西城男孩出新專輯 2009
下面是第六首Where We Are是主打歌。
第三首Leaving 這首歌眾歌迷反應不錯喔!!
01 What About Now
最開始聽這首歌,自然是Daughtry的版本。American Idol的第七季特別節目Idol Gives Back裏面,Daughtry為非洲的孩子們現場彈唱的樣子,讓歌聲更加感人。
02 How To Break A Heart
03 Leaving
04 Shadows
05 Talk Me Down
06 Where We Are
07 The Difference
08 As Love Is My Witness
09 Another World
10 No More Heroes
11 Sound Of A Broken Heart
12 Reach Out之前每次放完這一首,都會直接跳回第一首,讓我一時很錯亂曲目的順序。
13 I'll See You Again
01 What About Now
最開始聽這首歌,自然是Daughtry的版本。American Idol的第七季特別節目Idol Gives Back裏面,Daughtry為非洲的孩子們現場彈唱的樣子,讓歌聲更加感人。
02 How To Break A Heart
03 Leaving
04 Shadows
05 Talk Me Down
06 Where We Are
07 The Difference
08 As Love Is My Witness
09 Another World
10 No More Heroes
11 Sound Of A Broken Heart
12 Reach Out之前每次放完這一首,都會直接跳回第一首,讓我一時很錯亂曲目的順序。
13 I'll See You Again
第三首Leaving 這首歌眾歌迷反應不錯喔!!
飛天掃把第二集 written by 施建豐
1 巫婆參加掃把飛天大賽,如願的衛冕冠軍。因為,九八無鉛汽油讓這支掃把飛得更遠更快。
The old witch won the contest again with no exception. Gasoline 98 unleaded triggered the broom speeding more far and fast ever.
2. 隔天,巫婆對小花貓說:「平時,我們加便宜的油就可以。最近汽油漲價,油很貴呢!」
On the next day, the old witch said to Little Flower, “we need cheaper gasoline for practice.
3. 所以,小花買了最便宜的油:柴油。哎呀!不得了,巫婆的掃把因加入柴油,後面起火,燒了起來。
Therefore, Little Flower brought back diesel, the cheapest one. Oh, no! The broom got fire.
4. 掃帚尾巴燒壞了,巫婆說:「我不要這把掃把了,我要換一支新的。」巫婆一向很時尚,她不喜歡烏黑過時的東西。於是,便把燒焦的掃把扔在貓羅溪旁。
The broom was scorched. The witch said, “I don’t need this one any more. I will get a new one.” Then, she dumped it to the riverside.
5. 有一天,一位小女孩經過河邊,看到那支尾巴焦了的掃把,她想:「這支掃把尾巴只是黑了點,我還可以帶回家掃落葉。」
One day, a little girl passed by the riverside. She thought, “this scorched broom still work for the leave sweeping.”
6 小女孩回家的路上走呀走,她有點累,便坐在掃把上休息。說也奇怪,這支燒焦的掃把竟然浮起來,還會往前進呢。
On the way back home, she felt tired and took a rest on the broom. Surprisingly, the broom lifted her up and moved forward.
Not so long, she could handle it easily.
8. 小女孩本來都沒有朋友,她說:「如果我拿這支有魔力的掃把,去幫助別人的話,說不定大家會喜歡我。」
The girl said, “If I help others with this magic broom, they will like me.”
9 小女孩開始幫大家提書包去安親班,大家都很高興。
The girl helped carry bags to afterschool.
The girl helped carry buckets of water and sweep the floor. Now, everyone wanted to make friend with her.
11. 小女孩也幫大家摘水果,從此都叫她做「飛天小魔女」。
The girl also helped pick some fruit. She was named, “the sky magic girl.”
12. 但有一天,掃把不動了, 她很沮喪。當她無法幫忙,小朋友就不再喜歡她了。
However, the broom couldn’t move the other day. She was sad. She couldn’t help any one, and children don’t like her anymore.
