Journey to the West 西遊記~
All唱: Five little monkeys jumping on the ground, one fell down and break his arm. Mama called the doctor and doctor said no more monkey jumping on the ground…
唐三藏:Alright, alright, monkeys calm down.
唐三藏:Hi, I’m the Monk from the East.
接著主要人物介紹 沙悟淨(Sand Monk)、豬八戒(Pig Monster)、孫悟空(Monky King)、女子(Village Girl)、媽媽(Monther)、爸爸(Father)
唐三藏.: We are going on a journey to the west.
沙悟淨: This is a long journey. It took several months to come here.
孫悟空: Master, Master, are you tired? Let’s have a rest here.
ALL: Let's have a rest here.
唐三藏: No, I'm fine, and we'll take a rest later.
ALL:Take a rest later.
沙悟淨:Look! There is a house over there.
ALL:A house over there.
沙悟淨:We have arrived at the door.
ALL:At the door.
孫悟空: I hope I can read these words written on the door.
ALL:You know only the letters, “F-O-R-T-U-N-E”.
唐三藏: My dears, you see! I have asked you to learn more English words.
ALL:You know only 26 letters.
唐三藏:I wonder if you can find a job after graduation.
沙悟淨:Listen! A girl is crying inside.
ALL:A girl is crying.
女子:Daddy, Mommy, I don’t wanna marry that pig monster. He is so ugly.
ALL:He's so ugly, Ha ha ha~
女子:I'm pretty, but he's so ugly.
ALL::He's so ugly. Ha ha ha~
女子:That's the price of beauty, trust me.
All唱:Who Says, who says, You're not pretty, who says, You're not beautiful, who says~
媽媽:Honey! You know. The monster is coming to marry you tonight.
爸爸:If you marry him, then all the village will be saved.
沙悟淨: Ouch, the door opened.
媽媽: My goodness, Who, Who're you exactly?
唐三藏: O-mee-to-fou,
ALL: Be good! Be good!
唐三藏: Madam, I am the Monk from the East.
孫悟空:If you don’t mind, we like to stay here for a while.
媽媽: My goodness, I thought you were escapees from the circus.
爸爸: Maybe, you can save my daughter.
唐三藏: Don’t be sad. Take it easy.
沙悟淨:I can see you two look frightened from your face.
孫悟空:May I ask what had been happening?
媽媽: My goodness, here appears a Pig Monster.
爸爸: And, he wants to marry our daughter tonight.
媽媽: We are all afraid to death.
唐三藏: Calm down, madam. Here is the Monkey King.
沙悟淨:Maybe, he can help you.
媽媽: My goodness, is it he? But he looks like only a normal monkey.
孫悟空: Do you think so? I guess you need another pair of glasses.
媽媽: My goodness, there have been many people who boast to be very capable.
爸爸: But every time, they were defeated by the Pig Monster.
孫悟空: Is the Pig Monster really so scary? I’d like to see how great he is.
媽媽:My goodness, you’d better watch out tonight.
孫悟空:All of you stay inside the house, no matter what happens.
豬八戒:Darling, here I am. Please come to me.
豬八戒:We will be a couple tonight.
女子: Don’t look at me like that. I’m shy. (註:孫悟空裝扮成女子。)
豬八戒: Darling. why do you act like a monkey.
女子: Oh, because I am happy, I will tickle.
豬八戒: Fine. OK. OK. Then, let’s go to the bedroom.
ALL:Go to the bedroom???
女子: Can you carry me on your back?
豬八戒: OK. OK. You’re my wife after all. Come on baby.
豬八戒:Oh, no. Darling, why are you so strong?
女子: Touch me out if you can.
豬八戒:But, Darling, where are you? Why can’t I see you?
豬八戒:My god. You are the Monkey King. (註:女子恢復成孫悟空。)
ALL: He's the Monkey King.
孫悟空:You silly! Dare you harm other girls any more?
豬八戒: No, I dare not!
孫悟空:Dare you marry them?
豬八戒:No, no. It’s paining in the ear.
ALL: It's paining in the ear.
豬八戒: Please forgive me, Monkey King.
孫悟空: You silly! I’m taking you to meet the Monk from the East.
ALL:Meet the Monk from the East.
豬八戒: What? Has the Monk from the East come?
沙悟淨:Master, please come out. The Pig Monster has been defeated.
All: The Pig Monster has been defeated.
孫悟空: You silly, kneel down to meet your master.
All: Kneel down~
孫悟空: Master, he will accompany you to the west at Guansheeyin’s request.
唐三藏: All right. Since now, I will take you as my disciple.
唐三藏:Well, it’s kind of late. We should move on. Let’s go.
ALL: Let’s go on.
All唱:Five little monkeys jumping on the ground, One fell down and break his arm, Mama called the doctor and doctor said no more monkey jumping on the ground.
All: This is the end of our story. We hope you like it. Thank you and good-bye.
