全民英檢 中級和中高級作文 1 by Paul Shih


以啟(introduction)、承(point to point explanation)、轉(move on)當首段的結構作文:

1     Begin your essay by doing some basic pre-writing. This might include brainstorming 腦力激盪 or a simple outline 簡單提綱 Consider your topic and possible key points you want to make. If your topic relates to "Personal Ambitions," consider all the goals you have and then prioritise 重點排序 them, choosing the best for the purposes of your essay. Remember that for a 150-word essay, you should confine your essay to one primary point 縮限至一點.
 首段中,by developing a 30 to 40 word introduction(啟+承+轉)This introduction should begin with a broad context, such as "the difficulty in choosing a major in college," and then work toward your specific thesis: "Entering the nursing profession will provide me with an emotionally rewarding and lucrative career." 【註:很多老師和書本把承當首段,啟當主體,這樣子的話,英文作文會很難寫。】在英文作文首段中,啟寫廣泛的介紹,承寫更清楚些,共二句,轉寫聚焦,把剛寫的介紹,拉回主題,最多二句。注意,首段中要有一行是主題句子,評審會查該主題句子。英文造句,句子越長分數越高,最好有關係子句,正反映襯之類。

2     Move on to a single body paragraph of 50 to 80 words(轉入主要內容)This paragraph should basically provide support for your thesis statement. If your thesis is that nursing is a good career choice, then the body paragraph should emphasize how nursing is both emotionally rewarding 精神報酬 and lucrative物質金錢. Do not try to cover too much, and be specific 有特殊性的 with your examples.

3     End your essay with a 30 to 50 word conclusion  (結合統整)that restates your thesis and reviews the main points you made in your body paragraph. You also want to leave the reader with some final insight 慎思 into the topic; this could be personal insight (your life will be better if you succeed at becoming a nurse) or insight into the subject itself (nursing is a field that more people should consider joining).

4     Proofread your paper 檢查錯字 carefully for grammar and spelling errors and any problems with clarity.

例一:Cell Phone Use in Taiwan

(啟)廣泛性的知識介紹 Taiwan has one of the most advanced telecommunications networks in Asia and is home to more than 10 million cell phone users, who make up nearly half the population.(承)In terms of cell phone use in Asia, Taiwan ranks behind only Hong Kong and ahead of Singapore and Japan. (轉/聚焦)Cell phones have become so important that people seem to be unable to live without them.解釋並聚焦至你的論點

The popularity of cell phones has skyrocketed in recent years due to a number of reasons: FirstlyTaiwan is home to major phone manufacturers who release their products in the local market at an affordable price. In addition, growing competition and increasing handset availability cater to all types of preferences and budgets. Furthermore, users are quick to adopt and comfortably adapt to new features and advanced cell phone technology.轉入主要內容

In conclusion, cell phones are becoming increasingly more sophisticated yet their basic function remains the same: to keep in touch with loved ones and keep oneself entertained. Like in most other countries, owning a cell phone in Taiwan has become a kind of life necessity.統整解決問題/結束

例二: Internet use in Taiwan
(啟)廣泛性的知識介紹 The Internet is an amazing tool, especially for children looking to study and excel. (承)Most uses of the Internet provide a positive atmosphere in which children can keep in touch with friends and have fun.(轉/聚焦)解釋並聚焦至你的論點和主題句子 However, parents have the right and responsibility to be concerned about their children’s Internet use and activities.

主要內容Time spent online could instead be used to socialize face-to-face with friends, join clubs, or pursue creative interests. Excessive Internet usage may lead to physical health problems such as back pain, eyestrain, and fatigue. Children may fall victim to cash scams that end up costing their parents thousands of dollars. Others may unwittingly give out personal information such as their address and mobile number. Another important concern is the victimization of children by sexual predators who groom children for future sexual abuse.

結束/統整解決問題 In conclusion, the Internet provides easy access to virtually any kind of information. By teaching children the proper use of Internet technologies and maximizing their online privacy settings, parents can ensure that their children benefit from the Internet as a free source of useful education and fun entertainment.

