country of blind

盲人國The country of blind
從前有一段時間,因為世界全面戰爭,到處都在打戰,這時有一批人就躲到一個山谷,他們在那兒定居下來,這地方山明水秀,簡直在像世外桃源,與世隔絕,他們種菜和畜養豬、養牛,自立更生,完全不和外地來往。可是可怕的事卻發生了。這兒的人,眼睛慢慢地看不見,尤其是剛出生的小嬰兒,幾乎都看不見,他們也不知道為什麼會這樣。他們不知道怎麼發生,以為是上天要懲罰他們,於是,他們便把金銀財寶拿出,派人外出買最好的神壇祭祖,他們以為神壇祭祖可以讓上天聽到人們的聲音,不要懲罰他們,派出去的人剛出山谷沒多久,那地方卻發生了大地震,好像和九二一大小,山崩地裂,唯一的道路,被土石流堵死了。派出去的人們再也沒有回來,後來都病死在外地,但盲人國的存在一直在人間流傳,世間也有這麼一句話:One eye man is the king of country blind.

幾百年後,一個登山隊來到盲人國附近的高山,突然一個大風雪,把他們的領隊吹散,這位領隊在大堆雪中掉落千尺。他摔得很重,卻連一根骨頭都沒折斷,一個人滾到一個較不陡峭的山坡上,埋在白皚皚的雪堆裏。他從雪堆中掙扎出來,看到下面另一處陡峭的懸崖有一道狹窄岩縫,一個陷於絕境的人只能冒險從那裏爬下去。   他的名字叫努涅斯,一直往下,也不過半個多小時的時間,就走出了山洞,來到一片美麗的山谷。放眼望去,谷底有嫩綠的新草,小河也歡快的流動著,天上有陽光暖暖的照耀,還有野鳥在枝頭嬉戲。

