and she was very nice to him. She hid Jack in the closet when the giant came home for supper. “Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman!” shouted the giant. “It’s your supper that you smell,” said the giant’s wife. He called for the golden bird that laid the golden eggs and began to hammer into coin. After supper, his magic harp played beautiful music and soon he was asleep. Jack climbed on the table and grabbed the golden bird into a bag. The bird struggled and squawked. Giant waked up and chased after Jack. “Be you live or be you dead, I’ll grind your bones to bake my bread.” Jack ran down the beanstalk as fast as he could. The giant was coming down too, but not as fast as he could. Near the ground, Jack began to yell, “Mother, Mother! Get the axe, quick. Get the axe, Mother!” As soon as Jack reached the ground, he grabbed the axe, and began to cut the base of the beanstalk. He chopped far enough into the beanstalk that it began to fall down. Up above the giant’s screamed and fell through the air. The giant fell to his death. Jack gave his mother the golden bird and they lived happily ever after.

Jack and Beanstalk

This morning I volunteered to tell “Jack and Beanstalk” for fifth graded. Students looked dull and I was hurt myself. I prepared to present my work for my practices, which was planned in next Wednesday. I think more exercises are needed before my presentation. I have three class exercises ahead and I need to amend what went wrong this morning. “Jack and Beanstalk” is easy to learn, but students were far to understand my talk in English. I used seven pictures and Chinese words on blackboard to describe the context. I also wanted students to repeat some phrases, so I could know students were following my tale. It took forty minutes to complete my lesson. I taught Christmas song along my lesson. Students liked the song, “Rudolph, the Red Nosed Reindeer.” I am released now and writing down my reflection as a journal.

Palestinian Child

Palestinian Child written by Paul Shih
There is a place called Bethlehem. It is a Holly land where Jesus Christ was born. It is near Jerusalem City and many Palestinian children go to school in the city of Jerusalem. One day, a boy called his parent from school and his father answered the telephone call.
“Hello Papa, tonight I am coming home with a friend of mine.”
“Hi son, It’s quite all right.”
“But, Papa, he lost a hand and a leg during a fight.”
“Oh, then, please don’t take him home. No, not him, because we have our lives to go on.”
The son hang up the telephone, and he didn’t come home that night.
The next morning, a telephone called from the city police station. A child’s body was found under a tall building. The child jumped from the building. When his parent went to the city and saw his son have only a hand and a leg.
How could this happening? Everybody was heartbroken. Jesus Christ knew it from up the heaven, He turned the clock back to yesterday. When the child tried to make the call, he couldn’t get it through. His Papa didn’t receive the telephone call, and his son went home with a hand and a leg.
The end.
I revised this story to mention that never make an important decision through telephone call.

Dodge Ball

This week our school has dodge ball competition for grade four, five, and six. I had to take care of a class while their teacher was responsible for contests on Wednesday. I was told to lead students to the sidelines of the contest. I also watched several games. Some students were my students in the English class and I didn’t forget to give some advices. Though I hate dodge ball, students seemed to like the competition. The competition brought class together to cope with other classes. It was fun to watch them running around the court. I don’t know why the dodge ball is so popular in Taiwan. It is weird to me. It is kind of violence by hitting people to win the game. Most of students are just running to escape the slapping. I know it is hard to change people’s thoughts, but I tell other teachers what I think of this sport. The dodge ball is not proper for students because it only teaches majority to escape from the surrounding.

The little red hen

I went to tell the little red hen for graded four.
The little red hen liked to eat bread and found a sack of wheat seed. He asked her friends, cow, pig, and dog to help her plant the seeds. But the cow replied it was breakfast time, and I don't want to plant the seeds. Likewise, for pig and dog. The little red hen had to do the work herself.
A monent later, the seeds began to grow fast. The little red hen decided to ask her friends to help her weed the garder. But the cow replied it was tea break time,... Likewise for pig and dog. The little red hen had to do the work herself.
Sooner, the sun ripened the wheat and it was ready to harvest the harvest. The little red hen decided to ask her friends to help her harvest the wheat. But the cow replied it was lunch time, ... Likewise for pig and dog. The little red hen had to do the work herself.
When she was finished, she asked her friends help her to grind the wheat. But the cow replied it was coffee time, ... likewise for pig and dog. The little red hen had to do the work herself.
Once again, she asked her friends to help her bake to bread. But the cow replied it was dinner time, ... Likewise for pig and dog. The little red hen had to do the work herself.
When it was done, she said, "I wonder who will help me eat this bread."
Cow rushed up, "I will." Likewise for pig and dog.
Little red hen said, "No, I did all the work, I got the rewards of the work, this bread."
The end.

