
Tomorrow is an election day of legislative members in Taiwan. Some people said they had received bribe money, while others said this time there will be a clear election and no bribe money would circulate in Taiwan. Democracy is based on counting citizen’s votes that seems reasonable as the constitution and local government law are established on people’s will. However, when bribe or distorted media are carried on, the elected members are produced by means of politician’s will or other party’s forces. The true democracy won’t arrive and our society will remain chaos indefinitely.From my view of the political situation in Taiwan, I find there are many things that can be improved. The first is the representatives are too many that many of them don’t show up during the meeting. The second is the election should depend on the smaller district, rather than larger district, some candidates are elected with small amount of votes. The third is candidates should be restricted by their backgrounds. Some of candidates are charged with criminal evidences that shouldn’t allowed to be voted. I hope people in Taiwan can elect their ideal legislatives according to their interests this time.

2 則留言:

  1. have the same feeling with you. Although I am not very interested in politics, I still went to vote!! I also see the iamlearningenglish blog, which is quite nice!

    i am one of the EVI 2005 presenter. see if you are interested to join!! http://www.beewebhead.net/Evo05/week.htm



  2. Sorry, I didn't know when you keyed in this post. Next time would you post in the latest published?^^
