baby dance~

Fox Dance~

dog狗叫 屋~ cat貓叫 喵~ bird鳥叫 啾~ mouse鼠叫 吱~ cow母牛叫 呣~ frog青蛙叫 嘓~ elephant大象叫 禿威~ duck鴨叫 呱~ fish魚叫 啵嚕~ seal海豹叫 凹~ 但有一種聲音,沒有人知道, fox狐狸怎麼叫? 鈴叮叮…x3 狐狸怎麼叫? 挖怕怕…x3 狐狸怎麼叫? 哈梯哈梯…x3 狐狸怎麼叫? 要要要要…x3 狐狸怎麼叫?
大藍眼睛 尖鼻子 追老鼠 挖洞洞 小爪子 爬山丘 突然你不動了。 你的毛皮紅色 好美麗 像天使在裝扮。 如果你遇見一隻友善的馬, 你會怎麼跟他溝通呢? 摩摩摩摩斯…x3 你怎麼說這隻? 馬horse…x3 狐狸怎麼叫? 呷呷呷呷到…x3 狐狸怎麼叫? 給給給給靠…x3 狐狸怎麼叫? 呦呼呦呼伊…x3 狐狸怎麼叫? 啊嗚嗚嗚…x3 狐狸怎麼叫?
啵啵啵哩 嘟嗚… 我們知否, 啵啵啵哩 嘟嗚… 我想知道,我想我想我想知道, 啵啵啵哩 嘟嗚…

The Rooster and The Fox

The Rooster and the Fox, An Aesop's Fable
“beware of sudden offers of friendship”
The first ray of morning sun peeked over the mountains and shined down into the valley.
One solitary beam hit the rooster perched high atop the barn roof.
He opened his eyes and sang, "cock-a'doodle-doo."
All the animals were awoke and came hearing the rooster’s song.
The horses yawned and stretched their legs in their stables
The pigs rolled over in the mud and went to their troughs for breakfast.
Cows shuffled over to their mothers for a drink of milk.
And far away in the hills, the fox lifted his sleepy head.
The fox's belly growled.
"I'm so hungry," said the fox.
"All the farm animals in the valley Have eaten up a big healthy farm breakfast, and I am left alone, and hungry and here in the hill. It isn't fair"
In the valley, the rooster sang again, cock-a'doodle-doo.
Then the fox had an idea "I’ll eat that singing rooster that's what I'll do."
Quietly the fox came down and out of the hills and clawed onto the farm.
When he got to the barn, he looked up and said, "Hey rooster, I heard you singing up in the hills, you have a beautiful voice, come down and teach me how to sing as beautifully as you."
"If I come down you will eat me," said the rooster.
The fox was clever, he said, "have you not heard the news, all animals have agreed to live in peace and harmony. We can sing love songs together and be friends.
Please come down and teach me how to sing as beautifully as you."
The rooster was not a fool he knew that the fox was more deceitful and cunning than all the other animals the rooster said nothing to the fox but looked down into the distance as if he saw something interesting.
"What are you looking at," asked the fox. "I see a pack of wolves and they are coming this way," said the rooster.
The fox looked alarmed and nervous I really should be going now, rooster.
"Please don't go, we will wait for the wolves to come and then we can tell them about the new peace among animals. we can all learn to sing and love together."
It was too late, the fox had already raced back to his home in the hills.

Fox and Stork

To give without joy, not only carries no merit, but engenders afflictions.慈濟靜思語(六)張顗溱 劉子滎 Good morning Ladies, Gentlemen, and honorable judges. Today I'm going to tell a story about the Fox and the Stork. "Fox, I’ve lost my appetite, I haven’t had a decent meal lately. I need to find some delicious gourmet to bring back my appetite." "Is that right, I thought, you looked a little pale and skinny…" the fox said. "You think so. I’m worried." "Oh! Don’t worry too much, you will be all right." Later, the stork received an email from the fox. "Why! It’s from my friend Fox." "To my dear friend Stork, I hope all things are well with you. If you are free for dinner tomorrow, you are invited to my home for a special meal. Who knows, you might just get your lost appetite back." "What a friend, of course, I will be there!", the stork said. Next day, the stork visited the fox’s house. And they had dinner together. While the fox was enjoying the gourmet beef broth. The stork failed miserably to have even a single drop of delicious beef broth. "What’s wrong Stork, please go on 'eat up!', I’ve specially made the soup just for you…" "I’m so sorry, I was really looking forward to this dinner. But I’m afraid I’ve such an upset stomach. It must be the pizza I had for lunch." "What a shame! And it’s such good soup too! Too bad! Maybe next time…" "Yes, of course! Next time, you must have lunch with me." Oh my~ The fox had planned ahead to make fun of the Stork. What a mean fox, Oink~ Finally, it’s about time, the Stork invites me for the dinner. "Thank you for the dinner last time. I would like to treat you this time. Let’s have dinner together tomorrow. I have prepared a delicious gourmet just for you." "Oh, I’m so lucky! Free delicious gourmet, and the Stork still doesn’t know, she has been tricked," the Fox said. The next day, Grinning and gloating fox went to the Stork’s house for delicious meal. While the stork was enjoying the gourmet shrimp dinner. Now I understand this was the Stork’s plan. "Stork, my friend, is this for me? I mean, the long necked jar?" "Of course, my dear friend, beautiful and expensive jar just for this occasion. No expense is spared for my best buddy. Now, don’t be modest, Eat~" Then, the fox realized that he has been outsmarted by the stork. And thought backed on the prank he had played on the stork a few days back. The fox felt shame for this actions. Unable to eat a single bite, the fox held on to his hungry stomach. This is the end of my story, thank you.