Dental cleaning competition

This morning I went to see those students, who are the representatives of our school to take part in dental cleaning contest in the end of November. They have been training for one month and I am kind of busy on other thing until now. I am back to join them as a teacher. We give quiz for them to practice. Today, their scores are fair, so school nurse is worried about their study and future competition. She hopes our school can remain the champion of our county and ask them to come to drill room every day from now on.
Practice makes perfect. It seems the right words to depict all kinds of competition. However, these kids are not concentrating on their work. The practice is boring and their main thoughts are restricted to achieve a win for our school. This is an awkward situation for them. Nevertheless, I myself receive this great opportunity to access the dental cleaning knowledge. Before that, I know little about dental fundaments. I feel so lucky to learn with students on the oral health and personal hygiene. I hope I can continue to contribute with my effort and get along with them well.


Responsibility is to response one’s proper behavior according to public expectation and his commitment. It seems some people can take responsibility, while others tend to skip their duty by deliberation. Psychologist Maslow said human have some fundamental needs, as physiological, safety, belongingness and love, and self-esteem. Therefore, taking responsibility is that those needs are completed, he should be able to take his responsibility when he grows up.
Why some people can’t take responsibility? We have to examine the following facts. If one can’t eat for several days, how can he take responsibility while his body can’t stand to himself? If one is in danger of his life, how can he take responsibility while he has to look for a safe place to live? If one is discarded from intimacy love, how can he take responsibility while depress has occupied his mind. If one can’t be treated truly, the misbehaviors are likely to conduct. We shouldn’t set goal to high, so satisfaction can be met. Yet these fundaments are reached, and he still can’t fulfill his responsibility, then we have to analyze what sorts of problem he may possess.
People are not born with fulfillment that they should be taught about his responsibility. It is very important that one should go to school or have education through adults. Thus, they can learn to take responsibility and fulfill his duty as decent humans.


In modern world, people tend to form small family and spread working in different fields. Friendship provides some supports while family members can’t reach and give.
Friendship is one of the most precious things in my life. Even I grow up in a big family, which includes grandpa, grandma, parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, and cousins. I still have many friends. Sometimes, I would rather talk to friends when I encounter difficulty. They always give valuable advices and let me handle my problems. Family on the other hand will interference my problems especially my parents who likely take over my situation. Then, I couldn’t learn how to solve the specific problem.
There are many kinds of friendship. Some are good which will help and support care, while others may lead to bad behavior or risk in daily life.There is a song, which contains “that’s what friends are for.” When friends ask for a favor, I would come up with these words. I feel great when my friends like to call me for anything. In conclusion, friendship is a meaning of hope to me. We should take care of friendship with trustworthy and cherish for it.

the multiple intelligence theory

The multiple intelligence theory has been recognized as one of the best theory in the world. In the past we just viewed one intelligence mainly coming out from paper assessment. It seems one intelligence couldn't account for the individual progress in this rapid developing world. Gardner deduce that people should possess multiple intelligences rather than just one. There are many evidences to support his theory.
The first evidence is some great athletes are superior in sports, but they can't make high scores academically. The second evidence is some scholars can't play and run as normal people do. The third evidence is some people can conduct splendidly in several aspects. Human being likely involve several intelligences as some of them tend to excel in different intelligences. Gardner had pointed out those intelligences including as: linguistic, logic, spatial, musical, motor, intrapersonal, and interpersonal. And, teacher should plan with different intelligences for their instructions.
The multiple intelligence theory has changed our thoughts in making each lesson plan of the English class. We have to imply as many intelligences as possible during the class. Students who can't learn linguistic well can make progress through spatial such as nice colorful flash pictures, or through musical and physical movement. There are intrapersonal and interpersonal performane taking place inside the classroom to enhance students' study. Now students can acqire knowledge according to their perferences.
It is obviously the multiple intelligences theory lights up the teaching methods and make students willing to learn and improve their competences. I think people will make more progress through this theory. This is a great theory for our society.