例三: Animal Right
(啟)廣泛性的知識介紹  The fur trade is the worldwide buying and selling of fur for clothing and other purposes. (承)Most of the fur industry’s skins come from animals living captive in fur factory farms.  Those used in fur factory farms are designed to maximize profits, always at the expense of the animals. (轉/聚焦)However, this cruelty will end only when the public refuses to buy or wear fur.解釋並聚焦至你的論點

Animals on fur farms spend their entire lives confined to cramped, filthy wire cages. They are deprived of food and water, or are fed meat byproducts considered unfit for human consumption.  Disease and injuries are widespread, and the animals live with fear, stress, disease, parasites, and other physical and psychological hardships, all for the sake of an unnecessary global industry that makes billions of dollars annually. Fur farmers use the cheapest and cruelest killing methods available, including suffocation, electrocution, gas, and poison. 轉入主要內容

 In conclusion, cruelty-free fabrics and faux furs will be available in stores everywhere, and animal rights groups will work with designers and clothing retailers to encourage customers to use and sell only animal-friendly fabrics.統整解決問題/結束

例四:Vegetarian Diet
 (啟)廣泛性的知識介紹  A vegetarian is a person who does not consume meat or fish, and sometimes other animal products. (承)  In the last few decades, vegetarianism has become more mainstream and diverse. (轉/聚焦)It is easier being a vegetarian now because there is more local produce available and more interesting ways of cooking.解釋並聚焦至你的論點

The mainstream media promotes vegetarianism by demonstrating that a vegetarian diet will significantly improve one’s health, dramatically reduce one’s environmental footprint, and greatly lessen the suffering of animals. Studies show that eating too much meat has been linked to obesity and excess weight, so a vegetarian diet is appealing to people to wish to lose weight. Moreover, celebrities and public figures who espouse vegetarianism have a multitude of followers who are eager to emulate them. Vegetarian diet books, some penned by celebrities, have gone on to become best-sellers. 轉入主要內容

In conclusion, the immense health benefits of a vegetarian diet outweigh any potential inconveniences.Vegetarianism is becoming more and more popular because of widespread concern about health issues and animal rights issues. 統整解決問題/結束

例五:E-Commerce in Taiwan
(啟)廣泛性的知識介紹With increasing internet access, different modes of E-commerce have become available. (承)The use of E-commerce services is growing worldwide and Taiwan with its technological advances and open market is certainly part of this growth, (轉/聚焦)which continues to develop rapidly nowadays. 解釋並聚焦至你的論點

The different modes of E-commerce include Business to Business( B2B), Business to Customer (B2C) and Consumer to Consumer (C2C). E-commerce market is a good opportunity for personal and microbusiness creation. Mobile E-commerce has especially great potential, as most of the public use their smartphones for commerce, communications, and social networking. Consumers have less time to window-shop and are instead spending more time purchasing goods online. Foodstuffs are the most common product sold online as many well-established food manufacturers now offer online shopping.轉入主要內容

E-commerce is a booming business and the internet’s vast potential has made it easier for organizations to reach out to a larger pool of the people. With the increasing popularity of handheld devices and rapid changes in consumer behavior, E-commerce can soon be expected to outperform traditional retail stores. 統整解決問題/結束

Topic 6 : Shop Online
(啟+承)廣泛性的知識介紹Using the internet to purchase goods or services saves considerable time and effort, and also presents customers with the widest choice. (轉/聚焦)However, customers need to be aware of the risks associated with online shopping in order to take steps to protect themselves.解釋並聚焦至你的論點

Customers should choose reputable shopping sites and ensure that the website is secure before entering payment details. The best way to find a reputable retailer is via recommendation from a trusted source. Safeguard and remember the password you have chosen for the extra verification services used on some websites. When making a payment to an individual, never transfer the money directly into their bank account but use a secure payment site such as PayPal. Additionally, always log out of sites in which you have logged in or registered details.立場/主要論點

Online shopping enables customers to make purchases at the click of a button and from the comfort of their own home. However, paying online carries the risk of fraud, so it is advisable to educate oneself on how to make online shopping a safe and convenient experience.統整解決問題/結束

Topic 7 : Art Education
(啟)廣泛性的知識介紹 The true value of an arts education goes far beyond learning how to draw, sing, or play a musical instrument. (承)Getting involved with the visual arts, music, and theater not only broadens our perspective and helps to promote social tolerance, (轉/聚焦)but it gives students some real academic advantages as well.解釋並聚焦至你的論點

