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2. 再用微軟的Movie Maker,加字上去

培養英文感: What I wanna be 未來我想做個(消防隊員,糖果人、醫生)

1. Fireman 消防隊員 (歌詞:http://www.kidsongs.com/lyrics/i-wanna-be-a-fireman.html )
2. Candy man 糖果人 http://www.kidsongs.com/lyrics/candy-man.html
3. Doctor 醫生 (Theme Bones 骨頭歌)http://www.kidsongs.com/lyrics/them-bones.html

培養英文感:A day at Old MacDonald Farm 麥當勞農場的一天

本片無法分享,需複製網址觀賞: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERApeKW29dc

1. Old MacDonald Had a Farm 麥當勞先生的農場
2. Shortening Bread 油酥麵包
3. Here we go around the mulberry bush 繞桑樹
4. Mary had a little lamb 瑪麗有隻小羊
5. This old man 這老人
6. Skip to my Lou 跳繩歌
7. Take me out to the ball game 看球賽
8. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt 約翰 雅各
9. She'll be coming round the mountain 伊比呀呀
10. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 一閃一閃亮晶晶

查歌詞: http://www.kidsongs.com/downloads/songs?p=1

培養英文感: Let's Play Ball 打球吧

1. It's not if you win or lose不在輸贏
2. Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧
3. Bend me, shape me 磨練
4. I get around 轉一下
5. Over the river 過河
6. Footloose 輕鬆一下
7. Rah, Rah, Sis, Boom, Bah 勝利
8. Catch a wave 衝浪
9. Centerfield 中外野
10. You know that you can do it 你可以的

查歌詞 : http://www.kidsongs.com/downloads/songs?p=1

培養英文感: A Day at Camp 夏令營的一天

1.The More We Get Together當我們同在一起
2.The Caissons Go Rolling 彈藥向前行(美國軍歌,小四音樂課本有,有些老師會教直笛)
( 歌詞: http://www.kidsongs.com/lyrics/the-caissons-go-rolling-along.html )
3. Fishing Blues釣魚藍調  ( http://www.kidsongs.com/lyrics/fishin-blues.html )
4. On the Top of Spaghetti 義大利麵
5. Ninety Nine Bottles of Pop 九十九瓶汽水
6. Pop Goes the Weasel 黃鼠狼跑了
7. Found a Peanut 找到一顆土豆
8. The Ants Go Marching 螞蟻行軍
9. Boom Boom, Ain't It Great to be Crazy瘋狂很棒
10. The Animal Fair 動物展覽會
11. Little Bunny Foo Foo 小兔子
12. Pussy Cat 波斯貓
13. Baa Baa Black Sheep 黑綿羊
14. The Old Grey Mare 老灰馬
15. I Had a Little Rooster 小公雞
16. Whistle While You Work 吹口哨
17. The Hokey Pokey 變戲法
18. When the Saints Go Marching In 聖徒遊行
大都歌詞可從網路上查到 ( http://www.kidsongs.com/downloads/songs?p=1 )

培養英文感: Yankee Doodle Boy 洋基好男兒~

★1.Yankee Doodle Boy 洋基好男兒
    2. America's Heroes 美國英雄
★3. Home on the Range 山頂上的家園 (歌詞:http://www.kidsongs.com/lyrics/home-on-the-range.html)
★4. I've been working on the railroad 我在鐵路上做工 ( http://www.kidsongs.com/lyrics/i-ve-been-working-on-the-railroad.html )
★5. Oh, Susanna 噢,蘇珊娜 ( http://www.kidsongs.com/lyrics/oh-susanna.html )
★6. Deep in the heart of Texas ( http://www.kidsongs.com/lyrics/deep-in-the-heart-of-texas.html )
    7. There's a hole in my bucket 水桶有個洞
    8. Turkey in the straw 稻草堆裡的火雞
★9. If I had a hammer 如果我有一把鎚子 ( http://www.kidsongs.com/lyrics/if-i-had-a-hammer.html )
    10. You're a grand old flag 老舊的國旗
    11. Living in the USA 住在美國

培養英文感: Good Night 晚安

1. Ring Around the Rosy 圍著玫瑰花
2. Pat a Cake 拍個餅
3. A tisket, A Tasket 一個籠子
4. Let us Dance, Let us Play 我們來跳
5. Our House 我們的房子
6. Tomorrow is a dream away 夢醒就是明天
7. The Unicorn 獨角獸
8. St. Judy's Comet 彗星
9. Hush Little Baby 噓小寶貝
10. Lullaby and Good Night 睡吧晚安
11. All the Pretty Little Horses 小小馬兒
12. Good Night 晚安

(G)+(S)型式作文: (平實句 general + 承述句 specific)

在文章的寫作中,每用一句general words後,要再加specific images,即(G)+(S)型式寫作。什麼是general words和specific words,例如說; car就是general words,因為車的種類有很多。 而Benz SUV就是specific words。 在考試的時候,多使用specific words可以幫助把物體解釋的更清楚。評分老師也會獲得更多的信息,使他們對你的文章更方便了解。
例1;General: Tom got into his car and drove off.
Specific: Tom leaped into his SUV and roared off.
例2;General: The writer wrote a three-page critique of the painting in which he said he did not like it.
Specific: In his three-page critique, the art critic squeezed every drop of meaning- and enjoyment- out of the 3-inch by 3-inch pastel.
General words對人物,地點,和事物的介紹都無法給讀者準備的信息,所以為了更清楚的說明,把這些名詞都應該換成specific words.
例3;General: An old dog came up the street.
Specific: An ancient, gray-muzzled golden retriever wandered up Bluebird Canyon Road.
例4;General: My coach illustrates the point about playing fairly.
Specific: My basketball coach, Ms Berry, illustrates the essay- ist's point about playing fairly.
例5;General: At the end of the day, the workmen walked up the snow-covered road.
Specific: At the end of the day, the tired workmen trudged wearily up the snow-covered road.