  那三個人並排站著,用耳朵對著他們。努涅斯看見他們的眼瞼都閉著而且凹陷,好像裏面的眼球已完全萎縮。   “是一個人,”其中一個用幾乎聽不懂的西班牙語說道,“這個人,從岩石上面下來了。”   努涅斯邁著很有自信的腳步走上前去。他立刻想到關於那個湮沒無聞的盲人國的所有古老故事,也想起了那一句古老諺語:在盲人國裏,有一隻眼睛的人就是王。他跟他們打了招呼。   “你是從哪里來的?”一個人問道。   “我從山那邊來,”努涅斯說,“我來自埔里附近,那裏有五萬居民、市區很廣大,在視力之內看不見盡頭。”   “視力?”其中一個人喃喃低聲說。   那三個人同時朝他逼近,令他大為吃驚。他向後倒退。躲避他們伸出的手指,但他們很俐落地把他抓住。然後在他渾身上下摸了一陣。他們認為他那兩隻眼睛和眨動的眼瞼是很怪的東西。 他們想,“一個奇怪的器官。”另一個說道,“我們領他去酋長那裏。” “我看得見,”努涅斯說。 “看見?”。   “對,看見。”努涅斯轉過身去,被一個人的水桶絆倒了。   “他的感官還有缺點,”第三個盲人說,“他被絆倒了,又說些沒有意義的話。   你牽著他的手走。”   “隨你們的便,”努涅斯說,他由人牽著走,不禁縱聲大笑。美麗也跟大家到村子裏。
那些人把他上一個門口推入一間漆黑的房間。幾位比較年老的人開始詰問他,努涅斯向他們描述他從其中跌落下來的那個偉大世界。但他所說的,他們既不信,也聽不懂。這些人和眼睛所看見的世界已經隔絕十幾代了,外間世界的故事和那些看得見的東西的名稱都已經從他們的心中消失。   努涅斯覺察到這種情形,就靜下來傾聽。最年長的盲人向他說明,這個世界(指他們的山谷)最初只是岩石中一個空洞。然後出現了無生命、沒有觸摸能力的東西;然後出現了羊、豬和其他幾種野主動物;後來出現了天使,人可以聽到天使歌唱和拍翅聲,卻摸不到它。努涅斯對他所描述的天使大惑不解,後來才想到是烏兒。   那些長輩繼續向努涅斯說明他們如何把時間分為溫暖和寒冷兩部分,溫暖的時間宜於睡覺,寒冷的時間宜於工作。   他們給他拿來一碗羊奶和一些粗糙的堿麵包,然後離開,讓他睡覺,直到晚問的寒冷把他們喚醒,又開始另一天。但是努涅斯根本沒有睡。   “喂,埔里大哥!”一個聲音從村子那一邊喊他,“到這裏來。”   他聽到就站起來,走到外邊。他要一勞永逸地向他們表明有視力的人能做多少事情。他偷偷地離開小路,向旁邊走了兩步。   “不要踐踏草地,埔里大哥,”那個聲音說,“那是不准的。”   努涅斯停住腳步,大吃一驚。發出那聲音的人沿著小路朝著他跑過來了。“你是要人把你像個小孩子似地牽著走嗎?你走路的時候難道聽不見路努涅斯笑了。“我看得見路,”他說。   “沒有‘看’這個字,”那個盲人躊躇了一會兒說,“不要再說這種傻話了,跟著我腳步的聲音走。”   努涅斯跟在後面,有些兒氣惱。“我的機會會來的,”他說,“難道沒有人告訴過你們,在盲人國裏,一隻眼睛的人就是王?”
“什麼是盲?”那個盲人漫不經意地回過頭來間道。 四天過去了。到了第五天,這位“盲人之王”仍被他的子民認為是一個又笨又無用的外人。他們過著簡單而辛勞的生活。他們衣食無缺,很注重音樂和歌唱,他們也有愛情和小孩。   在他們那個有秩序的世界裏,一切東西都適合他們的需要。他們的感官已經變得非常敏銳,可以在十二步之外聽到一個人的心跳;他們能像狗那樣輕易憑氣息分辨人。 一天早晨,兩個育人和努涅斯在一起坐著,他想向他們表明視力的實際價值。  他看見一個女孩朝他們走來,當時還距離很遠,聽不到聲音,也嗅不出氣味。“過一會兒,”他告訴他們說,“一個女孩就要來到這裏。”剛說完,那個女生就轉過身朝圍牆走去。彼德並沒有來到,他們都嘲笑努涅斯。   他打算把他們之中的一個打倒地上,借著公平的格鬥來表明眼睛的功用,他拿起鋤頭。他們都站著戒備,耳朵朝著他聽。他感覺到無可奈何的恐怖,連忙逃出村子。   他斜穿過一片草地,留下一條踐踏的痕跡,然後坐在小路旁。有些人拿著鋤頭和棍子,朝他走來,他們一路上時常停下,用鼻子嗅聞,並且傾聽。“