Study abroad

Going to abroad can widen our views and thinking deeply about the cultural discrepencies. It seems many young children and adults can go abroad for studying lately. There are many advantages and disadvantages, when they go abroad for study.
The first advantage is children can learn to increase their knowledge. Children must know their main goal is to study. They would concentrate on their study. The second advantage is to improve their social skills. They ought to conduct with others to survive socially. The third advantage is to compare two different cultures and make judge by assessment through critical thinking. The fourth advantage is that they tend to learn tolerance and perseverance. Leaving their home and doing without the help of their parents will force them to cope with some isolated environment.
On the other hand, there are some advantages along with their study too. The first disadvantage is the cost of enormous amount of money. Most of students spend their parents’ money to reach for their destiny and academic degrees. The second disadvantage is the separation from home and friends. It is not easy to break the ice and face foreigners in the first place because people are weird and greedy. It involves many risks and sometime life is in serious danger if nobody is near. The third disadvantage is grief of living. Some people can’t overcome the problems from school or living, and may be affected by troublesome and become alcoholic or narcotic addicts.
As a whole, studying abroad have some advantages, while there are other disadvantages exist. I think if one can finish their college and study post graduate abroad, then they can make more advantages and reduce those of disadvantages. If there is an opportunity ahead, one should look forwards to it and expect the most exciting experience in one’s life.


This week is exam. week. Students are assessed in all their classes. English is considered for the easiest course. This morning I taught grade five. I started with TPR that mainly count with number. I asked them to stand with one foot for single number, and two feet for plural number. The phrases are as following. one two buckle my shoes; three four shut the door; five six pick up the sticks; seven eight don't be late; nine ten do it over again. It took about five minutes. Then, I told them the little red hen story that some thought it was boring, but majority found it was interesting. The story repeated those words of hen asking for help. I put small words aside the blackboard, so I could remember the content. I used only a picture for the class and wrote Chinese characters for students to understand. I also taught phonics and reviewed the textbook for the ending. Today is my last day as substitute teacher for this semester. From now on I should be about to read my book, and come here to practice my writing.

My favorite teacher

Good morning
Ladies and gentlemen
My name is Jonathan
Today I am going to tell you
About my favorite teacher

My favorite teacher
Her name is teacher Sammy
She is from Australia
She had brown hair and beautiful blue eyes
With a high hill nose.

One day she came to class
She looked as a fairytale
She said “I am a snow white.”
We knew how she came that day.

There must have been some magic
In her old silk dress
For when she place it on her head
She began to dance around.
She could laugh and play
Just the same as you and me.

She said,
“the sun is hot,
let’s run and have some fun,
before she run away.”
And she waved goodbye,
Saying don’t you cry.
“I’ll be back again some day.

She has moved back to Australia.
I'm missing her so much.
She is my favorite teacher,
I can remember.
Thank you everybody! !

~by Paul

An adventure

It was a stormy night.
I opened my eyes.
The rain tapped hard on my window.
“Do you hear what the rain is saying?” said a voice.
I turned on my lamp.
And my sister stood in the doorway.
She wore her raincoat and held a flashlight.
“It’s saying, Come now!” my sister said.
“We have to go to the tree house.”

I didn’t want to leave my warm, cozy room.
But, I had a feeling my sister was right.
Some interesting thing was going to happen.
My sister said, just put on your raincoat.
I pulled on my sneakers and grabbed my backpack.

There was a mysterious tree house.
My sister and I climbed into the tree house.
It was filled with books.
The tree house was a magic.
All we had to do was point to a picture and wish to go there.
It could take us to the places in the books.