13. 有一下雨天,小女孩救了一隻掉到河水裡的小白兔。小白兔看到她拿著巫婆的掃巴,便對她說,「小女孩!謝謝她救了我。我告訴妳呦:「這支掃把是一位巫婆的,它需要加汽油才飛得起來。」
On a rainy day, the girl saved a rabbit from drowning in the river. The rabbit saw her with the broom, and said, “this broom belonged to a witch. It can fly, if you apply with gasoline”.
14. 從此小女孩天天練習,她資質聰穎,她很快的就能飛得更遠,也飛得更快,似乎有破以往紀錄的可能。因此,她獲准參加下次的掃把飛天比賽。
Day in and night out, the talented girl seemed to drive the broom better than before. She was nominated to the speeding contest. .
The witch heard about the girl who could speed broom fast. She came and saw the girl indeed fly with her old scorched broom.
The sly witch called Little Flower to play trick by adding diesel to the broom.
The third year contest just began, and the competition was tightened. Who will win the contest then? The answer will be seen next.
The old witch won the contest again with no exception. Gasoline 98 unleaded triggered the broom speeding more far and fast ever.
2. 隔天,巫婆對小花貓說:「平時,我們加便宜的油就可以。最近汽油漲價,油很貴呢!」
On the next day, the old witch said to Little Flower, “we need cheaper gasoline for practice.
3. 所以,小花買了最便宜的油:柴油。哎呀!不得了,巫婆的掃把因加入柴油,後面起火,燒了起來。
Therefore, Little Flower brought back diesel, the cheapest one. Oh, no! The broom got fire.
4. 掃帚尾巴燒壞了,巫婆說:「我不要這把掃把了,我要換一支新的。」巫婆一向很時尚,她不喜歡烏黑過時的東西。於是,便把燒焦的掃把扔在貓羅溪旁。
The broom was scorched. The witch said, “I don’t need this one any more. I will get a new one.” Then, she dumped it to the riverside.
5. 有一天,一位小女孩經過河邊,看到那支尾巴焦了的掃把,她想:「這支掃把尾巴只是黑了點,我還可以帶回家掃落葉。」
One day, a little girl passed by the riverside. She thought, “this scorched broom still work for the leave sweeping.”
6 小女孩回家的路上走呀走,她有點累,便坐在掃把上休息。說也奇怪,這支燒焦的掃把竟然浮起來,還會往前進呢。
On the way back home, she felt tired and took a rest on the broom. Surprisingly, the broom lifted her up and moved forward.
Not so long, she could handle it easily.
8. 小女孩本來都沒有朋友,她說:「如果我拿這支有魔力的掃把,去幫助別人的話,說不定大家會喜歡我。」
The girl said, “If I help others with this magic broom, they will like me.”
9 小女孩開始幫大家提書包去安親班,大家都很高興。
The girl helped carry bags to afterschool.
The girl helped carry buckets of water and sweep the floor. Now, everyone wanted to make friend with her.
11. 小女孩也幫大家摘水果,從此都叫她做「飛天小魔女」。
The girl also helped pick some fruit. She was named, “the sky magic girl.”
12. 但有一天,掃把不動了, 她很沮喪。當她無法幫忙,小朋友就不再喜歡她了。
However, the broom couldn’t move the other day. She was sad. She couldn’t help any one, and children don’t like her anymore.
13. 有一下雨天,小女孩救了一隻掉到河水裡的小白兔。小白兔看到她拿著巫婆的掃巴,便對她說,「小女孩!謝謝她救了我。我告訴妳呦:「這支掃把是一位巫婆的,它需要加汽油才飛得起來。」
On a rainy day, the girl saved a rabbit from drowning in the river. The rabbit saw her with the broom, and said, “this broom belonged to a witch. It can fly, if you apply with gasoline”.
14. 從此小女孩天天練習,她資質聰穎,她很快的就能飛得更遠,也飛得更快,似乎有破以往紀錄的可能。因此,她獲准參加下次的掃把飛天比賽。
Day in and night out, the talented girl seemed to drive the broom better than before. She was nominated to the speeding contest. .
The witch heard about the girl who could speed broom fast. She came and saw the girl indeed fly with her old scorched broom.
The sly witch called Little Flower to play trick by adding diesel to the broom.