Research has consistently shown that art teaches critical thinking rather than just getting the right answer, and that musical involvement promotes better math skills. Music training is linked with both short and long-term memory improvements, and is associated with an enhanced ability to read. Furthermore, art reminds us that the limits of our language do not define the limits of our thinking. It demonstrates that problems can have more than one solution and questions can have more than one answer.立場/主要論點

The arts provide new challenges for students who are already considered successful in the classroom. In other words, taking an art, drama, or music class is about going beyond the rigidity of “right” and “wrong” answers and instead looking for those little subtleties that surround us.統整解決問題/結束

Topic 8: Punishment or Rewards

(啟)廣泛性的知識介紹Motivating students to learn is an important part of teaching. In order to encourage students to learn, some teachers tend to use punishment, while others prefer rewards. (轉/聚焦)I believe that rewarding students is a more effective approach than punishing them. 解釋並聚焦至你的論點
I have been exploring ways to help student enjoy reading. In one study that I read, students were told that the more books they read, the money would be donated to charity. With this motivation, the students were willing to read more books, so they made progress in reading. These students were willing to read more books, so they made progress in reading. These students not only benefited from reading itself but also gained a sense of satisfaction from helping others. Overall, the results of this experiment were positive. The amount of money donated to charity was much more than anyone had expected, and the students’ reading ability and interest in reading increased significantly. 立場/主要論點

Rewards take a variety of forms, such as candy, money, positive comments – anything that boosts enthusiasm for learning. The above study shows that rewards have an additional value. Well-chosen rewards can instill empathy in students. Hence, teachers should be advised to incorporate rewards wisely into their teaching. 統整解決問題/結束

Topic 9: Remain with company or start a business
(啟)廣泛性的知識介紹After working in someone else’s company for several years, some employees remain with the company, while others may choose to open their own business. The decision to start a business indicates that they aspire to exercise their independence and creativity. (轉/聚焦)However, running their own business does not necessarily guarantee success. 解釋並聚焦至你的論點
Self-employed people have more freedom to pursue their goals. They can carry out their plans smoothly because they do not have to ask for permission from their supervisors. Nevertheless, with this freedom comes responsibility. Business owners have to take the risks and be accountable for the results. As for me, starting a business is not included in my career plan. First, if I had my own business, I would have to engage in areas outside of my expertise, such as managing people and making investments. I might not be able to concentrate on what I love to do during my spare time. Second, having a small business is in fact very competitive. I am not ready for these challenges.
Having an independent business might be an ideal way for some people to fulfill their dreams. I believe I would rather work for someone’s else’s company and play my role as best as I can. 統整解決問題/結束

Topic 10 : Global Warming and Possible Solutions
(啟)廣泛性的知識介紹Climate change is changing our economy, health and communities in diverse ways. Scientists warn that if we do not aggressively curb the emissions that cause climate change now, (轉/聚焦)the results will likely be disastrous.解釋並聚焦至你的論點

Carbon dioxide and other global warming pollutants are collecting in the atmosphere like a thickening blanket, trapping the sun's heat and causing the planet to warm up. Over the past 50 years the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. Climate change has a negative impact on our water resources, energy supply, transportation, health, agriculture, and ecosystems.Certain groups, including children, the elderly, and the poor, are most vulnerable to a range of climate-related health effects.立場/主要論點

The effects of global warming will result in significant costs to our families and the economy.  Luckily, technologies exist today to make cars that run cleaner and burn less gas, modernize power plants and generate electricity from nonpolluting sources, and cut our electricity use through energy efficiency. The challenge is to be sure these solutions are put to use.統整解決問題/結束

Topic 11: Happiness
(啟)廣泛性的知識介紹 Happiness is interesting because we all have different ideas about what it is and how to get it.  (承)For some people, happiness is having a family and a good job; for others, happiness is found in material possessions and money.解釋並聚焦至你的論點

You tend to be happier if you are in a long-term relationship, are active in work and in your free time, and have close friendships (though happiness does not increase with the number of friends you have). A German study found a strong link between time spent commuting and satisfaction with life. Those who spent an hour on their journey to work were found to be significantly less happy than those who did not commute. However, we can't be happy all the time. Research shows that sadness is useful; it acts as a red traffic light to curb negative behavior.立場/主要論點

We can make ourselves happier because happiness changes over time, and these changes are not just a matter of better circumstances but of better dealing with life. Elderly people tend to be wiser, and for that reason, happier.統整解決問題/結束

