

The story of The Knights Of Round Table,after many historic writers contributing,it becomes abundance and more interesting : The smart and brave King Arthur,the secret wizard Merlin and the greatest sword Excaliber , the nice considerate knight, Lancelot ,and the passionate queen story, and so on.
In fact, King Arthur maybe real historic person in fifth century, he was a British and believed in Jesus, who died in belief from heretics. His behaviors and achievement was mentioned by many people, especially, those about the holding on belief and redeeming to win battles. After his story being written, there were interactions through British, France, and German, as a result, it became more popular, especially including the legendary holy cup and its seeking adventure, in same tale but different makeup. These legendary tales created great beginning since twelve century, and developed a peak in fifteen century. To be surprised, it contributed to the middle century western literature and an outstanding custom.
Through the tale of Knights of Round Table, we see the vivid picture of middle century in Europe. In the same time, we discover the chivalry of Knights of Round Table, which is the rightful beginning of the same scout honor and discipline in our times.


大家好!我叫施建豐,是學校新來的英語代理教師。嘉義大學英語師資班結業,並取得教育部國小英語教師資格。曾服務過炎峰國小、發祥國小、愛國國小和彰化縣育英國小。我在美國北卡大學取得化學碩士,回國後也在工研院和幾家大工廠公司工作過。太太是國立員林農工教師,有三位小孩:老大唸國二,老二唸國一,最小的唸小五。在英語方面,我覺得小學生們學英語,最重要的是要培養興趣,加上平時多聽、多說,自己寫作業,不會的常問老師同學,常和朋友相互交流,英語就能穩定的向上進步。最後,預祝各位 事事如意。