埔里大哥!”一個人喊道,“埔里大哥!你在哪里?”   他大聲回答:“瞧,我在這山谷裏要做什麼就做什麼。”   他們摸索著前進,可是走得很快。那情形很像玩捉迷闡,除了一個人之外,所有的人都蒙住眼。忽然間,他發覺自己置身在追逐者所構成的一個大弧形陣線內。"“我要傷害你們了,”他說,由於情緒激動而抽搐著喘氣。“老天在上,我真要傷害你們了。”   他開始朝著那個包圍圈的一個缺口跑去。盲人們也揮舞著鋤頭和棍子在跑。他聽到身後有腳步聲,發現一個大個子向前沖來,對他發出聲音處揮擊。他膽怯了,急忙轉身,在驚慌中朝圍牆的一個小門口逃去。到了牆外,他絆倒在岩石上。他在那裏躺下,抽噎地喘氣。   這場政變就此結束。他在外面待了兩天兩夜,沒東西吃,也沒遮蔽。最後,他爬到牆邊大聲喊叫,直至兩個盲人從門裏出來。   “我瘋了,”他說,“但是我的感官有缺點。”他們說這樣就比較像話了。他們間他能不能“看見”。   “不能,”他哭了——因為現在他身體很虛弱,而且病了。“那是傻話。看見那兩個字是毫無意義!”   於是努涅斯變成了盲人國的公民,那些人都慢慢和他熟了。他住在一個主人叫葉考的家,在不生氣的時候是個和藹可親的人。葉考家的隔壁就是那個叫美麗的女子。在努涅斯看來,美麗的眼睛好像隨時都可以再張開;她的睫毛很長,大家卻認為是一種破相。努涅斯卻認為她很美麗,名副其實。努涅斯常偷偷地看她,而她也知道他常常對著他發呆。   有一次,在一個休息日的集會裏,他們兩人並肩坐在朦朧的星光之下,他的手落在她手上,大膽地把那只手握住,她也緊握回報。   從那次以後,他每有機會就和她談話。不久他就向長輩們要求娶她為妻。   這件事情最初遭遇到激烈反對。青年男子都很憤怒,認為這會敗壞他們的種族。後來一位長輩想出一個辦法。他說:“埔里大哥的眼睛有毛病影響了他的頭腦。他的眼睛鼓脹,眼瞼能眨動。因此他的頭腦經常在煩躁激動。動一次手術就可以除去那些有刺激作用的物體。”   “你總不會要我喪失視力吧?”他問她,“我整個的世界都是視覺的賜與。美麗的東西……花、夕陽……和你。單是為了看見你那可愛的臉,就應有上天給的視覺才行。”   她說,“你不要這麼講。我知道我的面容很秀美──但是現在……”“你的意思是說——你希望我喪失視力。”他回答。 她伸開雙臂摟著他;大哭起來。“噢,我希望我們以後都在一起,你也是,對不對?”她嗚咽著說。   在進行手術前那一星期,努涅斯一點都睡不著。在他享有視為的最後一天開始的時候,他和美麗單獨在一起幾分鐘。   “明天,”他說,“我就看不見了。”   她緊握著他的手。“他們不會使你多痛的。而且,我的愛人,你是為了我而受這痛苦的。”他的最後一次看著她那可愛的臉。“再見,”他低聲地說。   他前往一個地方,青草地上開著白花,真美,他要將待在那裏,直到犧牲的時刻來臨。但當他抬起頭來,看見早晨像個身披金甲的天使,於是他繼續前行,往上走,出了牆垣,到達那些岩石山面。他開始往上爬。日落時,他已經爬到很遠很高的地方。衣服撕破了,四肢血跡斑斑,他身上有多處瘀傷,但他怡然躺在那裏。夕陽的紅光逐漸消逝,黑夜來臨,他仍然在寒星下怡然自得地躺在那裏,面露笑容,感到欣慰。因為也已經逃出了本想在那裏稱王的盲人山谷。

