
I had a colleague who named herself as Cinderella. I told her it was not a great name for her. Cinderella couldn't marry the prince if godmother didn't showup, I thought. Cinderella is for poor girl, though she may have some kind of luck. Therefore, I suggested her why not just called "Cindy" instead. Later, she changed her name to Cindy. One day, I met a business woman who mentioned to me there was a pretty girl in her company, her name was Cindy. When I went to see the pretty girl, Cindy, it happened surprisely she was the "Cinderella", my ex colleague. What a small world it was! She said to me she liked the name, "Cindy" very much afterwards.


Yesterday, I learned there was a quake catastrophe in south asia. A major earthquake striked the under sea of India Ocea and made tsunami. It was reported approxiamtely 15,000 people had lost their lives and the death tolls was expected to increase. What a terrible massive disaster it was! What is the matter with our earth. I think it is almost hard to avoid this kind of catastrophe as long as the earth is evolving around the sun. All we can do is to pray and help those residents, the wounded, and victims as we possibly can. We should be aware of that even the modern society can't do anything to prevent it. And, we ought to cherish what we have at this moment on other side of the earth, right?

Who am I?

Who am I? This is the beginning of socialization. Cooley said, however, it started from the mirror. One examined himself through the mirror. This is also called one "I". Then, there are two I's which are created by G.H. Mead. Mead said one is "I" and another is "Me". The last, there were three "I" which were stated by Freud. He named three "I", as identity I, super ego, and ego. They all think people have the original "I" and another socialized "I". Last night I had a dream which could only happen in a dream. That was decribed by Freud as identity I. We are suppressed by our society, where some dreams just couldn't be mentioned to the public, right?


昨天唸國文,田園詩派始祖寫的詩,覺得內容寫得很好, 一時興來,翻成英文看看: Boat moved genly and slowly, winds started to pick up my clothes, the morning light seemed dull and unspoken, when I asked where was the returning road.
Clouds floated inside the valley, tired birds knew ways to return, shadows tilted longer and longer, as I loitered around the trees knowing the pleasure of coming home. 有沒有人,找得到這些原文句子?嘻

Water Plant

Water plant may be written as aquatic plant. Since I bought two tiny aquariums where only peacock fishes were raised, I have great interest about the life of peacock fish and some aquatic plants. The reason I grow two glass boxes, because I am afraid one is not enough and with two I can separate small fishes from big fishes. Yesterday I went to attend a class of aquatic plant. There teacher introduced not only the pictures of many kinds of aquatic plants, but also got us touring the campus pool. The pool is established like a river, but only eighty meters long and one meter wide. It is easy for me to jump from a bank to another bank. However, there are more than twenty species therein and it became hard for me to distinguish their names. I was surprise many peolple can call their names by their appearances. It was great that I learned many names in a day, like lily, and goldfish watergrass. At last of the class, I was filled with basic knowledge of aquatic plant and subsided my loquacious mood.

Global warming

Today is another warm day in Central Taiwan. The global warming is proposed by either the extraordinary light emitted by the sun or the energy consumed by our fast-paced society. It is hard to believe that many people wearing shorts in this time of the season. The result of the warm temperature will likely effect many things. The first some birds will stay in the north rather travelling to the south. The second many flowers don't blosom and no fruits ripen. The third some mosquitos and germs would thrive and people tend to get sick more easily. The fourth I won't feel the changes of the seasons and the power of the nature. In conclusion, I hope people should take this phenomenon seriously. For the long-term destination, we should cut down all the energy consumption as priority and keep earth clean and neat as possible.

General English Proficient Test

Yesterday, I participated the General English Proficient Test(GEPT 全民英檢). I felt exhausted after the test. This was a follow-up test which included only writing and speaking. I think I did pretty well on the writing test. There was only two questions, one was translation from Chinese to English and the other was compostion. On the speaking, it was a nightmare. I didn't know the rules until the exam had started. We had to reply to the questions in different periods of time. Some take 15 seconds, while some need 30 seconds. I remember I got some cut-off when I spoke at the midway. It was hard to control the timing. It should be called beating the clock or storming your brain. GEPT mainly assesses the living spoken English because no harsh words appeared. Anyway, I am glad it is over. I hope I don't need to trudge it over.


The internet is a product of technology that can connect two computers through electric wires or cables. Nowaday, people can send mails or messages immediately with a touch of keyboards. Since it is so convenient that many government agencies and institutions tend to rely on internet to process their daily works. However, the internet requires a computer that equipped with some hardwares and softwares, which seems expensive for many people with low income. Besides, the users have to learn how to operate properly that also cost them a lot of time and money. Luckily, children can learn from school, nevertheless the computer courses are designed by computer experts and most of students are left behind the basic curriculum. Most students logon internet just try to chat and play games that definitely slow study in their required courses. Many students can't resist the enchanting of internet, then skip their schools or meet internet pals to isolate their social lives and look for transient pleasures. Therefore, as people said what come around, go around. The internet bring many conveniences, but it also makes some teens away from normal life. Our education for children should be more careful and well prepared towards this newly prevail technology.