The lion and the clever rabbit

Do not underestimate yourself; , everyone has unlimited potential.(八) There once lived a huge hungry lion in a vast jungle. All the animals were afraid of him, Because he would kill many of them everyday for food. They had to find a way to stop him from killing all of them. After discussing among themselves, they went to the lion. We have come to ask you to hear us. You are our King and every King needs subjects. If you eat us all, then you will not have any subjects left. We will send you an animal everyday to your cave. This way you will get food without hunting for it. The lion agreed to the plan. He threatened to kill all of them if they ever failed to provide him food. And from that day onwards one animal was sent to the lion’s cave everyday. This plan seemed to work until it was the turn of the rabbits. A small, clever rabbit, when asked to go to the lion, Wanted to save himself and the other animals. He made a plan. He went to the lion and on seeing him the lion got angry. You are too small for my meal. I’m going to teach the animals a lesson for cheating me. I shall kill them all. Oh great King you must not blame us. There were 6 rabbits sent for your meal, But another lion ate the other 5 up. A lion? Who is he? Where does he live? He was a big lion, and he wanted to eat me too. But I told him that you would eat him up for spoiling your meal. He told the lion that the other lion became furious. And insisted that he was the bravest lion in the forest. And that he was the only King in the jungle. He boasted that he would show this Lion who the real king was. On hearing this the lion was enraged. His roar shook the jungle. Take me to this fool. I shall have no peace until I kill him. Yes, master. You must show that other lion who the real king is. He led the big lion into the jungle. He took him to a deep well and pointed down the well saying. That the other lion lived down there. The lion looked into the well and saw his own reflection in the well. He thought it was the other lion. The lion got even more enraged and jumped into the well to attack the other lion. He hit the water in the well with a loud splash and drowned. The clever little rabbit returned home and retold his adventure. All the other animals in the jungle were happy that their greatest enemy was dead. You have been very clever, my little friend. Yes, and you have brought courage back into the jungle.


With selfless intentions,, we will be showered with blessings.(34) The Honest Woodcutter in Aesop’s Fable Honesty is rewarded with kindness. Once upon a time, there were a woodcutter and his wife. They had three children. The family lived in a little house near the forest. Saturday was market day. Many people from the villages nearby. Went to town to buy and sell things. The woodcutter arose early in the morning. He yawned, stretched, and put on his work trousers. His wife set up in bed and watched her husband get ready for the day. I will go to the forest at once. Many people will go to the market today. They will want to buy firewood to cook their food. Work hard today husband. We only have three stale pieces of bread and a half a stick of butter. Please bring home money for food. Our children are hungry. I will do wife. I will bring you home four fat turkeys for dinner. The woodcutter walked as fast as he could to the forest. He began chopping wood as soon as he got there. Unfortunately the head of his axe was loose. It fell into a lake nearby. The woodcutter dived into the water. Yet, he could not find his axe. He dived again and again. Soon he felt tired and cold. So he sit on the bank of the lake. The woodcutter was very sad. Oh, no. I will not have any wood to sell today. How shall I get the money to buy the beautiful fat turkey I promised my wife. We will starve. At that moment a lovely fairy appeared from behind a tree. Kind Sir, why are you crying? My axe fell into the water without my axe, I cannot well wood to the people at the market. I’m poor. I need to feed my family. I promised my wife of fat turkey for dinner. The fairy looked at the man with compassion. Then she lifted into the air and gracefully dived into the lake. She came out of the water holding a golden axe. Is this your axe? Oh, no. I’m sorry, but that is not my axe. My axe does not made of gold. The fairy jumped into the lake again. Soon she came out with a silver axe. Is this your axe? Oh, no. That’s not mine either. My axe is not made of silver. My axe is a common axe made of wood and iron. The fairy jumped again into the water. Then she came back with an iron axe. Is this the one? The woodcutter fell to his knees. His eyes were filled with tears of joy. Yes, it is. That’s my iron axe. Thank you kind fairy. I will be able to chop wood. You are honest man. Because of your honesty, you may have the gold and silver axe, too. You may sell them. The good axe would sell a lot of money at the market. You will have plenty of food to feed your family tonight. So, the man spend all day chopping wood he work twice as hard, Because of his joy. That night, after selling all his wood and axes at the market, he came home with two big beautiful turkeys for his wife and children.

The boy and the Apple tree

The giving tree shows us most beautiful on Earth, is human warmth and love.