The Mouse Wedding

The Mouse Wedding
Scene 1
Mom You have to go to bed earlier tonight.
Daughter why? Mommy.
Mom: Tomorrow is the big day for mice. They’ll hold a wedding ceremony.
All: The mouse wedding.
Daughter: Mom, mom, tell me the story.
Scene 2
Reader1: The story begins with Mrs. Mouse and her lovely daughter, Ju Yin-tai.
R2: Mrs. Mouse lives with her lovely daughter and she loves her very much.
R3: Ju Ying-tai is very beautiful and smart. Every mouse loves her.
R4: As time goes by, Ju Ying tai grows up, up, and up.
R5: It’s perfect time for marriage.
All: It’s time for marriage.
Mrs. Mouse: Ju Ying tqi, I want you to marry the smartest mouse in the world.
Ju: No, no, I don’t want to get married so early. I want to study more. I’ll go to college.
Mrs: No, you can’t go to college. I’ve already found you the smartest mouse.
R1: Ju Ying tai runs away at night in order to fulfill her dream.
Ju: Forgive me, mom. I’ll be back with success.

Scene 3
R1: Ju Ying tai meets a guy named Liang Shan bo in school. Soon, they fall in love with each other.
R2: They study hard in the school days. One weekend, they go to Sun Moon lake to take the ship.
R3 The scenery is marvelous. They enjoy the sight and murmur sweetly.
R4: Suddenly. Liang Shan bo walks to bow.
Liang: I’m king of the world.
Liang: Jy Ying tai, close your eyes and come here.
Ju: I’m flying, Liang Shan bo
Ju: I’m flying. I can’t believe it.
R1: There’s something happened. The ship starts to tilt. Liang Shan bo and Ju Ying tai are in a flurry.
Ju: Hold me tight, Liang Shan bo.
Liang: I get you, I won’t let you go.
R2: The ship continues to tilt. The ship nearly becomes the vertical shape with lake. Here comes the life boat.
Liang: You jump, I jump, right?
Ju: Let’s jump together.
R3: Finally, they are survived.
R4: On dinner time, they sit under the tree.
Liang: Are you hungry? I have some delicious cheese. Do you want some?
Ju: That would be great. I’ve studied for five hours. I’m starving.
Ju: Ouch! What’s this ? It’s something hard in the cheese.
All: Wow, it’s a ring.
Ju: Hey, it’s a ring.
Liang: Would you marry me:
Ju: Yes, I do.
Liang: Today, I’m the luckiest mouse on the face of the earth.
Ju: Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You’ll never know what you’re gonna get.
All: Prince and princess lived happily ever after.
R1: No, the story never goes smoothly as you think.

Scene 4
Ju:Mom, I’m back with my Mr. Right. There’s no place like home.
Mrs: What Mr. Right? Who is this guy?
Liang: It’s me. I’m the guy.
Mrs.: What’s your name? Where do you live? How old are you? How many people are there in your family? How much do you make a month?
Ju: Give him a break, mom.
Mrs: I have arranged a competition to choose the smartest mouse to be your husband.
Mrs: If you win the game, you marry my daughter.
R1 : Soon, the day is coming, there are four candidates.
R1: Newton, Einstein, Chen sui ben, Liang Shan bo.
R1: Round 1, paper, scissors, stone.
R1: Liang wins. Congrat.
R1 : Round 2. Can you follow me:
Liang: mouse, m o u s e.
Einstein: elephant, e l e p h a n t.
Liang, Einstein: tiger. Rabbit. Tumblebug. Gecko, octopus, starfish, horse. E e e e ahh
R1: Three, two, one. Liang wins.
R1 Question one. Why is six afraid of seven:
All: Why is six afraid of seven.
Liang: Because seven eight (ate) nine.
R1: Liang gets one point.
R1 Question 2 What is so fragile even saying its name can break it?
All: What is so fragile even saying its name can break it?
Chen: Silence.
R1: Chen gets one point.
R1 The last question, H I J K L M N O guess one substance.
All: H I J K L M N O guess one substance.
Liang: Ha ha The answer is water.
Chen: Why water?
Liang: The chemical formula of water is H2O, H to O.
Chen: How do you know?
Liang: Go to college, then you will learn it.
Liang: I won, I won. I can’t believe it. I can marry Ju Ying Tai.
R1 Liang and Ju hold a wedding ceremony on the third day of the Chinese New Year.
R2: Liang will you to have this woman to be your wedded wife.
R3 : To live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony?
R4: Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all other, keep you only unto her, so long as you both shall live?
Liang: Yes, I will.
R2: Ju Will you to have this man to be your wedded husband.
R3: To live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony?
Will you to obey him, and serve him, love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all other, keep you only unto him, so long as you both shall live?
Ju: Yes, I will.
R1: Then in the name of God, I now pronounce you man and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
R2 Liang Shan Bo and Ju Ying Tai live happily ever after.
Scene 5
Mom: Since then, people go to bed early on the night.
Daughter: So mice can hold a big wedding for their precious daughters.
R1: That’s the end of the story.
R2 We hope you like it.
All: Good-bye.