The third year contest just began, and the competition was tightened. Who will win the contest then? The answer will be seen next.
Venus 維納斯女神
學校運動會四年級的跳舞歌-Venus 維納斯女神 (原唱者:Shocking Blue)
The goddess on the mountain top,
Was burning like a silver flame.
The summit of beauty and love,
And Venus was her name.
山頂上的女神 閃耀如銀亮的火燄
絕頂美貌與無上的愛情 維納斯是她的名字
She's got it.
Yeah, baby, she's got it,
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire,
At your desire.
耶~ 寶貝 她有魔力
喂~我是你的 維納斯
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire,
At your desire.
Her weapons were her crystal eyes,
Making every man mad.
Black as the dark night she was,
Got what no one else had.
She's got it.
Yeah, baby, she's got it,
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire,
At your desire.
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire,
At your desire.
She's got it.
Yeah, baby, she's got it,
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire,
At your desire.
Well, I'm your Venus,
I'm your fire,
At your desire.
這幾天的夜晚,是獅子座流星雨的晚上。看過流星嗎?記得以前的我,穿著綿襖大衣躱在大樓的角落,痴等了數個小時,只看到十來顆。現在都不用再去受冷了,看影片就好了說。 開始許願吧 :)
史上最長的音樂錄影 Michael Jackson 的“Ghost”
請按右邊一排照片下方的連結 Michael Jackson的鬼片
It's night and dark out. A group of people carrying burning tourches march through 'Normal Valley' heading for a lonely house on the outskirts of the town. They come to a halt in front of a gate, beside which is a sign that reads 'Someplace Else'.
Black boy: Why don't we just leave him alone?
White young boy: He hasn't hurt anybody. Can't we just go?
White older boy:(Slaps his younger brother's head)Your fault jerk! Couldn't keep your mouth shut.
White mother:(Slaps the older brother) He did the right thing.
Mayor: He's a weirdo. There's no place in this town for weirdos.
The gates open.
Black man:(scared)See, that . . .that. . .that. . .that ain't a good sign!
They walk in the gates, and the doors to the house in front of them open.
White young boy: (to his older bother) Just like last time. It's the ghost!
White older boy:(Slaps his brother again)Shut up!
White mother:(Slaps the older brother again)Don't hit your brother!
Black boy's mother: (to her son) There is no such thing as ghosts, honey.
Mayor: (to black boy) I'm gonna prove it to you kid. Let's go!
The mayor leads them in.
White woman 2: (Nervous) Did anyone call and make sure this is a good time . . . ? Maybe we should come back later...
另一白人婦女:(緊張)有誰給他打過電話並且確定這是個合適的時間(來造訪)? 我們也許應該改天再來……
Black woman 2: Yeah, like when it's light out . . . you know, like daytime.
They walk all the way into the house. The doors close behind them. Lightening strikes.
Black man:(really scared)Oh damn!
They walk along a corridor and the door in front of them closes. Another door opens, and they walk in. They come into a big hallroom. They all scream as a raven flies over their heads and disappear into darkness.
『他們走在一條走廊裏,突然他們面前的門合上了,另一道門開啟了,於是他們走了進去。 他們走進了一間很大的廳。忽然一隻大烏鴉掠過人們的頭頂,大家嚇得失聲尖叫,烏鴉消失在黑暗中……』
Villagers: What was that??
They see a flick of a black cape disappear where the raven landed. Lightening strikes and for a split second they see a person standing there. They walk a bit closer and suddenly see the person's face: a scull!
They all jump and the skelleton with the black cape walks towards them. But to their relief the 'skelleton' is only a mask which the person takes off, and they discover the Maestro's face behind it.
Maestro: Did I scare you?
Woman: Uh-huh!!
Black boy: That's him mom!
Black boy's mother: I see.
White young boy: Hi!
White older boy: Sorry...
Mayor: No you didn't scare me. Maybe you scared them, but you didn't scare me.
Maestro:(Smiles)Well that's too bad isn't is? I guess I have to try harder next time.
Mayor: There won't be a next time.
Maestro: Oh really?
Mayor: Oh really.
Maestro: No next time huh? Why is that?
