Clouds were back in the deep autumn

This morning, I waked up and opened the window. To my surprise, the outside mountains were so beautiful and the view was as clear as crystal. I saw the clouds were back in this lonely valley. Though it is in the deep autumn, the weather stays warmly. There has been always sunny and blue sky, and no rains for a month. Since last night, the rain started to drop reluntantly. Now, I have to stay by my window and look through the valley, which is bringing some of my memory back. It seems I just arrived this valley before long. Somehow, two months have passed quietly. Later on, I have to face my students in the class, who have given enough troubles lately. I know I can’t never turn back the clock. Because students aren’t those used to be, with whom we have shared for many things together.

motivation for students

Today, I figure out that my students lack of motivation to study and they try to fool with me. They are in their fifth grade, but only one manages to finish the math as counting some divisional problems. During my instruction, some of them are running around the classroom. They lack of disciplines from family, school, and individul. Until now, I have only two weapon toward them, one is giving them refreshment, and another is sending them to school for immediate punishment. Children grow up and learn from environment. I can't do much things about their behaviors. I just to help with my best efforts. School have to educate them together with their family. What I can do is to remind them the consequences of bad and good things. The authority of school is going down from the point of society. Many students nowadays don't respect their teachers. It is sad, but we have to well behave ourselves. I have to use cookies and candies to promote their motivation. It is sad, but I have no choice. I hope they can get motivation from inside of their mind, not depend on outside rewards. I hope I know how to solve this problem and lead them to the right track in a near future.

Teacher's Day ---- written by Fred

Today is Teacher's Day in Taiwan. It is a day set aside to honor teachers.

I say that we are all teachers. Everyone learns from everyone. Good teachers know that they always must be students. And, hopefully students will someday know that they are to be teachers. Everyone we meet learns from us. And, vice versa.

So let us all be great teachers, so that our students, even though we don't know them will honor us. And, let us be good students, so that our teachers, even though we did not personally thank them can be honored by our deeds.

Aspire to inspire before you expire!

Thank you to my students and my teachers,


Noah's Ark

說也奇怪,這時天空突然飛來一片黑雲,還有閃電和隆隆的雷聲,這顆大石頭竟然被擊中,而裂成兩半。 石頭的裂縫夾著一張紙條,阿諾一個箭步把紙條取下,說也奇怪,那顆石頭的裂縫自己又合併,石頭又恢復原狀。亞諾嘖嘖稱奇,趕忙打開紙條看個究竟。紙條上寫著:「亞諾,我是上帝,我要你趕快建造一艘大船。部落的人都要上船,還有你們飼養的動物也要上船。因為,你們這兒會發生洪水,只有船上的人和動物才能獲救。」 亞諾不敢大意,立刻準備許多大樹蓋好這艘大船。他叫所有的人和動物上船避難。可是,人們半信半疑,不願上船。而動物,每一種只能二隻上船,一隻公的,另一隻母的。結果動物們一對對都來報到,有狗、貓、馬、猴子、羊、豬、長頸鹿、孔雀和大象,好不熱鬧。
to be continued......


I was told that I needed to give a speech next Thursday. It is to introduce a book I read to the whole school. Therefore, I went to library a moment ago and found a picture book, "A educated wolf." I finished it in no time. I think it is a great book. Somehow, it reminds me of a class, I had taught before. Here is the story. I told my student, "listen, kids. You have to leave here after I count to twelve." Students were alert and expected to run away. I used to play, the big bad wolf game with them. Some students couldn't catch me, but others kept their voices high, "Teacher Paul is gonna play game again." Kids need amusement. I started to count, "1,2,....11." "I will continue counting when I finish reading a story." I heard some kids' noises. "But, I tell you. I might count 12 in the midway. Just don't be the last one to run out of the classroom. Otherwise, you will be the lunch of the big bad wolf." At the end, I counted to 12, but the class dismiss bell was rung already.

Bee Hive

"It is a bee hive." my students said to me, this morning when we went sweeping roads outside of the school. It looked as a nest I reckoned. Then, all of a sudden, one of my students striked it with his broom. Bees spreaded over on top of our heads. I thought they would run as quickly as I did. But, actually in the opposite way, they kept striking parts of bees with brooms till termination of their lives. They hit bees to death on the road. Too cruel to observe, that studetns don't follow my words. I thought they showed the nature of human being that they wanted being naughty. Teacher Yang immediately came up and asked them to behavior properly. These kids were lucky to have teacher Yang around. She ordered them to stand. I wonder when they could start to follow my commands.

Remote and Isolated Village

Our school is the only school in this remote and isolated village, that contains few people. After the 911 Major Earthquake, the school was complete destroyed, but sooner rebuilt in a distance place. Now, students have to commuted to school by cars. I am the main teacher of grade five class, which involves only five kids, Tina, Joel, Joe, Luke, and John. I teach them, Chinese, Math, and also English. They are far behind from city's kids in every field. I am told one elited student who had transferred to other school. Our school pay attention to my instruction, for this is the most bad behavior class. This morning, I am sufferring from their extremely bad attitude toward me. I know I have to be a little patience. They need extra help from me, though I really don't know what exactly I should do now. Sigh!