The Frog Prince Continued

The Frog Prince Continued
Narrator: The Princess kissed the frog. He turned into a prince. And they lived happily ever after. But, in fact, they were so unhappy and they don’t know why and what to do.)
Scene One ~in the castle, daytime.
(The Princess sits in front of the dressing table and two maidservants are combing her hair.) Maidservant 1: Dear Princess, your hair looks so beautiful.
Maidservant 2: Yes, so dark and shining. We like to comb your hair.
(The Frog Prince hops around in the castle.)
Maidservant 1: Look at your husband! He is a prince, not a frog. He has to pay attention on his behaviors.
Maidservant 2: No, no, no. He can’t hop around. You have to stop him.
The Princess: Oh, my dear, I would prefer that you not hop around. Find something else to do, will you?
The Prince: But, honey, I can’t help it! It’s fun.
The Princess: And how come you never want to go down to the pond anymore?
The Prince: Because I don’t want to. Look at me. I can hop high.
The Prince: Hey, you two, come. Hop with me.
The Princess: Honey, stop hopping. I mean “Now”. You look very stupid. (Speaks with anger)
The Prince: All right. All right.
The Princess: That’s my good husband. (Smiles and satisfies.)
The Princess: Honey, come here. Sit with me.
(The Frog Princess starts to stick out his tongue for feeling bored.)
The Princess: Sweetie, stop sticking your tongue out like that, would you?
The Princess: And it might be nice if you got out of the castle to slay a dragon or giant or whatever.
The Prince: Yeah! OK. If I could kill them with my tongue. (answers with impatience)
(Suddenly the Prince sees a fly and starts to chase it.)
The Prince: Ha, stop. Freeze.
Maidservant1&2: Oh, no. Not again.
The Princess: Honey, what are you doing?
The Prince: Oh, no. My precious baby. It’s gone.(With disappointment)
The Prince: You….(With anger)
The Princess: What?
The Prince: Nothing. I’m going to the pond.
The Princess: Yeah, have fun, then.
The Princess: I’m so angry! I need to go to bed to catch some sleep or I’ll get more wrinkles on my face.
(at night)
(The Frog Prince comes back from the pond)
Prince: I’m so tired. (yarns)
(on the bed)
(The prince is on the bed with wheels and the Princess turns the body over and over again.)
Princess: Oh, no! This is going to drive me crazy! I can’t sleep.
Princess: Honey! Wake up!
Prince: Um. Yummy. Yummy.
(The Prince keeps sleeping and snores even louder, and then the Princess kicks him out of the bed.)
Prince: What happened? Earthquake?
Princess: That’s it! I can’t tolerate it anymore!
Princess: First you drive me crazy by hopping around, doing nothing, and chasing flies, and then you keep me awake all night with your horrible, croaking snore.
Princess: I can’t believe I actually kissed your slimy frog lips.
Princess: Maybe it would be better if you were still a frog.
Prince: Still a frog… Yes, Croak. That’s it.
(The Prince runs out of the castle into the forest with retinues.)
Princess: Where are you going? Don’t you dare come back!
(Narrator: The Prince runs off into the forest, looking for a witch who could turn him back into a frog.)

