The Mouse Wedding

The Mouse Wedding
Scene 1
Mom You have to go to bed earlier tonight.
Daughter why? Mommy.
Mom: Tomorrow is the big day for mice. They’ll hold a wedding ceremony.
All: The mouse wedding.
Daughter: Mom, mom, tell me the story.
Scene 2
Reader1: The story begins with Mrs. Mouse and her lovely daughter, Ju Yin-tai.
R2: Mrs. Mouse lives with her lovely daughter and she loves her very much.
R3: Ju Ying-tai is very beautiful and smart. Every mouse loves her.
R4: As time goes by, Ju Ying tai grows up, up, and up.
R5: It’s perfect time for marriage.
All: It’s time for marriage.
Mrs. Mouse: Ju Ying tqi, I want you to marry the smartest mouse in the world.
Ju: No, no, I don’t want to get married so early. I want to study more. I’ll go to college.
Mrs: No, you can’t go to college. I’ve already found you the smartest mouse.
R1: Ju Ying tai runs away at night in order to fulfill her dream.
Ju: Forgive me, mom. I’ll be back with success.

Scene 3
R1: Ju Ying tai meets a guy named Liang Shan bo in school. Soon, they fall in love with each other.
R2: They study hard in the school days. One weekend, they go to Sun Moon lake to take the ship.
R3 The scenery is marvelous. They enjoy the sight and murmur sweetly.
R4: Suddenly. Liang Shan bo walks to bow.
Liang: I’m king of the world.
Liang: Jy Ying tai, close your eyes and come here.
Ju: I’m flying, Liang Shan bo
Ju: I’m flying. I can’t believe it.
R1: There’s something happened. The ship starts to tilt. Liang Shan bo and Ju Ying tai are in a flurry.
Ju: Hold me tight, Liang Shan bo.
Liang: I get you, I won’t let you go.
R2: The ship continues to tilt. The ship nearly becomes the vertical shape with lake. Here comes the life boat.
Liang: You jump, I jump, right?
Ju: Let’s jump together.
R3: Finally, they are survived.
R4: On dinner time, they sit under the tree.
Liang: Are you hungry? I have some delicious cheese. Do you want some?
Ju: That would be great. I’ve studied for five hours. I’m starving.
Ju: Ouch! What’s this ? It’s something hard in the cheese.
All: Wow, it’s a ring.
Ju: Hey, it’s a ring.
Liang: Would you marry me:
Ju: Yes, I do.
Liang: Today, I’m the luckiest mouse on the face of the earth.
Ju: Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You’ll never know what you’re gonna get.
All: Prince and princess lived happily ever after.
R1: No, the story never goes smoothly as you think.

Scene 4
Ju:Mom, I’m back with my Mr. Right. There’s no place like home.
Mrs: What Mr. Right? Who is this guy?
Liang: It’s me. I’m the guy.
Mrs.: What’s your name? Where do you live? How old are you? How many people are there in your family? How much do you make a month?
Ju: Give him a break, mom.
Mrs: I have arranged a competition to choose the smartest mouse to be your husband.
Mrs: If you win the game, you marry my daughter.
R1 : Soon, the day is coming, there are four candidates.
R1: Newton, Einstein, Chen sui ben, Liang Shan bo.
R1: Round 1, paper, scissors, stone.
R1: Liang wins. Congrat.
R1 : Round 2. Can you follow me:
Liang: mouse, m o u s e.
Einstein: elephant, e l e p h a n t.
Liang, Einstein: tiger. Rabbit. Tumblebug. Gecko, octopus, starfish, horse. E e e e ahh
R1: Three, two, one. Liang wins.
R1 Question one. Why is six afraid of seven:
All: Why is six afraid of seven.
Liang: Because seven eight (ate) nine.
R1: Liang gets one point.
R1 Question 2 What is so fragile even saying its name can break it?
All: What is so fragile even saying its name can break it?
Chen: Silence.
R1: Chen gets one point.
R1 The last question, H I J K L M N O guess one substance.
All: H I J K L M N O guess one substance.
Liang: Ha ha The answer is water.
Chen: Why water?
Liang: The chemical formula of water is H2O, H to O.
Chen: How do you know?
Liang: Go to college, then you will learn it.
Liang: I won, I won. I can’t believe it. I can marry Ju Ying Tai.
R1 Liang and Ju hold a wedding ceremony on the third day of the Chinese New Year.
R2: Liang will you to have this woman to be your wedded wife.
R3 : To live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony?
R4: Will you love her, comfort her, honor, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all other, keep you only unto her, so long as you both shall live?
Liang: Yes, I will.
R2: Ju Will you to have this man to be your wedded husband.
R3: To live together after God’s ordinance in the holy estate of Matrimony?
Will you to obey him, and serve him, love, honor, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all other, keep you only unto him, so long as you both shall live?
Ju: Yes, I will.
R1: Then in the name of God, I now pronounce you man and wife.
You may kiss the bride.
R2 Liang Shan Bo and Ju Ying Tai live happily ever after.
Scene 5
Mom: Since then, people go to bed early on the night.
Daughter: So mice can hold a big wedding for their precious daughters.
R1: That’s the end of the story.
R2 We hope you like it.
All: Good-bye.