Beginning at the School

This semester, I am teaching at the school in a remote mountain. I like this school very much though it is kinda small. My class has a few students who are cute, yet often troublesome. I have never had a class of my own. This is my first time to take care of a class. I hope I will have a great time with them.
Now it is September. In the morning, the clouds travel around the valley and make a great scene with mountain. The sun rises later on, but the temperature stays warm and friendly. In the afternoon, the raindrops start to take over the valley. I live in the dormitory, where the night is dark and calm. The school is desert after Friday, but on Sunday afternoon, teachers will move back and occupy the school again. I have to get used to here soon for students might need my awkward instruction.

The little mermaids script

“The little mermaid” 小美人魚的故事(drama script 劇本)

旁白:Far, far away. There live six beautiful mermaids in the castle under the sea. (有六位美人魚住在海中的王殿)Their father is the king of mermaids.(她們有一個爸爸,他是美人魚的國王)

六位美人魚說: “We are beautiful mermaids. We heard many stories about the land. We like to swim to sea surface.”

國王說:“No, no, no. You are not allowed to the sea surface until you are seventeen.”

最小的雪兒說: “I wish I am seventeen now.”

旁白:Day by day, Snow finally reaches seventeen. (雪兒終於十七歲了)

雪兒說:“Oh, yeah! I am seventeen now. I am swimming to the sea surface. Look. There are men and women on the ship. A birthday party is held there. Oh, no. A terrible storm comes. The ship is overwhelmed. Someone falls into the sea.”

旁白:Snow rescues him immediately.(王子掉進海裡,雪兒趕緊救了他)

雪兒說:“Wake up. Wake up. Young man. You are unconscious.”

旁白:Snow has to stay there and take care of him. At dawn, a noble girl comes to the beach, so Snow hides herself behind the rocks.

王子說:“Where am I? Who are you? Do you save me?”

高貴女子說:“Yes, I do. I am a noble princess from neighbor kingdom.”

旁白:Snow feels sad and comes to the sea witch for help.

海巫婆:“I know you will come. Here is the medicine. You will get two legs in exchange for your voice. The prince has to fall in love with you and marry you. Otherwise, you will disappear as bubbles.”

旁白:Snow takes the medicine and then faints. As she wakes up, she has two legs already. The prince comes to the beach just in time.

王子說:“What a pretty girl! Will you speak to me?”

旁白:Snow shakes her head that she can not speak any more. She has lost her voice forever.

王子說:“Come with me, pretty girl. I will take you back to the palace.”

旁白: Snow goes with prince and lives in the palace very happily. But, one day, the prince tells Snow.

王子說:“I will marry the noble princess. I met at the beach. She saved my life.”

旁白:Snow is heartbroken. Her five sisters come to her and hand to her a knife.

六位美人魚姊姊說: “Kill the prince and apply his blood to your legs. Then, you can be a mermaid again.”

旁白:At midnight, Snow goes to the prince’s room but can not kill him. Looking at the prince. Snow whispers.

雪兒說: “Goodbye, my dear prince.”

旁白:The next morning, when the sun rises, Snow disappears in the air as bubbles.

王子說:“Wow! Here are many bubbles and a note from pretty girl. She said she had left forever. Goodbye, pretty girl.”

── 劇終 ──

國王: 小美人魚/雪兒:
王子:             高貴女子:


“The witches’ Little Sister” 小巫婆

The witches巫婆們 had a meeting會議 on the 21st of June 六月二十一日and decided 決定they’d go riding 乘坐 in and out around the moon. So they gathered集合 all together in the corner角落 of the room房間. But the witches’ little sister forgot 忘記 to bring帶著 her broom掃把.
They她們 sent her back to get it, and she brought it to the room. It was frazzled磨損的 and bedraggled浸溼的, an unbewitching無法力的 sort of broom. They didn’t think she’d make it going up there to the moon. But the little witch sister she’d be with them very soon.
Then they started to get ready. They put all their gear裝備 in stacks疊成堆. They had broomstick, cats, and lantern and just ordinary packs背包. When they got it all together, they sat down to have a chat聊天. But the witches’ little sister forgot to bring her hat.
They sent her all back to get it she looked puzzled 疑惑and she frowned皺眉. Wherever had she put it? She looked outside on the ground. She looked upstairs in the closet. She looked underneath the mat草蓆. And finally she found it. She found her witch’s hat.
They trooped集合 out to the launch 發射pad 墊子at the edge 邊緣of Shadow Lake 影子湖. When the little witch remembered a fact that made her shake發抖. They were almost set for take-off. The lake was calm靜 and flat平. But the witches little sister forgot to bring her cat.
She looked upstairs and downstairs . She looked underneath her bed. Then she finally remembered it was hiding in the shed. 小車庫
When she ran back out to get it, it was hissing吹嘶聲 at a rat. But the witches’ little sister just had to bring her cat. Out there at the launch pad there were witches in a line. The broomsticks were all ready, and the cats were doing fine. Oh, the witches they were ready to take-off起飛 into the night. But the witches’ little sister forgot to bring her light.
She hurried to the workshop工作室 which was somewhere in the back. She grabbed抓起 the nearest lantern and put it in her pack. Her hat was tipping slightly, and she held on the light as she rode 騎上of on her broomstick in to the starry 滿天星的night.

