
This week is exam. week. Students are assessed in all their classes. English is considered for the easiest course. This morning I taught grade five. I started with TPR that mainly count with number. I asked them to stand with one foot for single number, and two feet for plural number. The phrases are as following. one two buckle my shoes; three four shut the door; five six pick up the sticks; seven eight don't be late; nine ten do it over again. It took about five minutes. Then, I told them the little red hen story that some thought it was boring, but majority found it was interesting. The story repeated those words of hen asking for help. I put small words aside the blackboard, so I could remember the content. I used only a picture for the class and wrote Chinese characters for students to understand. I also taught phonics and reviewed the textbook for the ending. Today is my last day as substitute teacher for this semester. From now on I should be about to read my book, and come here to practice my writing.