Treasure Hunt

西遊記 打白骨精

英文劇本:King and the White Bone Demon, 中文: (Monkey Hit Lady White Bone Thrice)人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空 P:猪八戒 J:沙僧 B:白骨精 B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆B3:B变化成的老头 旁白: Tungsun the monk and his three disciples were on their way to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures. One day, they were traveling by the White Tiger Mountain. When Monkey King saw there was cloudy and misting in the valley, he knew this mountain was bound to harbor demons. 孫悟空: Something must be wrong here. 猪八戒: Why? Why? I don’t care. I am so hungry. I have to take a break. 孫悟空: There must be something around here. 唐僧:(轻咳)Wukong, actually, I am a bit hungry. Could you go to get me some food? 猪八戒: You see , Master is hungry, too! 唐僧: Pigsy! Don’t forget who ate my last meal! 沙僧: But, Master, if a monster comes while brother monkey is away….. 唐僧: Em…….It is a problem. Wukong, do you have any idea? 孫悟空: No problem! 沙僧: What is it? 孫悟空: I’m making an electric circle! I have learnt the energy of electricity. No monster can approach you if you stay in it! You three stay within the circle that will protect you all. I’ll get some food, be back. 唐僧: it looks like a good idea. Be careful Monkey. 孫悟空: I will. You guys take care. You guys stay inside the circle. 猪八戒: Hurry up. I'm starving. 沙僧: Goodluck brother. 沙僧: You think there are any demands around here 猪八戒: I don’t think so. I think the Monkey is paralyze. All: Eh! 沙僧: Can you hear anything? 猪八戒: You always think I can always hear something from my stomach. 小精靈: The Monk is here. Boss, I have something to tell you. 白骨精: What? 小精靈: Tungsun the Monk is here. 白骨精: Are you sure? 小精靈: You always want to have a piece of meat from Tungsun the Monk. 白骨精: One can become immortal after eating meat of Tungsun the Monk. 小精靈: However, he’s accompanied by a monkey. He’s very powerful. He just left and will be back soon. It’s time to catch the Monk. 白骨精: Shut up! Are you telling me how to do my job? I know how to do some at first. 小精靈: OK. 猪八戒: Where is the Monkey? Why does he need to take so long? 沙僧: Be patience, Pigsy. He’ll be back soon. 猪八戒: Where’s he? He must forget the time right now. He forgets already. 沙僧: Be quiet, Pigsy. You are talking too much. 旁白: 白骨精: I never thought this is gonna so easy. Whaaaaah~ Ouch, what the hell is it? It’s an electricity. Dam it. I have to make another plan. 猪八戒: Sandy, is that a girl over here? 沙僧: Where? 猪八戒: Hello. Over there. 猪八戒: i can't believe my eyes. 沙僧: What are you doing? Pigsy. 猪八戒: i want to talk to her. I smell food. She must carry some food. 沙僧: Don’t leave the circle Monkey said stay in the circle. 猪八戒: I don’t care what Monkey said. Besides, can’t you see it? She is only a girl. Hello, girl, where do you come from? Where are you going? 白骨精: I live nearby. I am going to a temple. 猪八戒: Really? We are all the monks. Can you bring it to the temple. Is any food there? We haven’t had any food for three days. 白骨精: Of course. It’s my pleasure. 猪八戒: Great! Hey, Everyone. There is a temple nearby. There are plenty of food. This girl will take us there. 沙僧: We can’t go. Monkey told us to stay inside the circle. He hasn’t come back yet. 唐僧: Yes, we must stay inside the circle. 白骨精: Sorry, I have to go before it starts. 猪八戒: Wait, let’s go. The Monkey will find us. Please wait for us. 沙僧: Pigsy, don’t do that.
The Tang Priest (San zang) and his three disciples were on their way to the Western Heaven to obtain Buddhist scriptures. One day they were traveling in a high mountain. When Monkey (Wukong) saw it was cloudy and misting in the valley, he knew this mountain was bound to harbor fiends. He drew a magic circle with his cudgel on the ground to protect his master. He told Pig and Friar Sand to protect the Tang Priest and for the three of them not to leave the circle. He then went to have a look at the mountain and pick some fruit to bring back to eat. This mountain did indeed have a corpse fiend called Lady White Bone, who had been here for a thousand years. It had heard that anyone who ate a piece of the Tand Priest’s flesh will live forever, so it tried three times to capture him. The first time it changed itself into a young, beautiful girl holding a basket of food. With her charming smile, she almost succeeded in talking the master and his two disciples into coming out of the circle. Just at the last moment, Monkey came. Monkey came. Realizing that she was an evil spirit, he raised his cudgel and hit her. The fiend changed into a gust of smoke and fled. The second time the fiend turned itself into an old woman, who walked towards them leaning on a stick with a crooked handle. Monkey recognized it and struck it again. Like the first time, the fiend fled. The third time it turned itself into an old man, sitting before a hut waiting for the Tang Priest to come. Monkey saw through the fiend’s disguise, raised his cudgel and struck it down. The fiend this time left a piece of cloth from the cloud, saying: “ If you’re as kind as a Buddha, how can you kill? Keep Wukong with you and no scriptures will you get.” Sanzang believed the writing. He blamed Wukong for killing three people one after another, and forced him to leave. 人物:T唐僧S:孙悟空 E:猪八戒 J:沙僧 B:白骨精(何平) B1:B变成的村姑 B2:B变成的太婆B3:B变化成的老头 T: Emitofo,do you know where we are now? S: Bajie,map! E: (摸出,递给S) S: Look,boss (凑近T)………(T、S一齐转向E) T: Bajie!How Many times I have told you, don’t bring these pictures of beautiful girls! E: Oh, boss!Forgive me(伸手拿回) T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west E: But…… T: Emitofo,nothing is lust,lust is nothing! Map? E: (递)Here.Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So. S: Fat Pig! E: Monkey,if you dare to say these two words once again,I will ,I will………. S: You will what(凶相)? E: (软禁)I will help you catch fleas(跳蚤). S: Hm! T:(轻咳)Wukong,factually,I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food? E: You see , boss is hungry,too! T: Baijie!Don’t forget who ate my last meal! J: But boss,if a monster comes while brother monkey is away….. T: Em…….It is a problem.Wukong,do you have any idea? S: No problem!(安装)(B已躲在一旁偷看) J: This is…..? S: Electric net!I have learnt the energy of electricity from boss’s books. So I made this. No monster can approach you if you stay in it! T: Em……Wukong, you are becoming more and more scientific! Emitofo, knowledge is power! S: Bye!(走) T: Let’s play cards!(三人开始打牌)音乐《斗地主》 B: Hm!Hm!Electric net?You are too childish.(变成B1) B1: (接近三人,望着)Can I join you? J: I’m sorry,lady. We are playing Fighting Against landowner and three people are enough. B1: (在一旁观看)Oh,Chance! Bomb! T: Bomb?(打出) B1: Double King! T: Oh….I win! Em……,Lady,you are a boss-hand. Come in and teach me!(准备开电网门) S: (回来,看见B1)Oh,monster!(上前就打) B1: (倒)Ah…… T: (气愤)Wukong! Look what have done! She is my teacher! S: She is a monster! T: Nonsense!(深呼吸) S: Oh,please don’t…… T:It’s too late!(唱)Once more……you open the door…(泰坦尼克主题曲,走音离谱) S: Please,Please,oh,no……(痛苦抱头) T: (呛住,咳)Wukong,I’m disappointed with you! B: (真身出现)Hm!Sun Wukong, I’ll teach you a lesson!(变成太婆) B2:Hello,have you seen my daughter? T: Daughter?...(连忙挡住地尸体)No,sorry!(陪笑,B2想看后面是什么,T挡) S: (咬牙切齿)You monster, I’ll beat you into hell!(S追打B2,B2躲至T身后,S打,不想打到T头,T晕,S再打死B2) E&J: Are you Ok, boss?(扶T) J: Look,(伸食指)how many? T:Two…..(晕乎乎地)Sun Wukong, game over!(变成B3) B3: (看到B1,B2尸体)Oh….,my daughter, my wife! Who did it?!!(哭喊) S: I’ll kill you, monster!(打) T: (想阻止,未及)You,you.....(险些晕,E,J扶住 )You have killed three lives! S: No,they are not human beings!They are created by monster! T: Monster?You are a real monster!Never let me see you,go!! S: (悲,离去)(音乐,营造 “假”悲伤气氛)《人鬼情未了》 J: boss, brother Monkey is....... T: Don't mention that guy any more! B: (出现) Ha,ha,ha!(三尸体B1,B2,B3在B招手后“飘”走) T: (惊)You are...... B: How foolish you are ,Mr Tang!(E,J去阻斗,被击退) B: (抓住T)I'll enjoy your meat and blood,ha,ha...... S: (悄悄走到B后,打B,B晕)A thousand years later. T: Wukong? E: Oh,Brother Monkey! J: Our hero is back! T: I,I can't understand......What happened? S: Boss,your IQ needs increasing! This monster changed its appearance into three shapes in order to cheat you! T: How,how did you find out? S: (沉默).......Monkey's intuition(直觉) T: Wukong(S不理T)I admit my mistake this time(S仍不理)I'm sorry(小声) S: What? T: I'm sorry. S: Em? Louder,please? T: 捂耳)(音乐响)《敢问路在何方》(这个放伴奏)