My community and me

“My community and me”

Good morning. Ladies and Gentlemen, my number is 33. Today, I am going to tell you about, “My community and me”.

Last year, my father started volunteering as a story teller in a local library. Every Saturday morning, I accompanied him to his class. Father introduced me to the class, saying that I would be his helper. From that moment, I felt helpful and got along well with everybody in the class.

During proceedings, I helped father distribute papers and show flash cards on the blackboard. I made many friends in the class and gradually this weekend class became my community. Most of the attendants are kids who live in the local community.

Father always encouraged the class to help sorting books donated to the library or cleaning the garbage around the library. Sometimes we had to work hard, but most of the class didn’t think they would enjoy the experience. We had to gather for work after each lesson. In the end, we all have fun working with each other, because we had learned how to cooperate and help each other.

After a while, I was asked to represent my community as a leader. I've learned how to be more assertive and responsible working with them, and I've gotten better at public speaking. I began to volunteer for more work during the weekend. Since I had an interest in working with children, I helped some children with their homework and school assignments.

My biggest accomplishment was to persuade more children to join our community. I enjoyed meeting different kids. Our community is like a family. I was so delighted to be part of this community. It was a place to learn, to spread love, and to have fun. I strongly believe that our dedication will help make a better tomorrow for me and everyone. Thank you for listening.

How to improve my social skill

“How to improve my social skill”
Good morning! Ladies and Gentlemen, my number is 44. Today I am going to tell how to improve my social skill.
As an elementary student, I have transferred to three schools because of the relocation of my family. I don’t like transferring from one school to another since I will lose some friends, but I have no choice. So far, I have already been in three different elementary schools.

Beginning in a new school, I have to face many new classmates and it was very hard for me especially when I was a younger kid. Fortunately, I don’t have to change this year, and now I have become the most popular and welcome student in my fifth grade class. At school, I have learned how to improve my social skill. I think there are three key things regarding social skill.

First of all, I have to start a conversation with other students. A warm conversation easily breaks the ice, between two strangers in the beginning stage of a relationship. Many problems can be easily solved if a conversation is open. From having a conversation, I can understand what people think about me and what their intentions are.

Secondly, I would care about others’ family life. Most of the students’ problems are coming from the family. I can be closer to them if they are willing to tell me about their private life.

Thirdly, I often observe others likes and dislikes. From time to time, I have developed my personality as a welcome and beloved student in the class. This semester I am the deputy leader in my class. Part of the reason is I know their preference. I always say what they like to hear and what they want to be emphasized. My classmates like to be around me, because I can please them in advanced.

Of course, there are many other ways to improve social skill as well. But, I am convinced my points of view are the most valid, for I have become a popular student in class. Sooner or later, I will enter the middle school and meet more new students. I am so delighted because I know I will make more friends. There is nothing better than making tons of friends. Thank you for your listening.

A perfect day

Good morning ladies and gentlemen. My name is Patty. I am a grade 5 student.Today, I am going to tell,“A perfect day”. Sometimes I forgot what the date is on a special day. Like, I always forgot my mom’s birthday, or my sister’s birthday in the past. But, on the day of my own birthday, I wouldn’t forget it, since it’s my birthday. Therefore, I have to mark those special days on the calendar, so I can celebrate those special days with my family and my friends as well.
It wasn’t my birthday, but it’s another special occasion. Last winter vacation, I visualized it coming, my daddy’s birthday. My daddy’s birthday is on the winter vacation. I told him, “Daddy, your birthday is coming”. He was surprised and replied, “thank you, Patty, it’s very kind of you to remind me of my birthday. It is rare of you can remember my birthday. Well, actually I’ve planned we all go to take hot spring bath on the mountains that day.” “Hurray! Daddy, Thank you.” Of course, I didn’t jump up and down, but I did expect it coming soon because I couldn’t tolerate harsh and cold winter weather. I prefer warm or even hot bath during the winter season.
I had never gone to mountain for hot spring bath before. All I heard was how great it was. I didn’t think I could make my dream come true so soon. But I did it on my daddy’s birthday. It didn’t spend too much time to drive up there since the Ba Gwa San Canal opened last year. Dad drove the car to a hotel on the Nantou Mountains. It was cold and raining day. But the rain stopped, when we arrived there. The hotel was crowded during the winter season. Daddy didn’t reserve any room. He thought he could find a nice room for us. At first, we were puzzled. Daddy asked for a Japanese style room, but the hotel manager checked for a moment and said those rooms were booked and weren’t ready to be occupied yet. Suddenly daddy told the manager that he acquainted the owner. Daddy said they were colleagues when they worked as teachers in an elementary school. The manager was excited, “wow! Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” The manager phoned the hotel owner and returned to us, “Our owner say you can stay in our exclusively VIP room with a special discounted price.” We were excited and enthusiastic, since we didn’t live in any VIP room before. Heaven! We stepped in. It was an enormous and dedicated suite with two big beds room, a living room with pirate ship table, and an independent huge spring bath beside the panel window. We examined and immediately jumped into the hot spring bath in no time. It was like heaven. After a long soaked, we felt exhausted, we dressed up and headed to the restaurant. It’s about dinner and we were starving. Then, we walked along the mountain road and watched the moonlight just appeared. We sat on chairs listening to the music and share chocolate milk tea under the stars. Could I get much better than this? It was a perfect and exciting day for me. I think everyone have a perfect day to remember. It’s great we can share with each other. Thank you.