(The end)
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Both Sides, Now ~
"Both Sides Now"
Bows and flows of angel hair像天使秀髮彎彎飃飃
And ice cream castles in the air像空中冰淇淋的城堡
Feather canyons everywhere像處處羽毛的大峽谷
I've looked at clouds that way我曾經這樣看著雲的
Now they only block the sun現在它們只會遮住陽光
They rain and snow on everyone下著雨和雪
So many things I would have done我原本要做許多事的
But clouds got in my way黑雲來搗破壞了
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud's illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all
Moons and Junes and ferris wheels
The dizzy, dancing way you feel
When every fairy tale comes real
I've looked at love that way
Now it's just another show
You leave 'em laughing when you go
And if you care don't let them know
Don't give yourself away
I've looked at love from both sides now
From give and take and still somehow
It's love's illusions I recall
I really don't know love at all
Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say I love you right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
I've looked at life that way
But now old friends are acting strange
They shake their heads
They say I've changed
Well something's lost and something's gained in living every day
I've looked at life from both sides now
I've looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud's illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all
I really don't know life at all
Bows and flows of angel hair像天使秀髮彎彎飃飃
And ice cream castles in the air像空中冰淇淋的城堡
Feather canyons everywhere像處處羽毛的大峽谷
I've looked at clouds that way我曾經這樣看著雲的
Now they only block the sun現在它們只會遮住陽光
They rain and snow on everyone下著雨和雪
So many things I would have done我原本要做許多事的
But clouds got in my way黑雲來搗破壞了
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud's illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all
Moons and Junes and ferris wheels
The dizzy, dancing way you feel
When every fairy tale comes real
I've looked at love that way
Now it's just another show
You leave 'em laughing when you go
And if you care don't let them know
Don't give yourself away
I've looked at love from both sides now
From give and take and still somehow
It's love's illusions I recall
I really don't know love at all
Tears and fears and feeling proud
To say I love you right out loud
Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
I've looked at life that way
But now old friends are acting strange
They shake their heads
They say I've changed
Well something's lost and something's gained in living every day
I've looked at life from both sides now
I've looked at life from both sides now
From win and lose and still somehow
It's life's illusions I recall
I really don't know life
I've looked at clouds from both sides now
From up and down and still somehow
It's cloud's illusions I recall
I really don't know clouds at all
I really don't know life at all
緣野仙蹤 讀者劇場 香港
[旁白] Dorthy lived with her auntie Em and Uncle Henry and little dog, Toto. One day there was a very big storm came.[All] 呼~呼~Dorthy's house with Dorthy and her little dog in it, took harm and flew. When the house stopped, Dorthy saw a good witch.[Dorthy] Who are you?[Good witch]Don't be afraid, little girl. I'm a good witch.[Dorthy] Can you tell me what happens? Where am I?[Good witch] You have killed a bad witch of the East. [Dorthy]Me? [Good witch]Yes, your house did. Look at your feet. You have granted her magic red shoes.[Dorthy]Oh no! I don't mean to kill anyone. I just want to go home. [Good witch] Maybe you should go to see the witch of Oz.[Dorthy] Is he good or is he wicked? [Good witch]Oh!He's very good. [Dorthy]How can I find him?[Good witch] Just follow the yellow brick road.[Dorthy]follow the yellow brick road?[Good witch] Good luck my child.
[All] 碰碰 2x Follow the yellow brick load To the land of Oz 碰碰氣氣氣碰碰 碰氣氣氣碰
[旁白]Dorthy followed the yellow brick road. She came to a crossroad.[Dorthy] Now, which way do you go, Toto? [Scarecrow]This way is very nice.[Dorthy] Who says that?[Scarecrow]Or you can go that way.[Dorthy] Do you say something?[Scarecrow]No. No. Yes. Yes.[Dorthy] Can you make up your mind?[Scarecrow]I can't. I haven't gotten a brain. Only straws. [Dorthy]We're going to see the wizard of Oz. Maybe he can give you a brain.[Scarecrow] Hurray![唱]We're off to see the Wizard!!! The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!!![All] 2x Follow the yellow brick load To the land of Oz 碰碰氣氣氣碰碰 碰氣氣氣碰
[旁白]Dorthy and Scarecrow walked on. They met a funky man, a tinman. [Dorthy]It's a man made of tin.[Tinman] Oil can.[Scarecrow]Oil what?[Tinman] Oil can.[Dorthy]Oil can.[Tinman] Thanks a lot. I feel wonderful. I feel rusty under the tree for a long time. [Dorthy] You are perfect now.[Tinman] Perfect? No. The Tinsmithman forgot to give me a heart.[Dorthy&Scarecrow]No, heart?[Dorthy} Maybe, the wizard of Oz can give you a heart.[Scarecrow] Why don't you come along with us. The wizard of Oz will give you a heart.[唱]We're off to see the Wizard!!! The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!!![All] 2x Follow the yellow brick load To the land of Oz 碰碰氣氣氣碰碰 碰氣氣氣碰
Little things 這些芝蔴小事 ( One Direction單向合唱團的新歌)
(還要按中間 在Youtube觀賞 才能看影片)
你的手速配我的手, 像是作給我的, 但記住這一點, 它的意思確是如此, 隨著你的臉上的雀斑,我數著這些點點, 對我來說很有意義。
我知道你從來沒有愛著,你的眼睛旁的皺紋, 當你微笑的時候, 你從來沒有愛著, 你的肚子或你的大腿, 你背後的屁股, 就在你的脊椎的底部, 而我卻會愛它們無休止地。
(合唱) 我不會讓這些芝蔴小事, 說溜出我的嘴, 但是,如果我做了, 這是為了你, 哦,是為了你, 把它們加起來, 因為我愛上了你, 和所有這些芝蔴小事。
沒有一杯茶,你不能睡覺, 也許這就是原因, 你的睡眠中有夢話, 而所有這些對話, 我一直保守的秘密, 雖然它是沒有意義的。
我知道你沒有愛過你磁帶中的聲音, 不想知道有沒有胖些, 你仍得用力的擠進牛仔褲, 對我而言你的一切已近完美。
你永遠也不會愛, 沒有我愛你的一半, 你永遠不會正確對待自己的,親愛的, 即使我想要你好好愛自己。 如果我讓你知道, 我在這裡是為了你, 也許你會愛自己,就像我愛你。 喔
你的手速配我的手, 像是作給我的, 但記住這一點, 它的意思確是如此, 隨著你的臉上的雀斑,我數著這些點點, 對我來說很有意義。
我知道你從來沒有愛著,你的眼睛旁的皺紋, 當你微笑的時候, 你從來沒有愛著, 你的肚子或你的大腿, 你背後的屁股, 就在你的脊椎的底部, 而我卻會愛它們無休止地。
(合唱) 我不會讓這些芝蔴小事, 說溜出我的嘴, 但是,如果我做了, 這是為了你, 哦,是為了你, 把它們加起來, 因為我愛上了你, 和所有這些芝蔴小事。
沒有一杯茶,你不能睡覺, 也許這就是原因, 你的睡眠中有夢話, 而所有這些對話, 我一直保守的秘密, 雖然它是沒有意義的。
我知道你沒有愛過你磁帶中的聲音, 不想知道有沒有胖些, 你仍得用力的擠進牛仔褲, 對我而言你的一切已近完美。
你永遠也不會愛, 沒有我愛你的一半, 你永遠不會正確對待自己的,親愛的, 即使我想要你好好愛自己。 如果我讓你知道, 我在這裡是為了你, 也許你會愛自己,就像我愛你。 喔
------------------------英文話劇讀者劇場錄音: ((不得超過五分鐘))
人員出場順序:爸爸(Iris)、媽媽(Kiki)、女子(Esme)、孫悟空(Matthew)、豬八戒(Elisa)、唐三藏 (Josh)、沙悟淨(Brandon)、小猴们(Nicole, Jillian, Christina, Leya, Cindy, Kevin, Tiny, Janice)
Scene 1 第一景~~~
一起唱:Five little monkeys jumping on the ground, one fell down and break his arm. Mama called the doctor and doctor said no more monkey jumping on the ground.
