General English Proficiency Test

I just got out of General English Proficiency Test. I feel like the listening parts to be harder than I expected. For the secondary part, I wrote the answer sheet before the conversation end. Then, I heard the question had told about something specific in the dialogue. I was stunned and unable to go on to next couple questions. I started to regret that I should have done more simulation test, not just one. After that, I realized I have to remember what they talked about in several aspects, because there were many choices the qestion would ask. I had never made any correction, I just let it went. I felt comfortable later on. The passing score is 80/120. I dared to miss some answers. I hope I can pass it no matter the score is.

2 則留言:

  1. you should be ok! don't worry. are you taking high intermediate?? advanced? or super??

  2. Thank you for your concern. It was high intermediate.
