
I was told that I needed to give a speech next Thursday. It is to introduce a book I read to the whole school. Therefore, I went to library a moment ago and found a picture book, "A educated wolf." I finished it in no time. I think it is a great book. Somehow, it reminds me of a class, I had taught before. Here is the story. I told my student, "listen, kids. You have to leave here after I count to twelve." Students were alert and expected to run away. I used to play, the big bad wolf game with them. Some students couldn't catch me, but others kept their voices high, "Teacher Paul is gonna play game again." Kids need amusement. I started to count, "1,2,....11." "I will continue counting when I finish reading a story." I heard some kids' noises. "But, I tell you. I might count 12 in the midway. Just don't be the last one to run out of the classroom. Otherwise, you will be the lunch of the big bad wolf." At the end, I counted to 12, but the class dismiss bell was rung already.

