The little mermaids script

“The little mermaid” 小美人魚的故事(drama script 劇本)

旁白:Far, far away. There live six beautiful mermaids in the castle under the sea. (有六位美人魚住在海中的王殿)Their father is the king of mermaids.(她們有一個爸爸,他是美人魚的國王)

六位美人魚說: “We are beautiful mermaids. We heard many stories about the land. We like to swim to sea surface.”

國王說:“No, no, no. You are not allowed to the sea surface until you are seventeen.”

最小的雪兒說: “I wish I am seventeen now.”

旁白:Day by day, Snow finally reaches seventeen. (雪兒終於十七歲了)

雪兒說:“Oh, yeah! I am seventeen now. I am swimming to the sea surface. Look. There are men and women on the ship. A birthday party is held there. Oh, no. A terrible storm comes. The ship is overwhelmed. Someone falls into the sea.”

旁白:Snow rescues him immediately.(王子掉進海裡,雪兒趕緊救了他)

雪兒說:“Wake up. Wake up. Young man. You are unconscious.”

旁白:Snow has to stay there and take care of him. At dawn, a noble girl comes to the beach, so Snow hides herself behind the rocks.

王子說:“Where am I? Who are you? Do you save me?”

高貴女子說:“Yes, I do. I am a noble princess from neighbor kingdom.”

旁白:Snow feels sad and comes to the sea witch for help.

海巫婆:“I know you will come. Here is the medicine. You will get two legs in exchange for your voice. The prince has to fall in love with you and marry you. Otherwise, you will disappear as bubbles.”

旁白:Snow takes the medicine and then faints. As she wakes up, she has two legs already. The prince comes to the beach just in time.

王子說:“What a pretty girl! Will you speak to me?”

旁白:Snow shakes her head that she can not speak any more. She has lost her voice forever.

王子說:“Come with me, pretty girl. I will take you back to the palace.”

旁白: Snow goes with prince and lives in the palace very happily. But, one day, the prince tells Snow.

王子說:“I will marry the noble princess. I met at the beach. She saved my life.”

旁白:Snow is heartbroken. Her five sisters come to her and hand to her a knife.

六位美人魚姊姊說: “Kill the prince and apply his blood to your legs. Then, you can be a mermaid again.”

旁白:At midnight, Snow goes to the prince’s room but can not kill him. Looking at the prince. Snow whispers.

雪兒說: “Goodbye, my dear prince.”

旁白:The next morning, when the sun rises, Snow disappears in the air as bubbles.

王子說:“Wow! Here are many bubbles and a note from pretty girl. She said she had left forever. Goodbye, pretty girl.”

── 劇終 ──

國王: 小美人魚/雪兒:
王子:             高貴女子:

4 則留言:

  1. Paul有演嗎??演哪一個??^o^

  2. Paul有演嗎??演哪一個??^o^

  3. 嘻,我係編劇兼導演

  4. 劇本係改編自幼福文化,裡面單字對小學的中高年級學生來說,還係太難,小朋友忘詞太多了,總之,English summer camp結束時,就是演個戲收場啦。
