
The internet is a product of technology that can connect two computers through electric wires or cables. Nowaday, people can send mails or messages immediately with a touch of keyboards. Since it is so convenient that many government agencies and institutions tend to rely on internet to process their daily works. However, the internet requires a computer that equipped with some hardwares and softwares, which seems expensive for many people with low income. Besides, the users have to learn how to operate properly that also cost them a lot of time and money. Luckily, children can learn from school, nevertheless the computer courses are designed by computer experts and most of students are left behind the basic curriculum. Most students logon internet just try to chat and play games that definitely slow study in their required courses. Many students can't resist the enchanting of internet, then skip their schools or meet internet pals to isolate their social lives and look for transient pleasures. Therefore, as people said what come around, go around. The internet bring many conveniences, but it also makes some teens away from normal life. Our education for children should be more careful and well prepared towards this newly prevail technology.

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