What makes you beautiful Dance~

[Chorus] ~~合唱部分~~
Baby you light up 發光 my world like nobody else不像別人
The way that you 指向你 flip your hair 撩髪 gets me overwhelmed 膨脹摸頭
But you when smile 微笑 at the ground 指向地上it aint hard to tell甩手兩次
You don't know指著頭
Oh oh前傾
You don't know 指向你you're beautiful完美
If only甩手 you 指向你 saw what I 指向自己 can see看見
You'll understand why 甩手 I want you 指向你 so desperately 跪著搖頭
Right now I'm looking看見 at you and I can't believe 甩手兩次
You don't know指著頭
Oh oh前傾
You don't know指向你 you're beautiful完美
Oh oh前傾
But that's what makes招手 you beautiful

Best Song Ever 舞步


And we danced all night to the best song ever
(1)木偶    (2)擺頭
We knew every line now I can't remember
(1)舉手    (2)划船
How it goes but I know that I won't forget her
(1)排隊   (2)擋擋
'Cos we danced all night to the best song ever
(1)游泳    (2)跳跳

oh, oh, oh yeah, yeah, yeah
it goes.......... woo!
搖搖       ......拜拜


The easiest way to take brewer's yeast is to stir a teaspoonful into a glass of vegetable juice (tomato juice蕃茄汁 is perfect).沒有酵母可以用任何的果汁代替喔。