Mayor: We want you out of town. We have a nice normal town. Normal people. Normal kids. We don't need freaks like you telling them ghoststories.
Maestro: So you don't believe in ghosts?
Black boy: I do!
Black woman 2: Me too!
Black boy's mother: Hush up! You see what you've done? Aren't you ashamed? Young people are impressionable!
White young boy: Show them the neat stuff you did for us!
White older brother:(Slaps his brother)Shut up, that's supposed to be a secret!
White mother:(Slaps the older brother)Don't hit your brother!
'Something' slaps the mothers head. They all look scared.
Mayor: You're weird. You're strange. And I don't like you. You're scaring these kids, living up here all alone..
Maestro: I'm not alone. And you're right, I do like scaring people, yes. But it's just for fun! Don't you kids. . . uh. . . enjoy when. . . I do my little. . . you know. . .
The kids smile and nod.
Mayor: But the fun's over. Back to the circus you freak! And do yourself a favour, ok, don't force us to get rough with you, 'cause we will if we have to.
The rest of the villagers begin to protest a little.
Maestro: You're trying to scare me, aren't you? I'll tell you what, we'll play a game.(rises his voice)Anybody here like playing games? Hello?!(claps)GAMETIME!
The kids smile.
White older brother: Yes!
Maestro: The first person who gets scared has to leave. How about that?
White woman 2: I'll go please!
Mayor: I don't play games with freaks.
Maestro: There's no need to be rude.
White woman 2: Yes, I agree, there's no need to be rude. You have a very lovely home, but I'm afraid we overstayed our welcome, so we're gonna go, ok, can we go...?
The Maestro snaps and points at her. She stops talking.
Mayor: Are you gonna leave, or am I gonna have to hurt you?
Maestro: You ARE trying to scare me, I guess I have no choice. I guess I have to scare you. Watch this!(laughs)Tell me, do you think this is scary?
He pulls a face and the kids start to laugh.
Black woman: Is that it?
Mayor: That's ridiculous! That's not funny.
Maestro: Ok fine, what about this one?
He pulls another face and the kids laugh again.
White mother: Is that it?
Maestro: Did that scare you?
Mayor: Did you hear what I said? Freaky boy, it's time for you to go.
Maestro:(angry voice)Is THIS scary?
The Maestro grabs his skin by the eyes and mouth and pulls it out. The Villagers gasp and scream. He takes his chin and pulls down his jaw, the Villagers scream louder and back up.
Black kid: Wow!!
The Maestro grabs his skin again and tears his whole face off, only the scull is left. He then knocks on both sides if his head, the scull breaks and his own face shows up again. The Villagers run towards the the door, but he closes it before they get a chance to escape. The black man starts to sob.
Maestro: Are we going somewhere? Hello?! It's too late, you're my guests!(smiles)And by the way, did I tell you I wasn't alone? Meet the family!
Lots of ghosts appear. Maestro leads them in a humouros dance routine without music, which the kids enjoy, and then they start to dance to the song 2 Bad.
『一群鬼跑了出來,邁斯卓領著他們跳著一支有趣的舞蹈,雖然沒有音樂伴奏,可孩子們還是很喜歡,接著他們開始邊跳邊唱起了“Too bad”』
Told me that you're doin' wrong
Word out shockin' all alone
Cryin' wolf ain't like a man
Throwin' stones to hide your hand
You ain't done enough for me
You ain't done enough for me
You are disgustin' me, yeah yeah
You're aiming just for me
You are disgustin' me
Just want your cut from me
But too bad, too bad
Look who just walked in the place
Dead and stuffy in the face
Look who's standing if you please
Though you tired to bring me to my kneew
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Hell all up in Hollywood
Sayin' that you got it good
Creepin' from a dusty hole
Tales of what somebody told
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Halfway through the song the ghosts start to climb the walls and walk upsidedown on the roof. All the villagers except the Mayor seem to enjoy the show and have a good time.
The music stops, the Maestro rips his clothes off, turns into a skelleton and dances to the song Ghosts. The Mayor looks scared to death.