Scene two ~ In the forest

(The Frog Prince and two retinues wonder in the forest.)
Retinue 1: Look, who is that?
Retinue 2 : Ahem! There she is.
Prince: Miss Witch, Miss Witch, excuse me, Miss Witch. I’m the Frog Prince. I wonder if you could help me?
Witch 1: Say, you’re not looking for a princess to kiss, are you?
Prince: Oh, no. I’ve already been kissed. I’m the Frog Prince. Actually, I was hoping you could turn me back into a frog.
Witch 1 That’s funny. You don’t look like a frog. Well, no matter. If you’re a prince, you’re a prince. And I’ll have to cast a nasty spell on you.
Witch 1: Instead of a prince, you are a frog.
Prince: Oops, something is wrong, I’m not a frog, I’m a snake.
Retinue 1: Oh, my god. I have a dread of snakes. Get it away.
Witch 1: Oh, sorry, my mistake. Ok, let me try it again. Instead of a prince, you are a frog.
(The snake turns into a bird._
Prince: Look at me. I’m a bird. I can fly high.
Retinue 1: That’s cool.(clapping)
Retinue 2: I wish I could be a bird, too.
Vendor: Bird barbecue! Bird barbecue!
Retinue 1: Look out, my Prince.
Vendor: Oh, It’s gone. Today is not my lucky day.
Prince: Help me, help me. I don’t want to be a bird. (crying)
Retinue 2: Could you please be kind to turn the Prince back?
Witch 1 : All right! I’ll try. Instead of a bird, you can become a prince.
(The bird turns back into the Frog Prince)
The Prince: Oh, I’m back.
Retinue 1: I think we should leave.
Witch 1: Wait, please don’t go. Let me try it again and I promise it will work this time.
Prince: No, no, no. Thanks!
Princess; Why are we so unhappy? Is it true that I shouldn’t get married?
Witch 2 : Do you know who I am? I’m the Queen. Mirror!
Mirror: Yes, I’m here.
Witch 2; Mirror, mirror. Who is the most beautiful woman in the world?
Mirror: Of course, it’s Snow White.
Witch 2: What? Say that again!
Mirror: Oh, no, it’s you. Repulsive and Ravishing Queen.
Witch 2: Yes, I’m the most beautiful woman in the world unless there is a Prince coming to rescue the Snow White.
Prince: Miss Witch, excuse me, Miss Witch. I wonder if you could help me.
Witch 2 Eh? What did you say? A Prince?
Prince: Yes, and I’m looking for a witch who can turn me back into a frog so I can live happily ever after.
Witch 2: Frog Prince, you say? That’s funny. Well, no matter. If you’re a prince, you’re a prince. And, I can’t have any prince rescuing Snow White. Here, eat the rest of this apple.
(The Witch 2 tries to force the Prince to swallow the half apple.)
Witch 2: Come on! Do you want to be as pretty as the Snow White? Eat it!
Retinue 2: Don’t eat it, my Prince. It’s poisonous!
Prince: Oh, no thank you.
Witch 2: Wait, eat this apple.
(The Prince runs without rest and then stops to take a deep breath.)
Princess: Will it be better for us to live happily if we were both frogs?
Witch : Candy house, candy house. This is my delicious candy house. Come on, children. Come to my candy house.
Witch 3: But… Oh, dear! I’ve been starved for a long time since Hansel and Gretel managed to escape from this house.
Witch 3 Oh, there is a bone on the floor. It’s been eaten. No meat.
Retinue 1: Look! There is a strange looking house.
Retinue 2: And there is a witch!
Prince: Madam, I wonder if you could help me? I am the Frog….
Witch 3: If you are a frog, I’m the queen of France.
Retinue 1: He is not a frog. He is the Frog Prince.
Retinue 2: And he needs a witch to turn him back into a frog.
Retinue 1: So that he can live happily with the Princess ever after.
Retinue 1 : Can you do it?
Witch 3: Why not, of course, dear. Come right in. You must be tired.
Retinue 2: My Prince, this house seems very familiar.
Prince: Yes, excuse me. Madam. Do you happen to know any children by the name of Hansel and Gretel?
Witch 2: Yes, Prince darling, I do. I’m expecting them for my dinner. And you will be my lunch!
Prince: Stop her.
Retinue 1&2: Run, my Prince. Run!
Witch 3: Don’t go, My lunch.

Scene three ~In the forest

Prince: Oh, what an idiot I’ve been.
Prince: I miss Princess so much. I could be sitting at home with the Princess, living happily ever after.
Retinue 1 : But, now, we are stuck here in the middle of this stupid forest.
Retinue 2 : I want to go home.
Prince: Maybe I shouldn’t hop around and do nothing.
Retinue 1 : Maybe you should slay a dragon or a giant for the Princess.
The Prince: Or maybe I should have been more considerate and more thoughtful of her.
Prince, Retinue 1&2: We miss her.
Prince: Let’s go home.
Princess: I shouldn’t be so been to the Prince.
Princess; Oh gosh, where is my Prince?
(The Prince and Retinues come back.)
Princess: Honey, where have been?
Princess: I’ve been worried sick. What happened to you?
Prince: Oh, my dear, you are not going to believe it. It’s a long story. But, I missed you so much and I found out something…
Princess: What is it?
Prince: I really love you.
Princess: I love you, too.
(Then the prince kisses the Princess and they both turn into frogs and hop away.)
(Narrator: Since then, the Prince and the Princess live happily ever after.)
The End.

Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King 孫悟空大戰豬妖精

Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King (drama script)

Reader: Long ago, a Monk from the East was going a journey to the west for the Holy Scriptures, who was accompanied by Monkey King, his disciple. Monkey King nevertheless was very powerful and protected his master from any harm. It was a long journey and they came all the way to a place they had never been before.

Monkey: Master, are you tired? Let’s have a rest. We can move on anytime.

Monk: I am fine. Let’s have a rest later. Look! There is a house over there.


Reader: There was a village and a house. Inside the house, there was a young girl, who was crying very hard. It seemed she was begging her parents for something.

Girl: Daddy, Mommy, I, I don’t want to marry that pig monster. He is so ugly.

Woman: Honey, hurry up. You know. The monster is coming to marry you. If you marry him, then all our village will be saved.

Reader: The parents were dropping tears beside the girl in the house. At the same time, the monk from the East and Monkey King had arrived at the door. Monkey King however tried to read the words on the door.

Monkey: I hope I can read these words written on the door. I know only the letters, “F-O-R-T-U-N-E”. Look, this house is so big and wide.

Monk: My dear, you see! I have asked you to learn more English words, but you know only 26 letters.
I wonder if you can find a job after your graduation from Yan Feng Elementary School.
Anyway, that would be many years after. Now, you just have to help me to the west for the Holy Scriptures.

Reader: Suddenly, the door was opened, and an old lady came out asking.

Woman: Who are you exactly?

Monk: O-mee-to-fou, Be good! Be good! Madam, I am the Monk from the East. If you don’t mind, I’m wondering if we can stay here for a while?

Woman: Oh, I thought you are escapees from the circus. Anyway, please come in. My goodness, maybe, you can save my daughter, my family, and the whole village.

Monk: Don’t be sad, madam. Take it easy. I see you are frightened from your face. May I ask what had been happening?

Woman: My goodness, here appears a Pig Monster. And, he wants to marry my daughter tonight. We are all afraid to death.

Monk: Calm down, madam. Here is my disciple, he has great capability. Maybe, he can help you.

Woman: Is it he? But he looks like only a normal monkey.

Monkey: Do you think so? I guess you need another pair of glasses.
孫悟空:妳這樣說嗎? 我看妳真的該換付眼睛算了。

Woman: My goodness, there have been many people who boast to be very capable. But every time, they were defeated by the Pig Monster. You’d better watch out tonight.

Monkey: Is the Pig Monster really so scary? I’d like to see how great he is.

scene 2

Reader: All of a sudden, there was a wind and all of them had stood up trembling from head to toe, the young girl also was frightening and embraced toward her mother.

Monkey: All of you stay inside the house, no matter what happens.

Reader: Monkey King then turned into the young girl’s appearance, and revealed a section of red sleeves. At that moment, Pig Monster has arrived at the door with laughter.

Pig: Darling, here I am. Please come to me. We will be a couple tonight.
Come on. Please come to me. Darling, don’t be afraid. Although I am ugly, I am so tender. I am sure I can make you happy.

Reader: The Pig Monster came gently and pulled the girl’s red sleeve out. The girl, who was disguised by Monkey King, made some shy looks, but sometimes would show her original monkey's behaviors.

Monkey: Don’t look at me like that. I’m shy.

Pig: Darling. why do you act like a monkey.

Monkey: Oh, it is because I am happy, I will tickle.

Pig: Fine. OK. OK. Then, let’s go to the bedroom.

Reader: The girl, as disguised by Monkey King, felt headache and hesitated, but soon drew the Pig Monster outside of the house.

Pig: Wow, honey, why are you so powerful?

Monkey: Honey, your appearance will frighten my parents. I think we’d better go to your house instead.