Tacky the Penguin~


Narrator 1: There once lived a penguin class. Narrator 2: Their classroom was a nice icy land, where they shared with each other. Narrator 1: One penguin's name was Tacky. Tacky was an odd bird. Narrator 2: His classmates were named Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect. Narrator 1: Every day Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect greeted each other politely. Goodly: Hi! Lovely: Hi! Angel: Hi! Perfect: Hi! Narrator 2: But, Tacky greeted them with a hearty slap and a loud Tacky: WHAT'S HAPPENING?
Narrator 2: Goodly, Lovely, Neatly, Angel, and Perfect always marched. Goodly: 1-2-3-4 Lovely: 1-2-3-4 Neatly: 1-2-3-4 Angel: 1-2-3-4 Perfect: 1-2-3-4 Narrator 3: Tacky always marched 1-2-3 4-2 3-6-0 2 1/2 - 0. Narrator 4: His companions were graceful divers. Narrator 5: Tacky liked to do splashy cannonballs. Narrator 1: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect always sang songs like "What makes you beautiful" Narrator 2: Tacky always sang songs like "What makes you beautiful" Tacky was an odd bird!
Narrator 3: One day the penguins heard the thump, thump, thump of feet in the distance. Narrator 4: This could only mean one thing.
Narrator 5: Hunter's had come! Narrator 1: They came with maps and traps and rocks and locks, and they were rough and tough. Narrator 2: As the thump...thump...thump drew closer, the penguins could hear growly voices chanting. Hunter 1: We're gonna catch some pretty penguins, Hunter 2: And we'll march them with a switch, Hunter 3: And we'll send them for a dollar, Hunter 4: And get rich, rich, RICH! Narrator 3: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect ran away in fright. Narrator 4: They hid behind a block of ice. Narrator 5: Tacky stood alone. Narrator 1: The hunters marched right up to him, chanting, Hunter 1: We're gonna catch some pretty penguins, Hunter 2: And we'll march them with a switch, Hunter 3: And we'll sell them for a dollar, Hunter 4: And get rich, rich, RICH! Tacky: What's happening? ALL Hunters: We are hunting for penguins. That is what's happening. Tacky: PENGUINS? Do you mean those birds that march neatly in a row? 1-23 4-2 3-6-0 2 1/2 0 Narrator 2: The hunters looked puzzled. Tacky: Do you mean those birds that dive so gracefully? Narrator 3: And he did a splashy cannonball. The hunters looked wet. Tacky: Do you mean those birds that sing such pretty songs? Narrator 4: Tacky began to sing and from behind the block of ice came the voices of his companions, all singing as loudly and dreadfully as they could. Goodly: How many toes does a fish have? Lovely: And how many wings on a cow? Angel: I wonder, yup. Neatly: I wonder! Narrator 5: The hunters could not stand the horrible singing. Narrator 1: This could not be the land of the pretty penguins. Narrator 2: They ran away with their hands clasped tightly over their ears, Narrator 3: leaving behind the traps and rocks and locks, Narrator 4: and not looking at all rough and tough. Narrator 5: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect hugged Tacky. Tacky was an odd bird but a very nice bird to have around.
<><><><><><<><><><><><><><><><><> Penguin written by, Meish Goldish I know a bird That cannot fly: Penguin is its name. It cannot fly, But it can swim With speed that wins it fame! I know a bird That lives on ice And waddles by the sea. It looks so cute In its black and white suit, As handsome as can be! <><><><><><<><><><><><><><><><><> Tacky the Duck Parts(10): Narrator 1 Narrator 2 Tacky Goodly Lovely Angel Neatly Perfect Hunter 1 Hunter 2 Hunter 3 Narrator 1: There once lived a little yellow duck. Narrator 2: His home was a nice and wide pool he shared with his companions. Narrator 1: His companions were named Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect. Narrator 2: The duck's name was Tacky. Tacky was an odd duck. Narrator 1: Every day Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect greeted each other politely. Goodly: Hi! Lovely: Hi! Angel: Hi! Neatly: Hi! Perfect: Hi! Narrator 1: Tacky greeted them with a hearty slap and a loud. Tacky: WHAT'S HAPPENING? Narrator 2: Goodly, Lovely, Neatly, Angel, and Perfect always marched. Goodly: 1-2-3-4 Lovely: 1-2-3-4 Neatly: 1-2-3-4 Angel: 1-2-3-4 Perfect: 1-2-3-4 Narrator 3: Tacky always marched 1-2-3-1, 1-2-3-half, 1-2-3-one quarter. Narrator 4: His companions were graceful sliders. Narrator 5: Tacky liked to do some splashes. Narrator 1: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect always sang songs like "So get out, get out, get out of my head And fall into my arms instead I don't, I don't, don't know what it is But I need that one thing And you've got that one thing." Narrator 2: Tacky always sang songs like " How many toes does a fish have? And how many wings on a cow? ." Tacky was an odd duck! Narrator 3: One day the ducks heard the thump, thump, thump of feet in the distance. Narrator 4: This could only mean one thing. Narrator 5: Hunter's had come! Narrator 1: They came with maps and traps and rocks and locks, and they were rough and tough. Narrator 2: As the thump...thump...thump drew closer, the ducks could hear growly voices chanting. Hunter 1: We're gonna catch some pretty ducks, Hunter 2: And we'll march them with a switch, Hunter 3: And we'll send them for a dollar, Hunter 4: And get rich, rich, RICH! Narrator 3: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect ran away in fright. Narrator 4: They hid behind a block of duck. Narrator 5: Tacky stood alone. Narrator 1: The hunters marched right up to him, chanting, Hunter 1: We're gonna catch some pretty ducks, Hunter 2: And we'll march them with a switch, Hunter 3: And we'll sell them for a dollar, Hunter 4: And get rich, rich, RICH! Tacky: What's happening? ALL Hunters: We are hunting for ducks. That is what's happening. Tacky: Ducks? Do you mean those birds that march neatly in a row? 1-2-3-1, 1-2-3-half, 1-2-3-one quarter. Narrator 2: The hunters looked puzzled. Tacky: Do you mean those ducks that dive so gracefully? Narrator 3: And he did a splash. The hunters looked wet. Tacky: Do you mean those birds that sing such pretty songs? Narrator 4: Tacky began to sing and from behind the block of rock came the voices of his companions, all singing as loudly and dreadfully as they could. Goodly: How many toes does a fish have? Lovely: And how many wings on a cow? Angel: I wonder, yup. Neatly: I wonder! Narrator 5: The hunters could not stand the horrible singing. Narrator 1: This could not be the land of the pretty ducks. Narrator 2: They ran away with their hands clasped tightly over their ears, Narrator 3: leaving behind the traps and rocks and locks, Narrator 4: and not looking at all rough and tough. Narrator 5: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect hugged Tacky. Tacky was an odd duck but a very nice duck to have around.

