a new

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4 則留言:

  1. hi Paul.
    I've replied to your message. just come by and say hi to you.

    Well, yeah...I think I agree with you. According to my professor, pragmatics can be taught to a certain extent. We did talk about how pramatics can be taught in EFL classrooms where learners usually do not have sufficient interaction. It probably can be taught but...just to a certain extend. To expose learners in the target culture probably will be a better idea; however, just like what you've suggested, in EFL classrooms it is a challege for teachers.
    May I ask where you come from?? I used to teach children English in Taiwan :)

  2. I think your English is good enough to be a presenter here. I am still waiting for more people to join. However, I believe we should upload more info on the Taiwaneseblog page first. Would you like to be one of the presenter?

    the blogging fun is very new...recently I've been doing research about how blog can help English learning. If your students are old enough to use computer, probably you would want to assist them using blog to learn in the future.


  3. Hi Steller:
    Thank you for inviting me to Blogger. I live in Taiwan and also work as children English teacher. I am pleased to be here. Have a nice weekend!

  4. I should notify my girlfriend about this.