The skelleton pulls the Mayor towards him and then jumps up on a shelf on the wall. He turns all the ghosts into some really scary looking - rotten - ghosts who start to mob the Mayor. Everybody gets scared.
They start to dance to 2 Bad again and the villagers seem to have fun again.
『這時他們再次跳起了“Too bad”,於是鎮民緊繃的神經又鬆懈了些。』
The Mayor tries to escape as the ghosts surround him. Maestro-skelleton snaps and they stop. He jumps down from the wall, spins around in the air and turns into a huge scary rotten looking version of the Maestro -SUPERGHOUL.
Superghoul: Are you scared yet? *hehehe*
The SUPERGHOUL opens the Mayor's mouth and flies into him. He posesses him. He's inside of him and he makes the Mayor dance. The Mayor tries to stop, but can't, he just keeps dancing.
Mayor: STOOOOOP!!!
The Mayor's stomach makes a lot of funny noices, and then suddenly an arm (the Superghoul's) holding a mirror pops out of it. The Mayor looks at himself in the mirror, and turns into a very ugly version of himself - GHOUL MAYOR.
Ghoul Mayor: Who's scary now? Who's the freak now? Freakyboy! Freak circus freak! Who's scary? *HAHAHA* Who's weird now?
He drops the mirror to the floor and the Superghoul flies out of his mouth again. The Mayor looks exhausted. He puts on his glasses and looks up at the Maestro (who's back to his normal self again). The Maestro smiles. He walks around the Mayor and then makes a bow.
Maestro: So, do you still want me to go?
Mayor: Yes! yes!
Maestro: Fine, I'll go.
The Maestro bangs his hands and head into the floor and crumbles into dust. The wind sweeps the rest of him away. The Villagers look sad and the kids cry.
Mayor: Good riddance. Let's go! Let's go!
The Villagers hesitate. The kids look at the place the Maestro disappeard.
Mayor: Let's go!! I showed that freak.
The Mayor opens the door, and the Superghoul's face peakes out of the entire door!
The Mayor gets terrified, turns in his tracks and legs towards a closed window. He runs right through it and only leaves a pattern of his body in the window. The Maestro walks to the Villagers.
Maestro: Did I scare you?
Everybody starts to talk in each others mouths. They laugh and tell him their experiences. "For a minute there I thought I was gonna lose it!" blah . . blah . . blah. . .
Maestro: But did we have a good time here?(big grin)Hello?!
Everybody: Yeah!
As the Villagers continue to talk, a shadow sneaks up behing the Maestro's back. He can't see anything, but he notices the scared looks in the Villager's eyes.
The Maestro: What?
One of the woman points at the shadow behind the Maestro. He slowly turns around, sees a scull face and jumps back. The mask comes off and they see that it's only a couple of the kids having fun with them.
『一個婦女指著邁斯卓背後的影子,邁斯卓緩緩轉身,看到一張骷髏臉,嚇得往後一跳。 骷髏臉慢慢掉了下來,原來是兩個小孩在捉弄邁斯卓。』
White young boy: Did I scare ya?
The Maestro: No. Well, maybe.. How about that? Maybe!(smiles)
The Maestro lifts the boy off the other boy's shoulders.
Older white brother: Excuse me? Excuse me, yeah, um.. Is THIS scary?
The boy takes his hands to his mouth like the Maestro did earlier when he pulled his skin off.
(Shot from outside the house)Everyone screams.
~ The End ~
請按右邊一排照片下方的連結 Michael Jackson的鬼片
It's night and dark out. A group of people carrying burning tourches march through 'Normal Valley' heading for a lonely house on the outskirts of the town. They come to a halt in front of a gate, beside which is a sign that reads 'Someplace Else'.
Black boy: Why don't we just leave him alone?
White young boy: He hasn't hurt anybody. Can't we just go?
White older boy:(Slaps his younger brother's head)Your fault jerk! Couldn't keep your mouth shut.
White mother:(Slaps the older brother) He did the right thing.
Mayor: He's a weirdo. There's no place in this town for weirdos.
The gates open.
Black man:(scared)See, that . . .that. . .that. . .that ain't a good sign!