Sport Event

From yesterday, our school underwent sport events. One could see the school's field and track be packed with students. Students ran and jumped on campus trying to compete with each other. The official day for annual sport event is set on Saturday, however, many events were held before that day. Some class teacher are eager to put their students on training and hope to get better overcome for their students. The school is filled with energetic voices and laughs now. I really like this atmoshpere, for I used to an outstanding athelete in the good old time.


This morning I attended an observation of mathematics class that one practice teacher taught for first grade students in our elementar» school. It seems she has experience to subside those noise of »oung kids. The class were seated in small group that students tend to ¬uarell in man» wa»s. The content of instruction is counting the number within 1 and 20. I have no idea of how to teach the first graded, though I taught second graded last semester for one of m» practice training. I see it is ¬uite different from first grade and second grade. The first grade students still lack of disciprine, whereas the second grade know how to behave according to the rules set b» the class teacher. The practice teacher used animal pictures for students to number and students were asked to guess what animals being selected in the beginning. I think students were motivated and eagered to learn the counting. However, fort» minutes periods seem too long for first graded, that after twent» minutes students tended to move around their seats. A game was utilized to call students' attention. Students were cooperated mainl» because practice teacher keep use group competition and personal rewards. The class finall» ended with peace and we all have a great observation in this earl» Monda» morning.


Tomorrow is an election day of legislative members in Taiwan. Some people said they had received bribe money, while others said this time there will be a clear election and no bribe money would circulate in Taiwan. Democracy is based on counting citizen’s votes that seems reasonable as the constitution and local government law are established on people’s will. However, when bribe or distorted media are carried on, the elected members are produced by means of politician’s will or other party’s forces. The true democracy won’t arrive and our society will remain chaos indefinitely.From my view of the political situation in Taiwan, I find there are many things that can be improved. The first is the representatives are too many that many of them don’t show up during the meeting. The second is the election should depend on the smaller district, rather than larger district, some candidates are elected with small amount of votes. The third is candidates should be restricted by their backgrounds. Some of candidates are charged with criminal evidences that shouldn’t allowed to be voted. I hope people in Taiwan can elect their ideal legislatives according to their interests this time.

Alice In the Wonderland

Today the story for my students is "Alice in the wonderland." I think I did it pretty well. Actually, I have listened to this story for about a hundred times. I listen to the story audio CD again and again for many years, because it is so glamorous and sounded which also have improved my listening ability. The original story of "Alice in the wonderland" is somehow complicated to comprehand. Last week, I found another edition with audio CD in it made by local distribution and it was on sales for 49 NT dollors. I bought it immediately and also bought other three same type of colorful books. On the next day, I went to the store to buy other fifteen books, mostly fairtales. I have spent too much time from internet searching tales to tell for my students. I need pictures along with audio to prepare before my presentation. Now, I am better equiped as a story teller, I recken, from those books.

Credit Card

Credit card is more than a banking card that people can loan money from the credit card or the bank. Nowaday, people can charge to credit card in advance then pay later. It seems many people like to use it, while some people prefer to use cash instead. I always like to use it. The reasons will be described as following.
The first reason is that I don't need to prepare cash all the time. I don't need to carry much money and changes in my pocket. It is inconvenient for me to withdraw money, when sometime I have problem finding a bank or banking machine. The second reason is that the credit card is a sign of personal credit. When merchant charges my credit card through the telephone line, he or she will be noticed my prominent credit. The third reason is when my monthly payment can't reach properly to my account, I still can spend without much money at hand. Sometime when there are sales going on in the shop, I can also purchase goods and other necessity in advance.
Of course, people have discrepancy on their opinions about their consumption behaviors. I tend to prefer using credit card for the above reasons, though there is a high interest along with it if money transfer is delated.

writing on composition

This morning, I continued reading my English book which was a book I prepared for Tofel. This section was about compostion. I believed I read before, but it seemed foreign to me. However, I was surprised about some pages which stated how to begin a composition. It outlined several ways that looked familiar to me. The first one was to begin with a story. I was immediately falling to yesterday session when I speeched to students. I always told story to begin a session, didn't I. Did both writing and teaching merge as one. Should I write composition as if I am preparing a lesson plan? Then, I kept on reading. The second one was to begin with contrasting. I thought I was good at this one, because Tofel test gave all this kind of problem for examinee. While I am sleeping, others tend to lie awake. The third one is to pervide questions. This seemed to be used in a speech as beginning. The fourth one is to explain the topic. This was elementary students' preference. The fifth one is to begin with a proverb. I think I will skip this one because I can't memorize a thing. The sixth one is to begin with self feeling about the topic. I feel like this topic give me some hint and so on. These six ways were extraordinary for me, see, I still remember in my brain. It seems I put them in my long term memory since the morning.

Tell a story

This morning I went to tell a story for elementary students. I began with a chant for motivation. When students were ready, I would start my story right away. The story is extracted from a story book, "The Golden Arm." Students seemed like this kind of story because it was about a ghost. Though it was short, I still have many phases to memorize before going on the stage. Besides, I prepared three pictures and one fake golden arm. They didn't know how much time I spent on my preparation. I knew that onl» m»self. It took ten times to get myself ready. Can you believe?