Bob The Snowman~

Arthur's Christmas 有劇本~

This article describes how Readers Theatre was implemented as an engaging means for reading fluency instruction in a second-grade classroom. A weekly Readers Theatre format was utilized over the course of a school year. The format was added to the existing literacy program. Data collected during the school year revealed significant gains in reading fluency. The readers grew more than expected for the typical second grader. Students, parents, and other school personnel viewed Readers Theatre as an enjoyable and motivating instructional tool. Overall the strategy was relatively easy to implement and produced the desired results through an engaging classroom experience. Abstract from Young, C., & Rasinski, T. (2009, September). Implementing Readers Theatre as an Approach to Classroom Fluency Instruction. The Reading Teacher, 63(1), 4–13. doi: 10.1598/RT.63.1.1 Available in its Published Form: International Reading Association.


九大行星是用羅馬神話裡的眾神名字來命名的 My = Mercury [ˋmɝkjərɪ] 水星, 這個字同時也有 "水銀" 的意思 在羅馬神話裡, Mercury 是個信差, 也是天帝宙斯的私生子之一 它的形容詞 mercurial [mɝˋkjʊrɪəl] 現在多半用來形容一個人情緒多變, 陰晴不定 Very = Venus [ˋvinəs] 金星, 也是愛神維納斯的名字 Educated = Earth 我們的地球, 又叫 "藍色星球" (the blue planet) 地球是從太陽數過來的第三個行星 也有人叫它 the third planet from the Sun 十多年前美國有個很紅的影集叫 Third Rock from the Sun 字面上的意思就是 "從太陽數過來的第三顆石頭" 台灣譯為 "外星人報到" 內容就是在講有一群外星人來到地球, 為了觀察我們而偽裝成地球人 卻常常因為不懂我們的文化和人情世故而鬧笑話 想當年我可是這部影集的忠實觀眾, 去美國時還買了很多他們的紀念品, 哈哈... Mother = Mars 火星, 也是神話中的戰神 火星又稱 "紅色星球" (the red planet) Just = Jupiter [ˋdʒupətɚ] 木星, 也就是天帝宙斯 (Zeus) 在羅馬神話裡的名字 Served = Saturn [ˋsætɚn] 土星, 也是通用汽車 (GM) 一款車子的名字 Saturn 在神話中是宙斯的老爸 Us = Uranus [ˋjʊərənəs] 天王星, 大家有沒有想過它為何要譯為 "天王" 星呢? 其實是因為 Uranus 在神話裡是宙斯的 "阿公" (爺爺) 老外有時會拿這個名字來開玩笑 故意把它唸做 Your anus (你的屁眼) 兩個字 ( anus 是 "肛門" ) 也算是記住它名字的另類方法吧~ Nine = Neptune [ˋnɛptjun] 海王星, 因為他就是神話中的海神 最後, Pizzas / Pies = Pluto 冥王星, 這個神就是管死後世界的沒錯 不過 Pluto 也是大家從小看的迪士尼卡通裡的那隻狗 "普魯托" 的名字 所以, 把 My very educated mother just served us nine pies 變成九大行星: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto 就是它們從太陽數過來, 最近到最遠的順序了 雖然可能不是大家常會用到的英文字 就當是趣味新知囉~ 另外要補充的是 "太陽系" 叫 the solar system solar [ˋsolɚ] 這個字就是形容詞 "太陽的" 所以 "太陽能" 就是 solar power 還有, 在講太陽或月亮等, 我們這個地球(世界)唯一一個的東西時 記得要在前面加個 the 比如: The sun is up early today. Look at the moon. 等用法 不是因為要指定某個太陽或月亮 而是 the 這個定冠詞的特殊用法之一

One Direction - More Than This

"One Direction - More Than This"

