
昨天唸國文,田園詩派始祖寫的詩,覺得內容寫得很好, 一時興來,翻成英文看看: Boat moved genly and slowly, winds started to pick up my clothes, the morning light seemed dull and unspoken, when I asked where was the returning road.
Clouds floated inside the valley, tired birds knew ways to return, shadows tilted longer and longer, as I loitered around the trees knowing the pleasure of coming home. 有沒有人,找得到這些原文句子?嘻

1 則留言:

  1. 居然有找到別人翻的:

    My boat wobbles about in the light breeze,
    the wind swirls as it blows my clothing.
    (harmonics) I ask a traveler about the road ahead,
    and resent that the early morning light is still dim.

    The clouds randomly float up from the mountain tops,
    and the birds, weary of flying, instinctively return home.
    Shadows darken as the sun prepares to set;
    caressing a solitary pine I tarry long.