vocabulary 1

Grim Reaper

The most unforgettable memory in my life

“The most unforgettable memory in my life”

Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Jonathan.
I am a grade 3 student.

Today, I am going to tell you,“The most unforgettable memory in my life”.
“The most unforgettable memory in my life”.

It happened two years ago on the school homecoming day.
The school homecoming day is the most important day in the school calendar.
For each homecoming day, there’re many events and celebrations.
Of course, the biggest event is the sport competition.

Teacher helped me to register the long jump competition.
We, students competed with each other.
In order to win the competition,Daddy asked me to practice every day at home.

Finally, the school homecoming day had come.
Everybody lined up for the competition. Then, it was my turn to jump and I jumped up high.
I couldn't believe what had happened.
I won, I won the competition.

Principal handed me a champion medal.
Teacher and classmates were very happy for me.
It was a great and wonderful experience.
This had become my unforgettable thing in my life.
Thank you everybody for your listening.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Ruth. I am a grade 4 student.
Today, I am going to tell you,“The most unforgettable memory in my life”.
“The most unforgettable memory in my life”.

Many years ago, when I was a little girl, my daddy bought a piano at home.
He wished my sister and I could play piano.
My sister was studying at the elementary school.
And, I was only a kindergarten girl.

When the piano arrived,we were excited and couldn’t wait to hit the keyboards.
It was funny to make piano sound.
Not so long after, my daddy wanted us to take piano lesson.
So he took us to a piano school.
My sister and I were in different room.
As I was entering a small room, I saw a piano teacher there.
The teacher asked me to sit beside her,I was very nervous.

Teacher helped me to place my fingers and to follow her fingers.
We played the song, “The little bee”, together.
I knew this song in my kindergarten.
But, I was surprised to hear this beautiful song from the piano.
I knew my sister was playing piano in the next room too.
Teacher asked me to read and clap my fingers like playing the piano.
I was so happy in my first piano lesson.
After the piano lesson,Daddy asked me to practice piano everyday at home.
But, I didn’t need his encouragement.
Do you know why?
It’s because the first piano lesson is the most unforgettable memory in my life.
I hope I can be a pianist in the future.
Thank you for your listening.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Patty. I am a grade 5 student.
Today, I am going to tell you,“The most unforgettable memory in my life”.
“The most unforgettable memory in my life”.

When I was a little girl, my daddy took me to an elementary school.
He said,“Patty, when you grow up, this is the elementary school you will study at.”
The elementary school was very near to our home.
There were many trees and flowers on the campus.
It was the most beautiful place I had ever seen.
Day by day, I was expecting the first day of school to arrive soon.

Finally, the day had come.
I was too excited and woke up very early.
It was about 6 o’clock.
All of my family were still sleeping.
I had to wait and wait and be patient.
I remember it was the longest hour in my life.
At last, my Daddy woke up and took me to the new school at 7 o’clock.

When we got there, there was nobody in the classroom.
My daddy told me I would see my new classmates and teacher soon.
But, it was also a long wait.
For first grade students,
Class doesn’t start until 9 o’clock.

The long waiting hours had passed by,
More and more parents and students arrived.
I was excited to see them coming,because I like to make friends at school.
I saw a beautiful lady coming to the class. She was my teacher.
I still remember what she said to me.
She said, “Are you Patty? Nice to meet you, and welcome to our class.”
I also remember many students there, although I had transferred to my other school.
Now, I’m a grade 5 student, and I love to go to school.
It’s obvious.
The first day of school is my most unforgettable memory in my life.