There was a whirlwind in the book.
It was a twister.
When we pointed to the twister, our tree house rose to the air.
“What was that, it was a scream!”
“Where are we now?”
“Let’s look out the window.”

“Oh look, it’s so beautiful, green trees, and apples, and pears, and butterflies, and birds.”
“There is a little old woman. She is coming up here.”
“Let’s go out and say hello to her, then we can find out where we are”
“You are welcome to the land of the Munchkins.”
Said the old woman.
“Please follow the yellow brick road, a great wizard is waiting for you.”
Then the old woman disappeared.

When my sister and I follow the yellow brick road, suddenly a breast leaped out of the trees.
It was a lion ahead of me.
I tried to move, but I couldn’t move.
The lion jumped over me, and my sister.
I thought we were dead meats.
But the lion jumped too far and hit a steel man.
I found a scarecrow beside me.
I knew I must in the book of the wizard of Oz.

Suddenly, I was awake, when my sister whispered me to go home.
I realized I had the wizard book on the table,
while I was fast sleep in the library.

The China Youth Corps

The China Youth Corps known as 救國團 in Chinese established a garden party this morning. I was asked to come to help. I came in the early morning with little sad mood and was assigned to the Taiwanese speech contest. My work is to ring the bell once at the three minutes and twice at the four minutes from the starting of the each speech. It was quite interesting that I have never don't this kind of job. When the competition started, some parents protested because the rule of speech time wasn't clarified on the bulletin sheet. The second student of low graded elementary school proceeded only one minute and twenty seconds. Some said the rule was posted on the internet, while some judges said there was a common rule. I had no idea about the rule, but everyone in the auditorium kept questioning on me. I was an ignorant person, though they thought I should have written properly. The contest was finally ended with peace. I got out of there before noon. It was a ridiculous set-up at least from one of many contests. The corps was not the same as I used to cognie, I pondered and sighed.

General English Proficiency Test

I just got out of General English Proficiency Test. I feel like the listening parts to be harder than I expected. For the secondary part, I wrote the answer sheet before the conversation end. Then, I heard the question had told about something specific in the dialogue. I was stunned and unable to go on to next couple questions. I started to regret that I should have done more simulation test, not just one. After that, I realized I have to remember what they talked about in several aspects, because there were many choices the qestion would ask. I had never made any correction, I just let it went. I felt comfortable later on. The passing score is 80/120. I dared to miss some answers. I hope I can pass it no matter the score is.

story teller

I was a country boy. I used to run away from my house. It seemed I would show up only at lunch time or supper period. I didn't know how to tell a story because I seldom heard any story when I was a kid. I didn't think of learning from story book except textbook I read in the past. But things have changed, I am going to be an elementary teacher. I took children literature at college and got impression with those tales by Grimm brothers and Anderson. When I was in the college, I managed to tell some non-fiction stories which were made up by myself. However, I paid more attention to what professor had taught. Now, I instruct every class starting with a tale. I find it is very exciting to react with my students when story proceeding. I hope I can learn more skills, so my students have interests to study English.


OK, it's play time. I want to be a catepillar. You all have to be everything. I am always hungry and I need to eat something. My head is green and I am walking. What do I do? Yes, I am walking. Everybody repeat with me. I walk, and walk, and walk. I find a banana and I eat it. But my head become yellow. I go on walking, I walk, and walk, and walk. I meet strawberry and eat it. My head become red. I walk, and walk, and walk. I will go to your place and you ask me "How are you Catepillar?" I will say "Who are you?" You should say "I am a ruler, Catepillar." I claim "I am hungry, I want to eat you. Yummy. Yummy." Then, turn to class and ask "What I've eaten? 我吃了什麼?" Lead the class to say, "I've eaten a banana, and a strawberry, and a ruler." Everybody please repeat after me. I go on walking, and walking, and walking. Find other students to eat..... When the line is too long, I might say"I burst out!" Evryone should say," go home." The last one to get home will be the Catepillar for next play.
I just design this play, because the unit is "This is a ruler." Though, I have not done on my class. I hope my class will like this.