Pig: Fine. OK. OK. That’s a great idea. Let’s go.
豬八戒:嗯嗯,這樣也很好。 走吧!

Reader: Both of them walked out, but the girl gradually showed the sore of her feet after couple steps. Pig Monster helped her with great care.

Monkey: I cannot walk any further. Can you carry me on your back?

Pig: Carry you on my back? Fine. OK. OK. You’re my wife after all. Come on baby.

Reader: The Pig Monster walked and walked, but seemly got tired, while the girl tickled with happiness.

Pig: Darling, why are you so heavy?

Monkey: Do you think so? Don’t you want to carry me?

Pig: Yes, I do. I do.

Reader: The Pig Monster fell down after a long walk.

Pig: But, Darling, where are you? Why can’t I see you?

Monkey: Honey, I am here. Up here.

Pig: Darling, Why did you go so far?

Monkey: That’s your fault.

Pig: Darling, I’m sorry.

Monkey: You look so tired, and I feel painful. Let’s have a rest.

Pig: Have a rest? That’s good idea. Let’s have a rest.

Monkey: Honey, how can I marry you? I don’t even know who you are and where you come from. You must tell me the truth first.

Pig: Alas, Don’t mention it. I was a marshal from the heaven. I could fly between heaven and the world. Only because I made a big mistake, I was punished by Jade Emperor. So I became a pig. That’s why I am so ugly.

Monkey: Yes, you look too ugly to meet people.

Pig: I didn’t’ want to come here. Guansheeyin asked me to wait for a monk.

Monkey: You said you were an immortal in the heaven. Why can’t you carry me? It’s impossible.

Pig: I am really the immortal. Why don’t you believe me?

Monkey: Show me your strength then.

Scene 3

Reader: Pig Monster took out his rake and played. The girl nodded, but held his rake instantly and pulled away. Pig Monster was sent to near far and wondering.

Pig: Oh, no. Darling, why are you so strong?

Monkey: Touch me out if you can.

Pig: I can’t. Don’t fool me any longer.

Reader: Pig Monster tried to pull harder, but still hadn’t found out whom he was pulling out.

Monkey: You silly little Pig. Look, who am I?

Pig: My god. You are the Monkey King.

Reader: Pig Monster tried to run away, but was caught by Monkey King. Both of them fought for a while, but Pig Monster was defeated and pressed by Monkey King and couldn’t move at all.

Monkey: You silly! Dare you harm other girls any more?

Pig: No, I dare not!

Monkey: Dare you marry them?

Reader: Monkey King let go the Pig Monster. Pig Monster turned around and tried to run, but he was caught again by ear and felt painful.

Pig: No, no. It’s paining in the ear. Please forgive me, Monkey King.

Monkey: You silly! Where are you going? I’m taking you to meet the Monk from the East.

Pig: What? Has the Monk from the East come?

Monkey: Yes, Let’s go.

Monkey: Master, please come out. The Pig Monster has been defeated.

Monkey: You silly, kneel down to meet your master.

Monk: Another disciple? What’s up?

Monkey: Master, he will accompany you to the west at Guansheeyin’s request.

Monk: Oh, I see. Thank Guansheeyin.

Pig: Master, nice to meet you here.

Monk: All right. Since now, I will take you as my disciple.
Well, it’s kind of late. We should move on. Let’s go on.


All: Let’s go together.


All: This is the end of our story. We hope you like it. Thank you and good-by.

New School

New school is located in a big town, where is not so far and I can commute everyday. This semester began last week and I had met all my sixth graders, who are tamed by school. I try to treat them nicely, but it seemly get me into trouble. Here carries no English classroom, and I have to teach in the normal classroom with their main classroom teacher aside. Sometimes the classroom teacher would disappear, but most of them are in and out during my instruction. It is annoying, but I have to get used to it.
The first class I simply told them the witch story that I created before. They tended to listen quietly in the first aquaintance. I hope they can continue their well behavior, but it will be impossible for the nature of sixth grade student. Anyway, I shall try my best as days go by.