唐三藏:Alright, alright, monkeys calm down. Hi, We're the Monks from the east.
唐三藏:We are going on a journey to the west.
(沙悟淨): This is a long journey. It took several months to come here.
(孫悟空): Master, Master, are you tired? Let’s have a rest here.
一起: Let's have a rest here. 休息一下再走吧。
唐三藏: No, I'm fine, and we'll take a rest later.
一起:Take a rest later.
沙悟淨:Look! There is a house over there.
一起:A house over there.
沙悟淨:We have arrived at the door.
一起:at the door.
孫悟空: I hope I can read these words written on the door.
一起:You know only the letters, “F-O-R-T-U-N-E”.
唐三藏: My dears, you see! I have asked you to learn more English words,
一起:You know only 26 letters.你還是只知道二十六個字母。
唐三藏:I wonder if you can find a job after your graduation.畢業
沙悟淨: Listen~
沙悟淨:A girl is crying inside.一位年輕女子哭泣
一起:A girl is crying.
女子: Daddy, Mommy~ I don’t wanna marry that pig monster. He is so ugly. 他長得太醜了。
All一起:He's so ugly, Ha ha ha~
女子: I'm pretty, but he's so ugly.
一起:He's so ugly. Ha ha ha~
女子:That's the price of beauty, trust me.
一起唱:Who Says who says You're not pretty, who says You're not beautiful,who says~
媽媽: Honey! You know. The monster is coming to marry you tonight.
爸爸:If you marry him, then all the village will be saved.免於一死了。
沙悟淨: Ouch, the door opened. 突然間,房門打開了。
+++++++一起: Ouch, the door opened. 突然間,房門打開了。
媽媽: My goodness, Who, Who're you exactly? 你們是何方人?
唐三藏: O-mee-to-fou,
一起:Be good! Be good!
唐三藏: Madam, I am the Monk from the East.
孫悟空: If you don’t mind, we like to stay here for a while.休息
媽媽: My goodness, I thought you were escapees from the circus.
爸爸: Maybe, you can save my daughter.幫助我們?
唐三藏: Don’t be sad. Take it easy.
沙悟淨:I can see you two look frightened from your face.
孫悟空:May I ask what had been happening?說清楚一點嗎?
媽媽: My goodness, here appears a Pig Monster.
爸爸: And, he wants to marry our daughter tonight.
媽媽:We are all afraid to death.大家都怕死了。
唐三藏: Calm down, madam. Here is the Monkey King.
沙悟淨:Maybe, he can help you.他能幫上你們。
媽媽: My goodness, is it he? But he looks like only a normal monkey.只是一隻猴子
孫悟空: Do you think so? I guess you need another pair of glasses.
媽媽: My goodness, there have been many people who boast to be very capable.
爸爸: But every time, they were defeated by the Pig Monster.
孫悟空: Is the Pig Monster really so scary? I’d like to see how great he is. 那麼可怕嗎?
媽媽: My goodness, you’d better watch out tonight.
scene 2 第二景~~~
孫悟空: All of you stay inside the house, no matter what happens. 都要躲在房內。
豬八戒: Darling, here I am. Please come to me.
+++++++一起:Please come to me.
豬八戒:We will be a couple tonight.
女子: Don’t look at me like that. I’m shy. 別這樣看我,我會害羞的。
豬八戒: Darling. why do you act like a monkey. :像猴子一樣?
女子: Oh, because I am happy, I will tickle. :會自然抓一抓。
豬八戒:: Fine. OK. OK. Then, let’s go to the bedroom.快入洞房吧。
一起:Go to the bedroom???
女子: Can you carry me on your back?夫君背我吧?
豬八戒: OK. OK. You’re my wife after all. Come on baby.
豬八戒: Oh, no. Darling, why are you so strong?這麼大的力氣?
女子: Touch me out if you can. 有本事你碰我呀!
豬八戒: But, Darling, where are you? Why can’t I see you?
豬八戒: My god. You are the Monkey King.
一起: He's the Monkey King.
孫悟空:You silly! Dare you harm other girls any more?
豬八戒: No, I dare not! 不敢了,不敢了。
孫悟空:Dare you marry them? 孫悟空:你可還敢在這裡娶老婆?
豬八戒:No, no. It’s paining in the ear.
一起:It's paining in the ear.
豬八戒:Please forgive me, Monkey King. 不敢,饒了我吧!
孫悟空: You silly! I’m taking you to meet the Monk from the East. 呆子。
一起:Meet the Monk from the East.
豬八戒: What? Has the Monk from the East come?高僧已經來了?
沙悟淨: Master, please come out. The Pig Monster has been defeated. 豬妖已經投降了。
一起:The Pig Monster has been defeated.
孫悟空: You silly, kneel down to meet your master.
一起:Kneel down~
孫悟空: Master, he will accompany you to the west at Guansheeyin’s request.觀世音特地叫他的
唐三藏: All right. Since now, I will take you as my disciple.徒兒。
+++++++一起:take you as my disciple.徒兒。
唐三藏:Well, it’s kind of late. We should move on. Let’s go on.
一起: Let’s go on. 大家一起走吧。
一起唱:Five little monkeys jumping on the ground, One fell down and break his arm, Mama called the doctor and doctor said no more monkey jumping on the ground.
一起: This is the end of our story. We hope you like it. Thank you and good-by.再見!
人員出場順序:爸爸(Iris)、媽媽(Kiki)、女子(Esme)、孫悟空(Matthew)、豬八戒(Elisa)、唐三藏 (Josh)、沙悟淨(Brandon)、小猴们(Nicole, Jillian, Christina, Leya, Cindy, Kevin, Tiny, Janice)
Scene 1 第一景~~~
一起唱:Five little monkeys jumping on the ground, one fell down and break his arm. Mama called the doctor and doctor said no more monkey jumping on the ground.
唐三藏:Alright, alright, monkeys calm down. Hi, We're the Monks from the east.
唐三藏:We are going on a journey to the west.
(沙悟淨): This is a long journey. It took several months to come here.
(孫悟空): Master, Master, are you tired? Let’s have a rest here.
一起: Let's have a rest here. 休息一下再走吧。
唐三藏: No, I'm fine, and we'll take a rest later.