I'm broken, do you hear me / 我支離破碎了 妳聽到了嗎 I'm blinded, cos you are everything I see / 我什麼也看不見 因為我眼中只有妳 I'm dancing, alone / 我一個人跳著舞 I'm praying, that your heart will just turn around / 祈禱著希望妳的心會回頭 And as I walk up to your door / 送妳到門口 My head turns to face the floor / 我只能低頭看著地上 Cos I can't look you in the eyes and say / 因為我無法看著妳的眼睛說.. When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight / 今晚當他張開雙臂 It just won't feel right / 一切是那麼的不對勁 Cos I can love you more than this, yeah / 因為我可以愛妳更多 When he lays you down, I might just die inside / 當他在妳身旁躺下 我的心就枯萎了 It just don't feel right / 一切是那麼的不對勁 Cos I can love you more than this / 因為我可以愛妳更多 Can love you more than this / 可以愛妳更多 If I'm louder, would you see me / 如果我大聲呼喊 妳會看到我嗎 Would you lay down in my arms and rescue me / 妳願意躺在我的懷中 拯救我嗎 Cos we are, the same / 因為我們是一體的 You save me, when you leave and it's gone again / 妳拯救了我 但是當妳離開一切又都消失了 And then I see you on the street / 我看到妳在街上 In his arms, I get weak 挽著他的手 我無法承受 My body fails, I'm on my knees / 我站不住了 我跪著 Prayin' / 祈禱.. When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight / 今晚當他張開雙臂 It just won't feel right / 一切是那麼的不對勁 Cos I can love you more than this, yeah / 因為我可以愛妳更多 When he lays you down, I might just die inside / 當他在妳身旁躺下 我的心就枯萎了 It just don't feel right / 一切是那麼的不對勁 Cos I can love you more than this, yeah / 因為我可以愛妳更多 I've never had the words to say / 我總是不善言辭 But now 'Im asking you to stay / 但是我現在請求妳留下來 For a little while inside my arms / 在我的懷抱裡再待一下吧 And as you close your eyes tonight / 今晚當妳閉上眼睛 I pray that you will see the light / 我祈禱妳會看見那道光芒 That's shining from the stars above / 那是天上的星星閃爍著 When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight / 今晚當他張開雙臂 It just won't feel right / 一切是那麼的不對勁 Cos I can love you more than this / 因為我可以愛妳更多 Cos I can love you more than this / 因為我可以愛妳更多 When he lays you down, I might just die inside / 當他在妳身旁躺下 我的心就枯萎了 It just don't feel right / 一切是那麼的不對勁 Cos I can love you more than this, yeah / 因為我可以愛妳更多 When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight / 今晚當他張開雙臂 It just won't feel right / 一切是那麼的不對勁 Cos I can love you more than this / 因為我可以愛妳更多 When he lays you down, I might just die inside / 當他在妳身旁躺下 我的心就枯萎了 It just don't feel right / 一切是那麼的不對勁 Cos I can love you more than this / 因為我可以愛妳更多 Can love you more than this / 可以愛妳更多
加強英聽,綠野仙蹤故事聽看看,本書要去書局買,時報出版,成*寒著~ CD 1
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彰化區高中職網路整理102年 基測 PR+總分 103年 會考寫作級分

彰化區高中職網路整理102年 基測 PR+總分 103年 會考寫作級分
學校 99PR值 總分 100PR 總 101PR 總 102PR+總+ 會考 寫作
彰中...... 89 385 89 380 80 375 75+ 350+ 1A4B 5級
彰女...... 90 388 91 382 80 377 77+ 360+ 1A4B 4級
員中...... 82 370 85 372 70 345 65+ 322+ 4B1C 4級
溪湖高中 68 336 71 340 68 328 55+ 287+ 5B 4級
精誠高中 68 340 76 348 69 333 60+ 306+ 1A4B 4級
和美實驗 74 350 75 350 66 325 58+ 296+ 1A4B 4級
彰化藝術 62 318 70 347 66 325 51+ 275+ 5B 4級
綜高... 81 368 84 374 75 346 66+ 323+ 1A4B 4級
商經科 71 342 76 353 62 309 59+ 302+
國貿科 76 356 80 366 64 317 62+ 310+
資料科 73 348 77 360 61 307 57+ 290+ 5B 3級
廣告科 71 344 74 345 66 325 57+ 290+
應外科 81 367 84 375 66 325 66+ 325+
機械科 74 351 75 355 70 325 60+
鑄造科 57 301 74 348 66 310 55+ 282+
汽車科 65 326 70 345 68 320 60+
機電科 78 362 82 371 72 330 66+
製圖科 72 345 78 365 68 320 63+
木模科 61 314 65 328 65 328 64+ 3B2C 4級
電機科 83 372 84 375 73 335 69+ 329+
電子科 84 374 84 379 74 340 71+
控制科 80 366 81 370 70 325 66+
建築科 71 344 71 344 68 320 60+
綜高... 70 335 73 330 69 333 65+ 4B1C 4級
普通科 60 310 61 310 58 300 49+ 260 3B2C 4級
商經科 60 310 66 331 58 300 48+ 257
國貿科 63 322 72 346 58 300 50+
汽車科 46 260 50 276 50 276 45+ 1B4C 4級
水產... 63 321 60 310 50 276 45+
普通科 ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? 300 45+ 4B1C 3級
普通科 ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ??? 45+
普通科 ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? 310 43+ 4B1C 4級
普通科 42 243 50 290 58 270 42+ 240 4B1C 4級
綜合高 48 261 45 243 45 240 40+ 3B2C 4級
機械科 50 268 42 243 44 240 40+
電機科 54 282 46 258 50 255 40+
建築科 50 277 44 251 50 240 40+
電子科 53 279 47 262 50 255 42+
商經科 58 295 51 279 50 240 40+
資料科 60 301 50 275 50 240 40+
幼保科 29 188 42 240 37 210 40+
家政科 64 313 59 307 60 300 56+
幼保科 61 315 56 297 60 300 56+
服裝科 65 316 61 313 60 300 56+
商經科 69 327 64 324 66 310 55+
應外科 71 333 67 333 70 320 60+
國貿科 70 330 66 329 69 310 60+
資訊科 69 327 65 325 65 300 55+
電機科 66 319 60 310 65 310 57+
冷凍空 51 291 47 264 47 280 50+ 2B3C 4級
化工科 61 305 56 297 61 280 53+
家具設 55 285 52 283 55 270 52+
空間設 63 310 58 304 58 270 50+
電機科 65 327 63 321 65 310 56+
建築科 58 305 57 302 58 280 52+
機械科 60 311 57 301 59 280 52+
製圖科 61 315 61 314 55 270 53+ 4B1C 3級
空間設 58 305 62 318 55 270 50+
綜合高 56 289 51 279 54 280 52+
商經科 62 308 57 302 60 270 52+
國貿科 65 316 60 312 64 270 54+
資料科 62 308 56 296 60 270 55+
廣告科 64 324 53 287 60 300 52+
美容科 58 305 50 276 54 260 50+
機械科 57 302 52 282 57 270 48+
製圖科 58 295 53 287 59 260 47+
電機科 60 301 55 294 60 270 48+
資訊科 65 316 58 303 63 270 47+
建築科 54 282 49 272 53 260 44+
空間設 59 298 56 296 58 260 43+
化工科 58 305 49 271 56 260 42+
農經科 51 278 50 273 51 250 40+
園藝科 52 277 48 267 52 250 40+
食品科 55 290 54 288 55 270 40+
農產科 53 284 51 279 53 260 40+
畜產科 52 285 50 275 52 250 40+
機械科 52 276 48 266 52 270 40+
建築科 50 274 47 263 50 260 40+
機電科 53 280 50 273 53 270 40+