(1))hair restriction (2))smoking (3)))))buy something (4)))))) Do you like city life or country life? (5))))))))Fast food (6))))))Enthusiasm (7))) friends involved with a gangster group (8))))) Do you agree or disagree that married women should forget about their career? give reasons and supporting ideas (9)))) Reading or watching a story (10)))))) Does Email affect your life? (11)))))) Why to prevent piracy (12)))))) TV advertisement (13)))))))) Toll fee(14)))))) Children’s Education (15)My friend’s house (16)attending the university (17) My classmate(18) My dream(19) ambition and determination(20)dotage(21)Mother’s day

(1)) Hair restriction
Hair restriction has been a problem for junior high and high school in Taiwan. Some education authority tend to place this restriction for students regarding their manners and well behaviors, while others prefer to repeal this restriction for the sake of human rights. I also have my point of view on this issue. I think school should have the right to decide their hair restriction. There are some reasons to support my point. The first, if students have right to decide their hair style, they can also decide to follow other restrictions. Students at this age are easy to be influenced to claim some unnecessary right. The second, school should have rights to decide whether they want this restriction, or not? As for the hair restriction of high school, students can choose their enrollments if they don't like the hair restriction. The third, hair restriction is differed from human right. Students may be distorted by the value of human right, then take everything for granted that they think they can do whatever they want. The fourth, school can place their restriction less harsh. A little longer hair might win students' hearts and admirations. Overall, I think school should have the right to decide their restriction, and students are asked to obey school's discipline. It is important for young students to learn how to obey rules. However, school educators should also be aware what students' need this date. A little longer than normal hair may cause students' motivation in their studies.

Smoking was related to lung cancer by medical evidences. Nevertheless, there are a lot of people who keep on smoking regardless of the warning from medical doctors. But, don't they know smoking will be dangerous to their body? The answer is obvious. They understand the consequence and somehow they just can't help it. The cigarette contains substances that will cause them addicted to it, and a huge population have fallen and found no ways to get rid of puffing. I think people should quit smoking, even though it is not easy to do that. We need to frequently stress the danger of smoking. Smoking is too dangerous to our health. we should keep away in the very beginning. Once one smokes, it would be hard to quit. We learn many people try to stop smoking, but only few can succeed. My father smoked for a long time, he tried to quit many times but failed in the long run. Now, he has to go to hospital so often. It is strange and silly to risk their health with smoking. Some people don't smoke, but still have lung cancer. It is because they stay in a smoking environment. Smoking not only risk oneself, but also make others sick. Therefore, we have to establish some laws, such as placing high taxes, restricting smoking area, and banning advertises. I think these regulations will help those people quitting their smoke. In the end, it is very important that people should quit smoking for their health and a better quality society.

(3)))))buy something
Money is so important in this modern society. No one will provide money for no good reasons, yet everyone try to squeeze money out of your pockets. If I happen to have enough money, then I need to use it with extra care. Someone prefers to buy house, while others tend to run business for more wealth. I know about my own ability that I can’t run any business. I am more conservative that I should buy a house for the following reasons. First of all, buying a house means money is being put in a safe place. House won’t depreciate so suddenly. Money could be squandered in a fast pace, especially when running a business. Secondly, buying a house enable saving money from tax deduction. Law is designed and established by the way of security. Mortgage loan from bank can be deducted from annual income that one can save some money from tax payment. The third reason is enjoying my living standard. There is no place like home. With a house, I can decorate not only my daily life, but also my soul. Life can be so gracious, if I have garden to plant. Of cause, people are different, as I prefer buying house to run a business. Right now, I just don’t have enough money. I hope my dream of buying a house can come true quickly. That is, I have to study and work hard in order to foresee a promising future.

(4)))))) Do you like city life or country life? City has attracted huge numbers of population, because it contains more facilities and organizations, whereas country always remains its originality. Some people prefer to live in the city, while others tend to enjoy county life. I am used to living in the city, since I started my college life. I would rather to live in a city for the rest of my life. Basically, there are several advantages to live in a city and I will mention some of the major ones. The first is that it is much easier to find a restaurant. Nowadays, people don’t have much time to cook. City has various restaurants with different foods. When I don’t have time, I usually go to a fast food chain to have my meals. Secondly, there are many convenient shops and department stores that will provide my daily needs. The third, I can meet more friends to exchange new idea and discuss some fancy topics. The last one, city has more theaters and cultural plazas. I like to watch movie and drama show, therefore I can’t stand living in a countryside with fewer affairs. Of cause, people are different in their tastes. While others may like to live in a simple country life, I think city life will provide me nice living standards and a great quality.

(5))))))))Fast food
Fast Food Chains such as MacDonald and Kentucky are established in Taiwan for a decade. There are always full of people, especially younger generation. However, Chinese Restaurants still hold on for most people dining in the island. While some people prefer to eat in a fast food chain for its convenience, others tend to go to Chinese Restaurant for its variety. I always go to both places with different occasions. The reasons for me to eat at both places are as followed. First of all, people are changeable in their tastes. Although I like fast hamburgers and fried chicken, I am also fancy with Chinese food. When I eat many times in a fast food chain, then I tend to search for different dishes. I can’t stand with the same meals again and again, whereas fast food chain always carries fewer dishes. Secondly, the fast food chain is quiet, nevertheless restaurant is noisy. When I am ready to eat in a quiet and clean atmosphere, then I will go to fast food chain for longer stay. The third, western style fast food contains fries, and soft drink that cause more calories and tend to gain weight after consumption. When I consider about my diet, I prefer to go to Chinese Restaurant for a light meal. Of course, people are different in choosing an eating place. For my eating habit, I will go to both places and enjoy the great food on earth.