一起:Take a rest later.
沙悟淨:Look! There is a house over there.
一起:A house over there.
沙悟淨:We have arrived at the door.
一起:at the door.
孫悟空: I hope I can read these words written on the door.
一起:You know only the letters, “F-O-R-T-U-N-E”.
唐三藏: My dears, you see! I have asked you to learn more English words,
一起:You know only 26 letters.你還是只知道二十六個字母。
唐三藏:I wonder if you can find a job after your graduation.畢業
沙悟淨: Listen~
沙悟淨:A girl is crying inside.一位年輕女子哭泣
一起:A girl is crying.
女子: Daddy, Mommy~ I don’t wanna marry that pig monster. He is so ugly. 他長得太醜了。
All一起:He's so ugly, Ha ha ha~
女子: I'm pretty, but he's so ugly.
一起:He's so ugly. Ha ha ha~
女子:That's the price of beauty, trust me.
一起唱:Who Says who says You're not pretty, who says You're not beautiful,who says~
媽媽: Honey! You know. The monster is coming to marry you tonight.
爸爸:If you marry him, then all the village will be saved.免於一死了。
沙悟淨: Ouch, the door opened. 突然間,房門打開了。
+++++++一起: Ouch, the door opened. 突然間,房門打開了。
媽媽: My goodness, Who, Who're you exactly? 你們是何方人?
唐三藏: O-mee-to-fou,
一起:Be good! Be good!
唐三藏: Madam, I am the Monk from the East.
孫悟空: If you don’t mind, we like to stay here for a while.休息
媽媽: My goodness, I thought you were escapees from the circus.
爸爸: Maybe, you can save my daughter.幫助我們?
唐三藏: Don’t be sad. Take it easy.
沙悟淨:I can see you two look frightened from your face.
孫悟空:May I ask what had been happening?說清楚一點嗎?
媽媽: My goodness, here appears a Pig Monster.
爸爸: And, he wants to marry our daughter tonight.
媽媽:We are all afraid to death.大家都怕死了。
唐三藏: Calm down, madam. Here is the Monkey King.
沙悟淨:Maybe, he can help you.他能幫上你們。
媽媽: My goodness, is it he? But he looks like only a normal monkey.只是一隻猴子
孫悟空: Do you think so? I guess you need another pair of glasses.
媽媽: My goodness, there have been many people who boast to be very capable.
爸爸: But every time, they were defeated by the Pig Monster.
孫悟空: Is the Pig Monster really so scary? I’d like to see how great he is. 那麼可怕嗎?
媽媽: My goodness, you’d better watch out tonight.
scene 2 第二景~~~
孫悟空: All of you stay inside the house, no matter what happens. 都要躲在房內。
豬八戒: Darling, here I am. Please come to me.
+++++++一起:Please come to me.
豬八戒:We will be a couple tonight.
女子: Don’t look at me like that. I’m shy. 別這樣看我,我會害羞的。
豬八戒: Darling. why do you act like a monkey. :像猴子一樣?
女子: Oh, because I am happy, I will tickle. :會自然抓一抓。
豬八戒:: Fine. OK. OK. Then, let’s go to the bedroom.快入洞房吧。
一起:Go to the bedroom???
女子: Can you carry me on your back?夫君背我吧?
豬八戒: OK. OK. You’re my wife after all. Come on baby.
豬八戒: Oh, no. Darling, why are you so strong?這麼大的力氣?
女子: Touch me out if you can. 有本事你碰我呀!
豬八戒: But, Darling, where are you? Why can’t I see you?
豬八戒: My god. You are the Monkey King.
一起: He's the Monkey King.
孫悟空:You silly! Dare you harm other girls any more?
豬八戒: No, I dare not! 不敢了,不敢了。
孫悟空:Dare you marry them? 孫悟空:你可還敢在這裡娶老婆?
豬八戒:No, no. It’s paining in the ear.
一起:It's paining in the ear.
豬八戒:Please forgive me, Monkey King. 不敢,饒了我吧!
孫悟空: You silly! I’m taking you to meet the Monk from the East. 呆子。
一起:Meet the Monk from the East.
豬八戒: What? Has the Monk from the East come?高僧已經來了?
沙悟淨: Master, please come out. The Pig Monster has been defeated. 豬妖已經投降了。
一起:The Pig Monster has been defeated.
孫悟空: You silly, kneel down to meet your master.
一起:Kneel down~
孫悟空: Master, he will accompany you to the west at Guansheeyin’s request.觀世音特地叫他的
唐三藏: All right. Since now, I will take you as my disciple.徒兒。
+++++++一起:take you as my disciple.徒兒。
唐三藏:Well, it’s kind of late. We should move on. Let’s go on.
一起: Let’s go on. 大家一起走吧。
一起唱:Five little monkeys jumping on the ground, One fell down and break his arm, Mama called the doctor and doctor said no more monkey jumping on the ground.
一起: This is the end of our story. We hope you like it. Thank you and good-by.再見!