Learn to write

This afternoon, I went to a workshop where instructor taught how to write. The instructor mentioned that children should learn listen, speak, and read first. She said if one didn't have experience how can he/she write. Teacher should create context for children to follow. She would start with a story then lead children to act and create thinking. She introduced "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak, and ten more other stories. It is funny because I am looking for those stories too. So I didn't fall to sleep as the lecture went on three afternoon hours. I took lots of notes. The stories were told in Chinese and I needed to translate back to English. Overall, I learned listen and act can help not only drawing, but also writing.

English class

Hi! Good morning! there. I just did a new song: Hickory, dickory dock. After that, I told another story: the mouse and the sausage. It took about 10 minutes to complete. The TPR and the story are closely tied, so fifth grade students seemed to like both of them in a row. I used colored words (blue and red) for the song and two pictures, a mouse and a sausage. Students were amazed by the French tale, when I said the hotdog(sausage) found his friend inside the hot pot. I replaced the sausage with hotdog which mightbe easier for my students to understand. Somehow, I like this combination with this TPR song and the mouse story. I will schedule to present this combo during my observation for my practice training.

Early in the Saturday morning

I wake up as week day's time. Two day workshop on university had fueled my energy again. Most of students, actually we are practice teachers, fell to sleep, from time to time. We are not interested in what they speeched. We just wanted practice hour stamps. Some of members didn't show up, but asked others to sign fake signitures. It was not important matter because we got too much practice hours from local workshop separately. The benefit of this gathering is to meet our beloved classmates from all over the islands. Yesterday, we skipped one section and went out for break tea and lunch. All of a sudden, the earth vibrated largely. We knew it was an earthquake, but it was much smaller than 921. It reminded us what had been doing the crazy night of 921. I was surfing the internet, and the lamp fell from the desk somehow I managed to catch it before breaking off. The measure was 7.0, but it happened far away from our place. This morning the sun is shining and warm. It seems a beautiful day for me. I shall go now, bye!

Slow learner

Did we slow down fast learners' learning pace and at the same time we need to spend more time helping other learners who can't catch up? I think for the fast learners, they tend to make big step no matter how you might slow your pace. I remember seeing a old movie where adolescences and little children were taught in a class in Canada. Now, I teach a class with large discrepancy. I try different words, simple and a little complicate, for different level through a period. The fast learners can absorb the knowledge by themselves, whereas slow learner need more time to repeat those new vocabulary. There is a saying, we learn fast by teaching others. During a period, it is proper to ask students to group and work together so the whole class can make progress without regarding their levels. Don't blame for slow learners and think about this, we learn more from the poor people, don't we?

八卦山 Bug Show

This morning the bug show is taken in our student activity center. All the students are scheduled to attend. There are about fifty bugs, only four of them are alive whereas the others are sampled with description sheet. I helped to move tables and set up flags. I also watched for a class period, then hided myself into the computer room. Students are happened because they can run away from the classroom. Few of them are caught by their main classroom teacher for chasing and fighting in the presentation area. But overall, students are observing bugs with exciting mood and learn apart from the boring textbooks.

Songs for TPR

I don't know many songs for TPR. Last week, I taught "five little monkeys jumping on the bed" for all my classes. The results were extraordinary good, because they got organized from messy atmosphere. Children tend to get loose when they come to English classroom. Some delated about five minutes and got in the class where they could involve immediately with others in our physical acts. They don't need many vocabulry. Two classes said they had learned this before. They didn't mind playing again. The other TPR song I know is "the itsy bitsy spider" . I hope someone can help me.^^

My second post

I still don't know how to blog, which seems as brag to me. I am learning to write English since I am taking 全民英檢 and it is requested therein. Now it is Sunday afternoon, and I am supposed to read some English for the test. I just can't settle down my mind. Well, I do come and logon the internet. I don't know what else to write. I abide in central Taiwan and work as a practice teacher in an elementary school for half a year. Though the great Education Bureau call us practice student because we have to pass another test to earn a teacher licence, we act as a teacher to students. This is a brand new story for everybody. Anyway, the practice is considered as four courses to complete my educational program which is requested to be an elementary English teacher.