Teacher's Day ---- written by Fred

Today is Teacher's Day in Taiwan. It is a day set aside to honor teachers.

I say that we are all teachers. Everyone learns from everyone. Good teachers know that they always must be students. And, hopefully students will someday know that they are to be teachers. Everyone we meet learns from us. And, vice versa.

So let us all be great teachers, so that our students, even though we don't know them will honor us. And, let us be good students, so that our teachers, even though we did not personally thank them can be honored by our deeds.

Aspire to inspire before you expire!

Thank you to my students and my teachers,


Noah's Ark

說也奇怪,這時天空突然飛來一片黑雲,還有閃電和隆隆的雷聲,這顆大石頭竟然被擊中,而裂成兩半。 石頭的裂縫夾著一張紙條,阿諾一個箭步把紙條取下,說也奇怪,那顆石頭的裂縫自己又合併,石頭又恢復原狀。亞諾嘖嘖稱奇,趕忙打開紙條看個究竟。紙條上寫著:「亞諾,我是上帝,我要你趕快建造一艘大船。部落的人都要上船,還有你們飼養的動物也要上船。因為,你們這兒會發生洪水,只有船上的人和動物才能獲救。」 亞諾不敢大意,立刻準備許多大樹蓋好這艘大船。他叫所有的人和動物上船避難。可是,人們半信半疑,不願上船。而動物,每一種只能二隻上船,一隻公的,另一隻母的。結果動物們一對對都來報到,有狗、貓、馬、猴子、羊、豬、長頸鹿、孔雀和大象,好不熱鬧。
to be continued......


I was told that I needed to give a speech next Thursday. It is to introduce a book I read to the whole school. Therefore, I went to library a moment ago and found a picture book, "A educated wolf." I finished it in no time. I think it is a great book. Somehow, it reminds me of a class, I had taught before. Here is the story. I told my student, "listen, kids. You have to leave here after I count to twelve." Students were alert and expected to run away. I used to play, the big bad wolf game with them. Some students couldn't catch me, but others kept their voices high, "Teacher Paul is gonna play game again." Kids need amusement. I started to count, "1,2,....11." "I will continue counting when I finish reading a story." I heard some kids' noises. "But, I tell you. I might count 12 in the midway. Just don't be the last one to run out of the classroom. Otherwise, you will be the lunch of the big bad wolf." At the end, I counted to 12, but the class dismiss bell was rung already.

Bee Hive

"It is a bee hive." my students said to me, this morning when we went sweeping roads outside of the school. It looked as a nest I reckoned. Then, all of a sudden, one of my students striked it with his broom. Bees spreaded over on top of our heads. I thought they would run as quickly as I did. But, actually in the opposite way, they kept striking parts of bees with brooms till termination of their lives. They hit bees to death on the road. Too cruel to observe, that studetns don't follow my words. I thought they showed the nature of human being that they wanted being naughty. Teacher Yang immediately came up and asked them to behavior properly. These kids were lucky to have teacher Yang around. She ordered them to stand. I wonder when they could start to follow my commands.

Remote and Isolated Village

Our school is the only school in this remote and isolated village, that contains few people. After the 911 Major Earthquake, the school was complete destroyed, but sooner rebuilt in a distance place. Now, students have to commuted to school by cars. I am the main teacher of grade five class, which involves only five kids, Tina, Joel, Joe, Luke, and John. I teach them, Chinese, Math, and also English. They are far behind from city's kids in every field. I am told one elited student who had transferred to other school. Our school pay attention to my instruction, for this is the most bad behavior class. This morning, I am sufferring from their extremely bad attitude toward me. I know I have to be a little patience. They need extra help from me, though I really don't know what exactly I should do now. Sigh!

Beginning at the School

This semester, I am teaching at the school in a remote mountain. I like this school very much though it is kinda small. My class has a few students who are cute, yet often troublesome. I have never had a class of my own. This is my first time to take care of a class. I hope I will have a great time with them.
Now it is September. In the morning, the clouds travel around the valley and make a great scene with mountain. The sun rises later on, but the temperature stays warm and friendly. In the afternoon, the raindrops start to take over the valley. I live in the dormitory, where the night is dark and calm. The school is desert after Friday, but on Sunday afternoon, teachers will move back and occupy the school again. I have to get used to here soon for students might need my awkward instruction.