Long long time ago, past fields of green and meadows of flowers, there was a beautiful place where the gold sun would always shine.(1)
There lived many witches - two of which named Judy and Jill. Judy and Jill were quite different.(2) 那兒住著很多女巫 - 其中有一個是朱蒂,另一個是吉兒。
Judy loved bright colors while Jill liked darker colors. Yet, they were still good friends.(3) 朱蒂喜歡鮮豔的色彩,而吉兒喜歡較深的顏色。
Judy was very popular among the other witches because of her powerful magic. She worked hard and truly enjoyed helping others.(4)
Jill on the other hand was shunned by the other witches for being clumsy with magic and bad brooms. Nobody wanted to play with her. (5)
One night, Jill decided to practice her flying, and she went out by herself. But, the moonlight was dark.(6)
In the meantime, Judy was taking a walk. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Jill start to fall from the sky.(7)
It was a sudden. Luckily, Judy was able to help Jill up, then they went back to Jill's house.(8)
They had a good time together. However, just when Judy was about to leave, Jill started to cry.(9)
"What's wrong with you?" Judy was confused, so she asked Jill about it.(10)
"Because I'm bad at magic, other witches are mean to me." Jill told Judy that she had no friends. 吉兒告訴朱蒂:"因為我的魔法笨絀,所以大家討厭我,我都沒有朋友。"
"If I help you with your magic, maybe you'll make some friends." Judy's face lit up as she said to Jill.(12)
Jill wasn't sure but went along with the idea. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (13)
First, Judy taught Jill how to fly rightfully on a broom. Eventually, Jill could fly while carrying two buckets of water.(14)
Because they didn't want to waste the water, they used it to mop the floor. And, Judy also taught Jill to use magic to mop the floor.(15)
Judy had one last idea. As thanks, Jill used her magic to make delicious cookies. So, she gave cookies to other witches.(16)
During the weekend, Jill and Judy had a picnic with all the other witches. They talked and played all day. (17)
In the end, Jill could do the magic well and made more friends. She lived happily ever after.(18)
There lived many witches - two of which named Judy and Jill. Judy and Jill were quite different.(2) 那兒住著很多女巫 - 其中有一個是朱蒂,另一個是吉兒。
Judy loved bright colors while Jill liked darker colors. Yet, they were still good friends.(3) 朱蒂喜歡鮮豔的色彩,而吉兒喜歡較深的顏色。
Judy was very popular among the other witches because of her powerful magic. She worked hard and truly enjoyed helping others.(4)
Jill on the other hand was shunned by the other witches for being clumsy with magic and bad brooms. Nobody wanted to play with her. (5)
One night, Jill decided to practice her flying, and she went out by herself. But, the moonlight was dark.(6)
In the meantime, Judy was taking a walk. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Jill start to fall from the sky.(7)
It was a sudden. Luckily, Judy was able to help Jill up, then they went back to Jill's house.(8)
They had a good time together. However, just when Judy was about to leave, Jill started to cry.(9)
"What's wrong with you?" Judy was confused, so she asked Jill about it.(10)
"Because I'm bad at magic, other witches are mean to me." Jill told Judy that she had no friends. 吉兒告訴朱蒂:"因為我的魔法笨絀,所以大家討厭我,我都沒有朋友。"
"If I help you with your magic, maybe you'll make some friends." Judy's face lit up as she said to Jill.(12)
Jill wasn't sure but went along with the idea. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (13)
First, Judy taught Jill how to fly rightfully on a broom. Eventually, Jill could fly while carrying two buckets of water.(14)
Because they didn't want to waste the water, they used it to mop the floor. And, Judy also taught Jill to use magic to mop the floor.(15)
Judy had one last idea. As thanks, Jill used her magic to make delicious cookies. So, she gave cookies to other witches.(16)
During the weekend, Jill and Judy had a picnic with all the other witches. They talked and played all day. (17)
In the end, Jill could do the magic well and made more friends. She lived happily ever after.(18)
The Rolling Egg Is Back


I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy! 我是一個傻瓜洋基壯丁(Doodle塗鴉在此被當作傻瓜~)
A Yankee Doodle Do or Die!一個鞠躬盡粹的傻瓜洋基
A real live nephew of my Uncle Sam's 一個山姆大叔的活潑姪兒
Born on the Fourth of July! 出生在七月四日
I've got a Yankee Doodle Sweetheart 我有一位傻瓜洋基甜心
She's my Yankee Doodle Joy 她是我傻瓜洋基的快樂泉源
Yankee Doodle came to run 傻瓜洋基進城了
Just to ride the ponies 只是想要騎馬
I am a Yankee Doodle Boy! 我就是那一個傻瓜洋基男兒
A Yankee Doodle Do or Die!一個鞠躬盡粹的傻瓜洋基
A real live nephew of my Uncle Sam's 一個山姆大叔的活潑姪兒
Born on the Fourth of July! 出生在七月四日
I've got a Yankee Doodle Sweetheart 我有一位傻瓜洋基甜心
She's my Yankee Doodle Joy 她是我傻瓜洋基的快樂泉源
Yankee Doodle came to run 傻瓜洋基進城了
Just to ride the ponies 只是想要騎馬
I am a Yankee Doodle Boy! 我就是那一個傻瓜洋基男兒
May Lyn : This is the Door "門在這兒"
Lyrics 歌詞:
Everybody hates you behind your back在你背後大家都討厭你
But its obvious you don't care about it但你明顯不在意
Everybody loves saying mean things about you大家都說你的壞話
Cause it's obvious you just don't get it你明顯不了解
Why you gotta keep being so obnoxious 為何你如此不愉快的
Don't you know you're getting on my nerves難道你不明白是你讓我發神經
You think you can control everyone around you你以為你到處發口令
You're making everyone so sick and tired你讓大家討厭累倒
Does it make you feel good你這樣滿意嗎
Telling everyone what to do?指揮著大家?
((And I can't wait我等不及 for the day I don't have to see you anymore從我不用在看到你這天開始 For the day I'll show you the door這天我將告訴你門在這兒 And we all hate you大家都討厭你 Trust me, you don't wanna start a war相信我你不想打仗吧 This is the door門在這兒 This is the door門在這兒))
Meeting you is like walking into death trap看見你像掉到死穴 Its so not easy getting out不易爬出來 We all come out bruised and battered出來也是傷痕累累 Yeah that's you, without a doubt一定是你給的 Does it make you feel good你這樣滿意嗎 Telling everyone what to do?指揮著大家?
This is for all the times you put us on the spot這是所有你給我們的 All the times you came down on us hard所有你重重的打壓 This is the door門在這兒,(自己走吧~)
((And I can't wait我等不及 for the day I don't have to see you anymore從我不用在看到你這天開始 For the day I'll show you the door這天我將告訴你門在這兒 And we all hate you大家都討厭你 Trust me, you don't wanna start a war相信我你不想打仗吧 This is the door門在這兒 This is the door門在這兒))
Meeting you is like walking into death trap看見你像掉到死穴 Its so not easy getting out不易爬出來 We all come out bruised and battered出來也是傷痕累累 Yeah that's you, without a doubt一定是你給的 Does it make you feel good你這樣滿意嗎 Telling everyone what to do?指揮著大家?
This is for all the times you put us on the spot這是所有你給我們的 All the times you came down on us hard所有你重重的打壓 This is the door門在這兒,(自己走吧~)
May Lyn : Braces and Faces牙套和臉龐
Lyrics歌詞: Oh you've been around for so long噢你已經在這兒一段時間了
It's almost like you belonged on my teeth像屬於我的牙齒般
and you belonged to me for more than a year and a half,屬於我的牙齒有一年半
I wasn't very happy我有不舒服的感覺
Oh, all the faces I made when I was wearing braces我的臉龐有了牙套
Oh, I'm sure I won't forget it我不會忘記
and now that you're gone I don't think I regret it你已走開我一點也不在意
I remember the days I spent doing acrobatics with my tongue我還記得舌頭耍雜技
To get the food stuck in my teeth out, after lunch及午餐後剔齒的時光
And when I woke up in the morning早上醒來
You'd stick to the insides of my mouth把你裝入嘴巴中
And if I wasn't very careful you'd rip the tender flesh out一不小心你會把撕裂鮮肉
and cause a bleeding引起淌血
Oh, all the faces I made when I was wearing braces我的臉龐有了牙套
Oh, I'm sure I won't forget it我不會忘記
and now that you're gone I don't think I regret it你已走開我一點也不在意
100 bucks a month.一個月要一百澳元
Spent well, I hope我想值得的
The bittersweet memories that we shared一起分享有些痛有些甜的回憶
Will not go untold, in this song通通遺留在這首歌
Oh, all the faces I made when I was wearing braces我的臉龐有了牙套
Oh, I'm sure I won't forget it我不會忘記
and now that you're gone I don't think I regret it你已走開我一點也不在意
May Lyn : Falling
I've been walking on this lonely road forever
I've been standing on the edge, looking down at these waters
I take a look at myself, who's that girl in the mirror?
She's changed so much I don't even know her anymore
Save me, I'm falling apart
Into a thousand pieces
I'm breaking, I'm in so deep
My head's underwater
Can you hear me, do you see me?
Cuz I'm still here
It's not easy to go on when you're seeing yourself
getting ripped to shreds
And it's all my fault
How could this happen?
Save me, I'm falling apart
Into a thousand pieces
I'm breaking, I'm in so deep
My head's underwater
Can you hear me, do you see me?
Cuz I'm still here
I don't know if you know,
But please know that I'm still here
Your Love by May Lyn
All the smooth conversations and sweet faces
I've seen it all, I see it all
All the time
This handwritten love letter's just a piece of paper
lying somewhere, long forgotten.
Waiting to be thrown into the bin
Into the bin
Into the bin
Cause your lo-o-o-o-o-ove
Was nothing
I'm walking alone, Mrs Forever Alone
Cause single's how I like it
I think life would be so much better
If I wasn't attached to anyone
I'm not attaching myself to anyone
Oh no
Cause your lo-o-o-o-o-ove
Was never real
And I don't feel anything anymore
Since the day I decided to stop lying to myself
And I don't think about what we could have been
or who you've been seeing
or what you're gonna end up doing with yourself
Cause my lo-o-o-o-o-ove
Was nothing
Our lo-o-o-o-o-ove
Was never real
Was never real
May Lyn: A Lost Cause
lyrics: My mother holds me close to her side, as I stare at my father lying so so still Daddy's eyes are open, he has no expression his face is white as a stone He's gonna lie down forever where they left him by the road Take a look at what's been done, now we've nowhere to go Tale a look at the mess that's been made now there's nowhere to call home Just go ahead, send out your men Just go ahead, fire your guns, drop your bombs As you stand tall As you look proud Only fighting for a lost cause I remember when he used to make me these little toys that winded up He was a smart man I want to be just like him when I grow up Take a look at what's been done, now there's nowhere to go Tale a look at the mess that's been made now there's nowhere to call home Just go ahead, send out your men Just go ahead, fire your guns, drop your bombs As you stand tall As you look proud Only fighting for a lost cause No respect for our property No respect for our homes No respect for my family Now they're all gone It's all gone It's all gone It's all gone Just go ahead, send out your men Just go ahead, fire your guns, drop your bombs As you stand tall As you look proud Only fighting for a lost cause
Ours 我們的事~
Elevator buttons in morning air
Strangers' silence makes me want to take the stairs
If you were here we'd laugh about their vacant stares
But right now my time is theirs
Seems like there's always someone who disapproves They'll judge it like they know about me and you And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do The jury's out, my choice is you
[A]So don't you worry your pretty little mind People throw rocks at things that shine And life makes love work hard The stakes are high, the water's rough But this love is ours
You never know what people have up their sleeves Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me Lurking in the shadows with their lip gloss smiles But I don't care 'cause right now you're mine
And you'll say 重覆 [A]
And it's not theirs to speculate If it's wrong and Your hands are tough But they are where mine belong and I'll fight that doubt and give you faith With this song for you
'Cause I love the gap between your teeth And I love the riddles that you speak And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored 'Cause my heart is yours
在清晨空氣中有電梯的按鍵聲 陌生人的沉默讓我好想走樓梯 如果你在這邊我們可以一起嘲笑他們空洞的眼神 只是 這一刻 我困在他們這裡 彷彿永遠都會有人反對 批評的話 說得好像跟我們很熟 想判決我們 真是沒事找事做 陪審團們(他們)已走開 我的判決還是屬於你 [A]不要擔心 可愛的小寶貝 成為眾矢之的 因為太耀眼 如果生活讓愛喘不過氣 就算風險再大 前途再艱難 愛只是我們的事 你永遠無法猜透人們居心叵測 你的過去 也許會變成我的問題 蜜糖唇色下的陰謀蠢動 但我不在乎 因為你屬於我 而你會說 (重覆[A]) 不關他們的事 就算是錯 你的雙手還能抵擋 我只要你抱緊我 我要擊退流言 讓你相信 並唱這首歌獻給你 我喜歡你牙齒張開微笑 還有你常說的那些謎語 我爸每次警告我那些有關你刺青的話 不要在意喔~ 因為我的心已屬於你
Strangers' silence makes me want to take the stairs
If you were here we'd laugh about their vacant stares
But right now my time is theirs
Seems like there's always someone who disapproves They'll judge it like they know about me and you And the verdict comes from those with nothing else to do The jury's out, my choice is you
[A]So don't you worry your pretty little mind People throw rocks at things that shine And life makes love work hard The stakes are high, the water's rough But this love is ours
You never know what people have up their sleeves Ghosts from your past gonna jump out at me Lurking in the shadows with their lip gloss smiles But I don't care 'cause right now you're mine
And you'll say 重覆 [A]
And it's not theirs to speculate If it's wrong and Your hands are tough But they are where mine belong and I'll fight that doubt and give you faith With this song for you
'Cause I love the gap between your teeth And I love the riddles that you speak And any snide remarks from my father about your tattoos will be ignored 'Cause my heart is yours
在清晨空氣中有電梯的按鍵聲 陌生人的沉默讓我好想走樓梯 如果你在這邊我們可以一起嘲笑他們空洞的眼神 只是 這一刻 我困在他們這裡 彷彿永遠都會有人反對 批評的話 說得好像跟我們很熟 想判決我們 真是沒事找事做 陪審團們(他們)已走開 我的判決還是屬於你 [A]不要擔心 可愛的小寶貝 成為眾矢之的 因為太耀眼 如果生活讓愛喘不過氣 就算風險再大 前途再艱難 愛只是我們的事 你永遠無法猜透人們居心叵測 你的過去 也許會變成我的問題 蜜糖唇色下的陰謀蠢動 但我不在乎 因為你屬於我 而你會說 (重覆[A]) 不關他們的事 就算是錯 你的雙手還能抵擋 我只要你抱緊我 我要擊退流言 讓你相信 並唱這首歌獻給你 我喜歡你牙齒張開微笑 還有你常說的那些謎語 我爸每次警告我那些有關你刺青的話 不要在意喔~ 因為我的心已屬於你
Payphone 魔力紅原唱~ 1手語+2翻唱
I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change i've spent on you
Where are the times gone
baby It's all wrong
Where are the plans we made for two?
Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember
The people we used to be...
It's even harder to picture,
That you're not here next to me.
You say it's too late to make it,
But is it too late to try?
And in our time that you wasted
All of our bridges burned down
I've wasted my nights,
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed,
Still stuck in that time,
When we called it love,
But even the sun sets in paradise
I'm at a payphone trying to call home All of my change I spent on you Where have the times gone Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? If happy ever after did exist I would still be holding you like this All those fairytales are full of sh*t One more stupid love song I'll be sick You turned your back on tomorrow Cause you forgot yesterday I gave you my love to borrow But just gave it away You can't expect me to be fine I don't expect you to care I know I've said it before But all of our bridges burned down I've wasted my nights You turned out the lights Now I'm paralyzed Still stuck in that time when we called it love But even the sun sets in paradise I'm at a payphone trying to call home All of my change I spent on you Where have the times gone Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? If happy ever after did exist I would still be holding you like this All those fairytales are full of sh*t One more stupid love song I'll be sick Now I'm at a payphone... [Wiz Khalifa] Man work that sh*t I'll be out spending all this money while you sitting round Wondering why it wasn't you who came up from nothing Made it from the bottom Now when you see me I'm stunning And all of my cars start with the push up a button Telling me the chances I blew up or whatever you call it Switched the number to my phone So you never could call it Don't need my name on my show You can tell it I'm ballin' Swish, what a shame could have got picked Had a really good game but you missed your last shot So you talk about who you see at the top Or what you could've saw But sad to say it's over for Phantom pulled up valet open doors Wiz like go away, got what you was looking for Now ask me who they want So you can go and take that little piece of sh*t with you I'm at a payphone trying to call home All of my change I spent on you Where have the times gone Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two? If happy ever after did exist I would still be holding you like this All those fairytales are full of sh*t One more stupid love song I'll be sick Now I'm at a payphone...
Good Time by Owl City and Carly 翻唱版
Woke up on the right side of the bed,
What's up with this Prince song inside my head?
Hands up if you're down to get down tonight,
Cuz it's always a good time.
Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care,
Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere.
I'm in if you're down to get down tonight,
Cuz it's always a good time.
Good morning and good night,
I wake up at twilight.
It's gonna be alright we don't even have to try,
It's always a good time.
It's always a good time
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.
What's up with this Prince song inside my head?
Hands up if you're down to get down tonight,
Cuz it's always a good time.
Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care,
Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere.
I'm in if you're down to get down tonight,
Cuz it's always a good time.
Good morning and good night,
I wake up at twilight.
It's gonna be alright we don't even have to try,
It's always a good time.
It's always a good time
We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.
美國研究所 English department
Georgetown Univ. toefl 要求80+ /GRE要但分數不限
Marquette University toefl 80+(各別20+) /GRE要分數不限
Univ. of Delaware toefl 79 /GRE 300
Kansas State toefl 79(各別20+)/GRE要分數不限
Univ. of Kansas toefl 100/GRE不用
Penn State U ?/GRE
Ohio State U toefl 100/GRE
LSU ?/gre verbal 600=新制160
U of missisippi ? /GRE要
Schools that Patty had applied for and were sent scores to
1. u of michigan 2. u of Texas austin 3. u of illinois Urbana Champaign
4. U of Maryland 5. u of Pittsburgh 6. u of Delaware 7. u of Tennessee
8. Marquette U 9.
1. Arizona State U 2. Michigan State U 3. U of Cal Davis 4. USC
1. Liberty University 私立,維吉尼亞州 托福61(約舊式500)
2. Boise State University idaho 61
3. Lewis-Clark State College idaho 61
4. UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA AT MONROE 61 conditional (還可條件入學)
5. Arkansas Tech Univ 阿肯色州 61
6. University of Tennessee at Martin 田納西 61 conditional
7. Coppin State Univ. 巴爾的摩 61 註:黑人大學
8. Arizona state Univ. 61 conditional code=4007
9. Univ. of Wisconsin Green Bay 61註:緯度高冬天太冷
10. Norfolk State University, 61 維吉尼亞州
11. Univ of Delaware, 紐瓦市 conditional 有English Education系
12. univ of nebraska omaha 61
13. univ of Tulsa 61私立
14. Towson University 巴爾的摩 61 公立 (有來台灣介紹)
****15. Cal State Long Beach 洛杉機 61 code=4389. date=4/1
16. Cal State Fullerton 洛杉機 61
17. Sonoma State University 舊金山 61
18. San Jose State Univ. 舊金山 61 code=4687
****20. Sacramento state Univ. 舊金山 64 code=4671
21. Univ of New Mexico 68 conditional
30. Univ of Cincinati 66
31. Murry State Univ. Nashville, 71 conditional
32. univ of Kenturkey lexington, 71 conditional
33. new mexico state university, 68(約舊式520)
34. Kent state Univ. 克里夫蘭 71(約舊式525) conditional
35. wichita state university, Kansas, 72 conditional
36. Ohio University, 71 conditional
37. U of Nevada Las Vegas, 73
38. Portland State U, 71 conditional code=4610 住可能有問題?
41. Monmouth Univ. 紐澤西 79 私立 conditional
42. Ball state Univ. 印地那州 79 conditional 不需托福, 和育達大學結盟
43. Mercer University 亞特蘭大 80 (約舊式550) conditional
44. Illinois state Univ 芝加哥 550, 79 conditional
****45. University of Pacific 舊金山 80 conditional 61以下 code=4065 Submit a brief Certification of Finances/Recommendation/personal statement (250 to 500 words) - as a way to get to know you as a person and more than a collection of classes and test scores.
46. Oregan state Univ. 80 conditional 60
47. Pacific Lutheran University 西雅圖 79
49. Marquette University 80, Milwaukee密爾瓦基, conditional code=1448 登入= vid sister+1 date 4/1
50.Valparaiso University 80 芝加哥
****51. San Diego State 80, conditional code=4682
61. Creighton University 奧瑪哈市 Nebraska 80
62. Univ. of Detroit 底特律 550, 80/21 conditional
63. Wayne state Univ 底特律 Detroit 550, 79
朋友 英文歌 - 原唱:周華健
朋友 英文歌 原唱 周華健 (小朋友第一次接觸英文,只是小聲跟著唱,其實他們都看不懂字)
Years ago we agreed That great friends we would be Though we were quite naive But it's not hard to believe
Every day, every year With each laugh, with each tear Meant so much more to me with you there
Friendship will grow day by day Even when we're far away I know we'll be okay Friends forever we'll stay Though the future's still unknown I will never be alone Though we change, though we've grown In my heart is our home
Time has passed, we've grown up Sharing hope, sharing love Because faith helped us through I know I can count on you
In your eyes I can see How we fit perfectly Best of friends, always be you and me
Friendship will grow day by day Even when we're far away I know we'll be okay Friends forever we'll stay Though the future's still unknown I will never be alone Though we change, though we've grown In my heart is our home
朋友一生一起走 那些日子不再有 一句话一辈子 一生情一杯酒 朋友不曾孤单过 一声朋友你会懂 还有伤还有痛 还要走还有我
Years ago we agreed That great friends we would be Though we were quite naive But it's not hard to believe
Every day, every year With each laugh, with each tear Meant so much more to me with you there
Friendship will grow day by day Even when we're far away I know we'll be okay Friends forever we'll stay Though the future's still unknown I will never be alone Though we change, though we've grown In my heart is our home
Time has passed, we've grown up Sharing hope, sharing love Because faith helped us through I know I can count on you
In your eyes I can see How we fit perfectly Best of friends, always be you and me
Friendship will grow day by day Even when we're far away I know we'll be okay Friends forever we'll stay Though the future's still unknown I will never be alone Though we change, though we've grown In my heart is our home
朋友一生一起走 那些日子不再有 一句话一辈子 一生情一杯酒 朋友不曾孤单过 一声朋友你会懂 还有伤还有痛 还要走还有我
故事內容在南投縣碧峰國小2010時,很多位學生建構而成,施建豐老師修訂為英文版,原圖則是由光復國小2011畢業生施逸青和巫喬馨畫的,現在正電腦修圖中… Past fields of green and meadows of flowers, there was a beautiful place where the gold sun would always shine.(1)
There lived many witches - two of which named Judy and Jill.(2)
那兒住著很多女巫 - 其中有一個是朱蒂,另一個是吉兒。
Judy loved bright colors while Jill liked darker colors. Yet, they were still good friends.(3)
Judy was very popular among the other witches because of her powerful magic.(4)
Jill on the other hand was shunned by the other witches for being clumsy with magic and bad brooms.(5)
One night, Jill decided to practice her flying, and she went out by herself.(6)
Judy was taking a walk. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Jill start to fall from the sky.(7)
It was a sudden. Luckily, Judy was able to help Jill up, then they went back to Jill's house.(8)
However, just when Judy was about to leave, Jill started to cry.(9)
"What's wrong with you?" Judy was confused, so she asked Jill about it.(10)
"Because I'm bad at magic, other witches are mean to me". Jill told Judy that she had no friends.(11)
"If I help you with your magic, maybe you'll make some friends." Judy's face lit up as she said to Jill.(12)
Jill wasn't sure but went along with the idea. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (13)
First, Judy taught Jill how to fly rightfully on a broom. Eventually, Jill could fly while carrying two buckets of water.(14)
Because they didn't want to waste the water, they used it to mop the floor. And, Judy also taught Jill to use magic to mop the floor.(15)
Judy had one last idea. As thanks, Jill used her magic to make delicious cookies.(16)
During the weekend, Jill and Judy had a picnic with all the other witches.(17)
In the end, Jill made more friends and she lived happily ever after.(18)
故事內容在南投縣碧峰國小2010時,很多位學生建構而成,施建豐老師修訂為英文版,原圖則是由光復國小2011畢業生施逸青和巫喬馨畫的,現在正電腦修圖中… Past fields of green and meadows of flowers, there was a beautiful place where the gold sun would always shine.(1)
There lived many witches - two of which named Judy and Jill.(2)
那兒住著很多女巫 - 其中有一個是朱蒂,另一個是吉兒。
Judy loved bright colors while Jill liked darker colors. Yet, they were still good friends.(3)
Judy was very popular among the other witches because of her powerful magic.(4)
Jill on the other hand was shunned by the other witches for being clumsy with magic and bad brooms.(5)
One night, Jill decided to practice her flying, and she went out by herself.(6)
Judy was taking a walk. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Jill start to fall from the sky.(7)
It was a sudden. Luckily, Judy was able to help Jill up, then they went back to Jill's house.(8)
However, just when Judy was about to leave, Jill started to cry.(9)
"What's wrong with you?" Judy was confused, so she asked Jill about it.(10)
"Because I'm bad at magic, other witches are mean to me". Jill told Judy that she had no friends.(11)
"If I help you with your magic, maybe you'll make some friends." Judy's face lit up as she said to Jill.(12)
Jill wasn't sure but went along with the idea. A friend in need is a friend indeed. (13)
First, Judy taught Jill how to fly rightfully on a broom. Eventually, Jill could fly while carrying two buckets of water.(14)
Because they didn't want to waste the water, they used it to mop the floor. And, Judy also taught Jill to use magic to mop the floor.(15)
Judy had one last idea. As thanks, Jill used her magic to make delicious cookies.(16)
During the weekend, Jill and Judy had a picnic with all the other witches.(17)
In the end, Jill made more friends and she lived happily ever after.(18)
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