AS a student, I am eager to learn things from the books and knowledge from my teachers. I was wondering why some teachers could cause students' attention, while others tended to make students bored. Teachers are not born as geniuses, they also need to learn how to become great teachers. I think there are many ways to make students more enthusiastic. First of all, they should cause students' attention. If the class is loquacious, there is nothing teacher can instruct. The second, teacher should relate learning to students' daily living. If students have no interest, they likely ignore what teacher says. Thirdly, teachers should inspire students' confidence. Students need confidence to make competences. The last, teacher ought to provide satisfaction. Satisfaction can make students more enthusiastic and willing to study further. For example, when I attended the English conversation class, my teacher always wanted us to have free talk. The class turned to a mess, and I could hardly know what I had learned. I prefer teacher choose a topic instead of free talking. Teacher should direct and provide what students' need. Of course, there are many ways to cause students' enthusiastic, but I believe the above points can help students in their studies.
(7)))))) friends involved with a gangster group
To date, crimes have been committed along with the complication of modern society. Many young generations tend to be alluded by money, joy, and leisure. As we read news, there are many thrilling crimes happening daily. As a friend, we should come upon and provide with hearty suggestion that gangsters might cause one’s troubles and destroy our future. However, to persuade friends running away from gangsters is not as easy as we think. We ought to know what kind of suggestion that will benefit for his account. The first, we can tell the possibility of dangers that gangster will bring to him. Friend might not be aware of his situation, therefore, we can offer them words as third party. It may provide friend some release and joy in appearance, but gangsters always direct to outlaw and crime. Secondly, we can try to analysis what is his outcome if he stays in the gangsters. Friend may receive some sorts of benefit and that might come from illegal source. The third, we should ask them find a regular job. Most of people join gangster because they are unemployed. The last and the most important one, we should give suggestion only as friends. There are many words that may lead to self trouble that we should not be involved, especially related to gangsters. We should encourage friend to make his own decision regard of staying in the gangsters. Of course, suggestion may not save friend’s fate, but it is an obligation as friends. We should stress that most gangsters are against our social justice. It is friend’s own decision to make whether he would stay in the gangster or not. We give advices only as great friends should do.

(8))))) Do you agree or disagree that married women should forget about their career? give reasons and supporting ideas Married women always had to give up their career in the past, so they could raise children as their first priority. By the time, children grew up and they could hardly find job to their liking. Nowadays, many people still think women should forget about their career for the sake of family, while others tend to think they can work and contribute to our society. Married women can work as long as our government regulate our laws and stand for social justice. In my opinion, there are many reasons for married women to continue their working career and pursue their goals. First of all, life is too short to waste. It is true, especially for married women, when they have to bear babies during pregnancies. Women are not born to bear children only. They are wise and equal to men in most of the working fields, yet excelled in some aspects, in which men tend to think more straight forwards. The second, married women have to support family living expenses. In the modern society, the expenses of children education fee are tremendous. If they can’t work, it is hard to fulfill children’s needs. The third, marriage is not a guarantee for a life time. Married women should have rights to suspend their work for the timings and continue their job, in case divorce is filed. They have to seek for other alternatives. Of course, people have their different opinions regard of this issue. Nevertheless, I believe married women should have rights to continue their career after their marriage. Their work will certainly help and contribute the society with their endeavors.

(9)))) Reading or watching a story
When choosing reading a book or watching movie about a story, it is hard to say which way has more fun in it. Some people seem to like watching movie, while others tend to enjoy reading the book. I have also come to my own preference. I think reading has more fun than watching a movie for three reasons. First of all, reading can be easy, since there is no hurry to finish in a short period of time. The second, reading can always go back to the previous section, if there is a misunderstanding or unsolved clue. The third, reading can be done in various ways in which include pausing to pond for a plot of the story, reciting some nice sentences, or discussing and exchanging details with friends. Not long ago, I was invited to read the popular book, “Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince”, by a net friend. The contents inside the book were so huge and intrigued, so we began and checked our reading daily for a week. It was so much fun to help and support each other. I then finished the book with joy and gay. Of course, some people prefer to watch movie with audio and video motion. However, I would rather enjoy reading for the reasons provided above and will keep on reading as leisure.

(10)))))) Does Email affect your life?
Email is so convenient that it can be sent to enormous accounts in a split second. Many people think email can help them create business opportunities, receive inner messages, and maintain affection and friendship. While people consider they are depending on email for living, others tend to think in the opposite way. As for me, I don't think email will affect my life for three reasons. The first reason, I don't utilize email often. I prefer use telephone or cellphone to communicate with my friends. The second reason, I think email may be faked. If hacker or other know the password, they can easily pass a fake email. The last reason, the email is delivered in very short moment. I might send an email without careful consideration. I had a account that is filled with junk mail. I have to spend time everyday simply to get rid of them. Of course, some people would like to use email for its convenience. Nevertheless, I don't use it for the above reasons. The email won't affect my life deeply, though I send it under request from my correspondences.