四技二專 西元2013 或 102年 統測 第一階段 推甄 總級分

第一階段也出來了 6/3日

統計項目 國第N名 分數 英第N名 分數 數第N名 分數 專一第N名 分數 專二第N名 分數
前標 (第75百分 位數考生成績) 4,919 70 4,901 94 4,879 60 4,893 74 4,911 75.5
後標 (第25百分 位數考生成績) 1,640 56 1,634 66 1,627 28 1,631 52 1,637 49.5
去年統計項目 國第N名 分數 英第N名 分數 數第N名 分數 專一第N名 分數 專二第N名 分數
前標 (第75百分 位數考生成績) 4623 76 4586 86 4560 72 4581 72 4612 60
後標 (第25百分 位數考生成績) 1541 60 1529 58 1520 32 1527 38 1538 38



小賈斯汀 唸給大家聽?

學生乙The sun did not shine. 丙It was too wet to play. 丁Just sit in the house. 甲乙丙丁All that cold, cold, wet day. 老師甲 Good bye kids I'm leaving for the meeting now. I'll be back after one hour. 乙Sit by the window, 丙just sit there in dull 丁wish there with something to do. 乙Too wet too dump to go out 丙And too cold to read a book. 丁So we sat in the house, all we could do was to 乙丙丁Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! 乙丙And we did not like it. 丁Not one little bit. "Fun, fun, How can you have fun? Just sit doing nothing with nothing to be done. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing, absolutely, nothing, nothing absolutely, absolute, positively, Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing nothing to be done."
乙nothing, 丙nothing 丁just sit there. 乙丙丁with nothing to be done.
And then all of a sudden something went 甲乙丙丁戊己 BUMP! How that bump made us jump! We looked! Then we saw a crow fly in the air. We looked! And we saw it! A crow with a cheese! 丁"Why do you sit there like that?" 戊"I know there is a cheese 丁And the crow can't talk. 戊But we can't have a good fun at all!" 丁So we sat in the house, all we could do was to 乙丙丁Sit! Sit! Sit! Sit! 乙丙And we did not like it. 丁Not one little bit. "Fun, fun, How can you have fun? Just sit doing nothing with nothing to be done. Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing, absolutely, nothing, nothing absolutely, absolute, positively, Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing nothing to be done."
乙nothing, 丙nothing 丁just sit there. 乙丙丁with nothing to be done.
And then another of a sudden something went 甲乙丙丁戊己 BUMP! How that bump made us jump! We looked! Then we saw a sly fox step in. We looked! And we saw it! A sly fox in a hat!
狐狸"Now! Now! Have no fear. Have no fear!" said the fox. "My tricks are not bad. "Why, we can have Lots of good fun, if you wish, with a game that we call Down-down-down with a crow!"
"Good-day, Mistress Crow," he cried. "How well you are looking to-day: how glossy your feathers; how bright your eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds." The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Master Fox. "That will do," said he. "That was all I wanted. In exchange for your cheese I will give you a piece of advice for the future.
烏鴉But the crow said, "No! No! Make this fox go away! Tell fox in the Hat You do NOT want to play. He should not be here.(他們三位) He should not be about. He should not be here When your mother is out!"
(註:媽改為老師甲,三位學生乙丙丁,貓咪和小魚改成狐狸戊和烏鴉己,共六位演員,故事結束,老師回來了~) 劇本 讀者


100 The Fox And Goat By Aesop
The Fox and the Goat
By an unlucky chance a Fox fell into a deep well from which he could not get out. A Goat passed by shortly afterwards, and asked the Fox what he was doing down there. "Oh, have you not heard?" said the Fox; "there is going to be a great drought, so I jumped down here in order to be sure to have water by me. Why don't you come down too?" The Goat thought well of this advice, and jumped down into the well. But the Fox immediately jumped on her back, and by putting his foot on her long horns managed to jump up to the edge of the well. "Good-bye, friend," said the Fox, "remember next time,
"Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties."