Tacky the Penguin~


Narrator 1: There once lived a penguin class. Narrator 2: Their classroom was a nice icy land, where they shared with each other. Narrator 1: One penguin's name was Tacky. Tacky was an odd bird. Narrator 2: His classmates were named Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect. Narrator 1: Every day Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect greeted each other politely. Goodly: Hi! Lovely: Hi! Angel: Hi! Perfect: Hi! Narrator 2: But, Tacky greeted them with a hearty slap and a loud Tacky: WHAT'S HAPPENING?
Narrator 2: Goodly, Lovely, Neatly, Angel, and Perfect always marched. Goodly: 1-2-3-4 Lovely: 1-2-3-4 Neatly: 1-2-3-4 Angel: 1-2-3-4 Perfect: 1-2-3-4 Narrator 3: Tacky always marched 1-2-3 4-2 3-6-0 2 1/2 - 0. Narrator 4: His companions were graceful divers. Narrator 5: Tacky liked to do splashy cannonballs. Narrator 1: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect always sang songs like "What makes you beautiful" Narrator 2: Tacky always sang songs like "What makes you beautiful" Tacky was an odd bird!
Narrator 3: One day the penguins heard the thump, thump, thump of feet in the distance. Narrator 4: This could only mean one thing.
Narrator 5: Hunter's had come! Narrator 1: They came with maps and traps and rocks and locks, and they were rough and tough. Narrator 2: As the thump...thump...thump drew closer, the penguins could hear growly voices chanting. Hunter 1: We're gonna catch some pretty penguins, Hunter 2: And we'll march them with a switch, Hunter 3: And we'll send them for a dollar, Hunter 4: And get rich, rich, RICH! Narrator 3: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect ran away in fright. Narrator 4: They hid behind a block of ice. Narrator 5: Tacky stood alone. Narrator 1: The hunters marched right up to him, chanting, Hunter 1: We're gonna catch some pretty penguins, Hunter 2: And we'll march them with a switch, Hunter 3: And we'll sell them for a dollar, Hunter 4: And get rich, rich, RICH! Tacky: What's happening? ALL Hunters: We are hunting for penguins. That is what's happening. Tacky: PENGUINS? Do you mean those birds that march neatly in a row? 1-23 4-2 3-6-0 2 1/2 0 Narrator 2: The hunters looked puzzled. Tacky: Do you mean those birds that dive so gracefully? Narrator 3: And he did a splashy cannonball. The hunters looked wet. Tacky: Do you mean those birds that sing such pretty songs? Narrator 4: Tacky began to sing and from behind the block of ice came the voices of his companions, all singing as loudly and dreadfully as they could. Goodly: How many toes does a fish have? Lovely: And how many wings on a cow? Angel: I wonder, yup. Neatly: I wonder! Narrator 5: The hunters could not stand the horrible singing. Narrator 1: This could not be the land of the pretty penguins. Narrator 2: They ran away with their hands clasped tightly over their ears, Narrator 3: leaving behind the traps and rocks and locks, Narrator 4: and not looking at all rough and tough. Narrator 5: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect hugged Tacky. Tacky was an odd bird but a very nice bird to have around.
<><><><><><<><><><><><><><><><><> Penguin written by, Meish Goldish I know a bird That cannot fly: Penguin is its name. It cannot fly, But it can swim With speed that wins it fame! I know a bird That lives on ice And waddles by the sea. It looks so cute In its black and white suit, As handsome as can be! <><><><><><<><><><><><><><><><><> Tacky the Duck Parts(10): Narrator 1 Narrator 2 Tacky Goodly Lovely Angel Neatly Perfect Hunter 1 Hunter 2 Hunter 3 Narrator 1: There once lived a little yellow duck. Narrator 2: His home was a nice and wide pool he shared with his companions. Narrator 1: His companions were named Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect. Narrator 2: The duck's name was Tacky. Tacky was an odd duck. Narrator 1: Every day Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect greeted each other politely. Goodly: Hi! Lovely: Hi! Angel: Hi! Neatly: Hi! Perfect: Hi! Narrator 1: Tacky greeted them with a hearty slap and a loud. Tacky: WHAT'S HAPPENING? Narrator 2: Goodly, Lovely, Neatly, Angel, and Perfect always marched. Goodly: 1-2-3-4 Lovely: 1-2-3-4 Neatly: 1-2-3-4 Angel: 1-2-3-4 Perfect: 1-2-3-4 Narrator 3: Tacky always marched 1-2-3-1, 1-2-3-half, 1-2-3-one quarter. Narrator 4: His companions were graceful sliders. Narrator 5: Tacky liked to do some splashes. Narrator 1: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect always sang songs like "So get out, get out, get out of my head And fall into my arms instead I don't, I don't, don't know what it is But I need that one thing And you've got that one thing." Narrator 2: Tacky always sang songs like " How many toes does a fish have? And how many wings on a cow? ." Tacky was an odd duck! Narrator 3: One day the ducks heard the thump, thump, thump of feet in the distance. Narrator 4: This could only mean one thing. Narrator 5: Hunter's had come! Narrator 1: They came with maps and traps and rocks and locks, and they were rough and tough. Narrator 2: As the thump...thump...thump drew closer, the ducks could hear growly voices chanting. Hunter 1: We're gonna catch some pretty ducks, Hunter 2: And we'll march them with a switch, Hunter 3: And we'll send them for a dollar, Hunter 4: And get rich, rich, RICH! Narrator 3: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly, and Perfect ran away in fright. Narrator 4: They hid behind a block of duck. Narrator 5: Tacky stood alone. Narrator 1: The hunters marched right up to him, chanting, Hunter 1: We're gonna catch some pretty ducks, Hunter 2: And we'll march them with a switch, Hunter 3: And we'll sell them for a dollar, Hunter 4: And get rich, rich, RICH! Tacky: What's happening? ALL Hunters: We are hunting for ducks. That is what's happening. Tacky: Ducks? Do you mean those birds that march neatly in a row? 1-2-3-1, 1-2-3-half, 1-2-3-one quarter. Narrator 2: The hunters looked puzzled. Tacky: Do you mean those ducks that dive so gracefully? Narrator 3: And he did a splash. The hunters looked wet. Tacky: Do you mean those birds that sing such pretty songs? Narrator 4: Tacky began to sing and from behind the block of rock came the voices of his companions, all singing as loudly and dreadfully as they could. Goodly: How many toes does a fish have? Lovely: And how many wings on a cow? Angel: I wonder, yup. Neatly: I wonder! Narrator 5: The hunters could not stand the horrible singing. Narrator 1: This could not be the land of the pretty ducks. Narrator 2: They ran away with their hands clasped tightly over their ears, Narrator 3: leaving behind the traps and rocks and locks, Narrator 4: and not looking at all rough and tough. Narrator 5: Goodly, Lovely, Angel, Neatly and Perfect hugged Tacky. Tacky was an odd duck but a very nice duck to have around.