(11)))))) Why to prevent piracy
Nowadays, the phenomenon of piracy in many fields is prevailing in our society. When considering the piracy, there are many problems which deserved further investigation. Some people take piracy as trivial thing, while others seem not to ignore the consequence of piracy. I also have my point of view on this issue. I think privacy should be banned and punished with serious enforcements for three key reasons. First of all, people spend enormous money and time to invent tools and ideas, but they may have no profits because of their works are stolen through piracy. Then, who are willing to put efforts for nothing in return? Secondly, those who sell pirated products and gain cheap profit might use their money on outlaw activities. There are many news reports on gangsters who had collected money through selling pirated products. The third, young generation who conduct the piracy behavior won’t commit their obligation and duty for our society. We likely pay more social consequences for the disorders and they are not worthy if we can prevent the privacy in advance. Many college students save their money from buying the original prints, but spend less money in copying them. They tend to seek no efforts for their study and have no thinking attitude and solving ability, as we can observe from decrease of their competent levels. Of course, people claim privacy will save money and help the poor to even their weakness in the society for what they have considered as social justice. Nevertheless, I believe the privacy will bring more serious outcomes to our society for the above reasons. We should prevent social orders and disasters in advance and establish otherwise individual behavior for a harmony society

(12)))))) TV advertisement
Advertisement is the main resource and profit for TV companies. TV watchers are overwhelmed to observe and get impressed on advertisement, consequently they will purchase the products either understanding the merchandise or just giving a try. As a matter of fact, the sales of the product tend to increase, when the advertisement broadcast more. While people seem to prefer less advertisement, others don’t mind watching advertisement. I also have my opinion about this issue. I think advertisement is necessary for three key reasons. First of all, the TV companies have to earn income for their employees and supporting a grand program. Without money, they aren’t able to continue and achieve splendid program for audiences. Company can campaign their product and increase their sales through advertisement. Secondly, audiences have needs for advanced merchandises. Nowadays, people don’t have enough time to search for better quality products. It is easy to buy high reliable and great goods through advertisement. Advertisement also set the pause for watching. When audience finishing on a program, they need a break to release mind and soul. The third, TV advertisement provide stages for the highly competitive markets. The great and durable products can be seen in advertisement. It is easy to tell which products can attract more attention from audiences. Sometimes, we receive valuable information through the advertisement. I remember watching an advertisement of detergent company, which told us how to use softener after each watch. Now my clothes are cleaner and soft than before. Of course, people dislike the advertisement for their frequency and boring. Nevertheless, I believe the advertisement is necessary for the provided reasons. Advertisement can offer incredible information about the products and their utilization.

(13)))))))) Toll fee
Toll fee is made for people to pay when they pass certain place, such as road or bridge. When talking about toll fee, people have different opinions about this issue. Some people seem to think toll fee shouldn't exist, while others tend to approve the toll fee be necessary. I also have my point of view. I think toll fee is a must for three reasons.
First of all, road and bridge are not built forever. They need to be maintained or repaired in proper condition. Those people who pass by should cover the expense, rather than others. The second, some roads are established through huge loan, the money should be returned quickly and surely. Money won’t come itself. For instance, some industrial zones have urgency to create some roads and bridges in advance. They will build toll stations to collect money to pay back the loans. The third, toll fee also has educational meaning. It tells people that road and bridge should be established in rational way. In some areas, we found government wasted money to build road but only few vehicles passing through. If the expenses were collected through toll fee, our roads would be built with care.
Of course, people have their preferences about this issue, nevertheless I believe that toll fee is necessary for some places based on the reasons above. Toll fee can help industrial zone and government’s budgets to build some roads and bridges.

(14)))))) Children’s Education
When considering about playing an important role in a children's education, there are a lot of contrast problems needed to discuss. Some people seem to say that parents play the most important role in a children's education, while other people tend to argue teachers play a strong role. I think parents play the most important role to children for three reasons.
The first, children’s brain development occurs in the early years of life. Parents have the first opportunity to discover their interests and dislikes. The second, Parents have more influences because they have more contacts with children. Children grow up and imitate their parents. They talk and act like their parents, and they do something follow their parents’ steps. The third, children can feel the loves and encouragements at home. The attachment is so important that children feel secure and warm and have positive attitude towards people. Parents can help them to develop their healthy behaviors and decent characters. For example, when I was young, I used to pay attention to what my mother was doing. I watched the way she was polite to neighbors and relatives, so I learned a lot about politeness and manners by watching my mother. I have developed as faithful person years after.
Of course, there may be some people who disagree with my points and opinions. However, I believe parents’ role is the most important process for the reasons I provided above. Parents have the better chance to influence their children and their education.

(15)My friend’s house
My friend lives in a small house with his parents. After school, I will pass his house, because we live in the same alley. One day, my friend invited me to his house and had a nice look at his house and rooms inside.
It is a three story house, with a living room and a kitchen on the first floor. The second floor has two bedrooms, where the third floor possesses a guest room and a storage room. In his living room, there is a small fish pot, a piano, a TV set, and some sofas. My friend is good at playing piano and he plays almost every day. He let me try on the piano, but all I can do is playing simple tones. After I visited his house, I always dream about having a piano of my own.
I often go to my friend’s house. The place is warm and his family are very kind and generous. I think his house is one of the coziest places in the world. I hope one day I will have a house just like his.

(16)attending the university
Some people may say that to attend a university is to fulfill the parents‘ hope. But, other people may say that is for the national construction. However, as for me, I will say that is for the sake of oneself. Being a university student, I think that is for our own future, as to get a stable and specialized job with higher level and better payoff. In order to get rid of present and awful situation, it can help reach better goal as being in social recognized rank through university, that is, also as passing a specialized test and fulfilling the self- value. The self-value is equally to fulfill the ideal goal with own effort, to explore knowledge, and enriches oneself in life. This ideal goal however is to cultivate one‘s own moral worth if one can’t reach it, or to benefit the world if one can. The biggest goal of study is "find a job", where attending a university is a kind of happiness. Attending a university is like to transit from one happiness to another. As a result, the life will be full of happiness.

(17) My classmate
When I was in high school, one of my classmates sit right beside me. His name is ChenLiang. He is one of my unforgettable persons in my life.
I remembered my mathematics was just mediocre at that time, but he was extraordinary and excellent in calculating and solving mathematic questions. He often received perfect scores. Of course, I wished I could reach at his level. Since we talked all day long, I asked how he could solve those difficult questions. He was so patient and polite to answer my sometimes ridiculous thinking. Gradually, I built my confidence at mathematics and finally passed the college entrance exam.
Now, we are apart, but I still remember his great attitude and willing in study. I am so obliged to my classmate, who is my friend always and forever.
(18) My dream
As a little boy, I had many dreams, for example, to be a doctor, a teacher, or a scientist. Now, I have decided that I would like to be an English teacher when I grow up. Teaching is so fun that one can give lecture and response with students in the class. Furthermore, many of my idols and celebrities have experienced as teachers. I hope one day I will be a teacher, especially an English teacher.To be an English teacher, I have to excel my English in many ways. First of all, I need to study English day in and day out, so I can build my competence in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Secondly, I have to enter college and earn a degree in education. It is required for English teacher to finish all the curricula in educational field. Teacher should possess teaching strait and great personality. The third, teacher should know how to cause students’ attention. It is very important to motivate students’ interest. We don’t have much time and learning atmosphere here, so students have to pay attention to English instruction and have positive attitude in study. It‘s teacher‘s job to influence students and make class enthusiastic.Of course, nothing is impossible, and I can work hard to make my dream come true. It is sweet to have a dream, but it is even sweeter to fulfill it. I believe I will become an English teacher one day.
(19) Ambition and determination
Over the years, there have been numerous discussions about what are the best important elements in personal quality. While people seem to agree that forgiveness, determination, and selflessness are the most important factors, others tend to believe that kindness, confidence, ambition, optimism, and modesty contribute have more effects on human life. As for me, I believe that ambition and determination can make more impact on our future opportunity for three key reasons.Firstly, ambition leads the most motivation that is the main force to succeed. As we look around, it is easy to see that almost all political leaders possess ambition. The next, determination is to work consistently and demandingly. Some political leaders can persuade citizens to follow them because they work as they have said. Without determination, no citizen will follow and support them. The last, one must constitute both ambition and determination in order to reach a quality life. Only ambition can‘t prove his great personality, and the same as determination that can‘t guarantee his character for big success.Of course, some people will consider other factors as the most important factors in high quality. In my opinion, I am convinced that ambition and determination are the most vital virtues for a bright future.
(20) Youth
Youth is not just a stage of life, but it is also a state of mind. Being young is so great and also the most cherish moment in a life, as young men have more energy and power to move forwards. Once we grow up more, we might lose enthusiasm to propel our expectation. Nowadays, young men are looking for a job to work. Work provides money to support our living and meaning of a life. However, There are some young men who do not work, but the world is not proud of them. Those who prefer not to work and would rather spend money from inherited can be seen wandering on the street, speeding on the highway, or gathering as gangsters. Many of them tend to become drug addicted after they got broke. They expect good fortune surrounding forever. They don‘t know it is hard to sustain money for a generation. Fortunately, our education system has influenced on the majority of young people that we all recognize the importance of having a job.It is believed that the more we work, and the more opportunities and treasures will arrive. Thus, The society will become harmony and peaceful.
Parents love their children by nature, where Chinese mothers and fathers are no exceptions. Chinese parents tend to dote on their children because each family is allowed to have only one kid due to birth control. They place too much hope on the treasured child that if he wants the star, they might even climb to pick it. For self-centered, the spoiled children depend on their parents for everything. As a result, once confronted with harsh reality, they are more likely to yield to hardships and difficulties in life.
(21)Mother’s day
My dearest Mother,The mother‘s day is coming and I would like to say "Happy mother‘s day" in this letter. I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me. This day, I will stay away and can‘t give you my appreciation at home. I know I will watch myself, so don‘t worry about me. I am doing very well on my study. My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. Though I can‘t be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mother‘s day.Love,Your son