They walk in the gates, and the doors to the house in front of them open.
White young boy: (to his older bother) Just like last time. It's the ghost!
White older boy:(Slaps his brother again)Shut up!
White mother:(Slaps the older brother again)Don't hit your brother!
Black boy's mother: (to her son) There is no such thing as ghosts, honey.
Mayor: (to black boy) I'm gonna prove it to you kid. Let's go!
The mayor leads them in.
White woman 2: (Nervous) Did anyone call and make sure this is a good time . . . ? Maybe we should come back later...
另一白人婦女:(緊張)有誰給他打過電話並且確定這是個合適的時間(來造訪)? 我們也許應該改天再來……
Black woman 2: Yeah, like when it's light out . . . you know, like daytime.
They walk all the way into the house. The doors close behind them. Lightening strikes.
Black man:(really scared)Oh damn!
They walk along a corridor and the door in front of them closes. Another door opens, and they walk in. They come into a big hallroom. They all scream as a raven flies over their heads and disappear into darkness.
『他們走在一條走廊裏,突然他們面前的門合上了,另一道門開啟了,於是他們走了進去。 他們走進了一間很大的廳。忽然一隻大烏鴉掠過人們的頭頂,大家嚇得失聲尖叫,烏鴉消失在黑暗中……』
Villagers: What was that??
They see a flick of a black cape disappear where the raven landed. Lightening strikes and for a split second they see a person standing there. They walk a bit closer and suddenly see the person's face: a scull!
They all jump and the skelleton with the black cape walks towards them. But to their relief the 'skelleton' is only a mask which the person takes off, and they discover the Maestro's face behind it.
Maestro: Did I scare you?
Woman: Uh-huh!!
Black boy: That's him mom!
Black boy's mother: I see.
White young boy: Hi!
White older boy: Sorry...
Mayor: No you didn't scare me. Maybe you scared them, but you didn't scare me.
Maestro:(Smiles)Well that's too bad isn't is? I guess I have to try harder next time.
Mayor: There won't be a next time.
Maestro: Oh really?
Mayor: Oh really.
Maestro: No next time huh? Why is that?
Mayor: We want you out of town. We have a nice normal town. Normal people. Normal kids. We don't need freaks like you telling them ghoststories.
Maestro: So you don't believe in ghosts?
Black boy: I do!
Black woman 2: Me too!
Black boy's mother: Hush up! You see what you've done? Aren't you ashamed? Young people are impressionable!
White young boy: Show them the neat stuff you did for us!
White older brother:(Slaps his brother)Shut up, that's supposed to be a secret!
White mother:(Slaps the older brother)Don't hit your brother!
'Something' slaps the mothers head. They all look scared.
Mayor: You're weird. You're strange. And I don't like you. You're scaring these kids, living up here all alone..
Maestro: I'm not alone. And you're right, I do like scaring people, yes. But it's just for fun! Don't you kids. . . uh. . . enjoy when. . . I do my little. . . you know. . .
The kids smile and nod.
Mayor: But the fun's over. Back to the circus you freak! And do yourself a favour, ok, don't force us to get rough with you, 'cause we will if we have to.
The rest of the villagers begin to protest a little.
Maestro: You're trying to scare me, aren't you? I'll tell you what, we'll play a game.(rises his voice)Anybody here like playing games? Hello?!(claps)GAMETIME!
The kids smile.
White older brother: Yes!
Maestro: The first person who gets scared has to leave. How about that?
White woman 2: I'll go please!
Mayor: I don't play games with freaks.
Maestro: There's no need to be rude.
White woman 2: Yes, I agree, there's no need to be rude. You have a very lovely home, but I'm afraid we overstayed our welcome, so we're gonna go, ok, can we go...?
The Maestro snaps and points at her. She stops talking.
Mayor: Are you gonna leave, or am I gonna have to hurt you?
Maestro: You ARE trying to scare me, I guess I have no choice. I guess I have to scare you. Watch this!(laughs)Tell me, do you think this is scary?
He pulls a face and the kids start to laugh.
Black woman: Is that it?
Mayor: That's ridiculous! That's not funny.
Maestro: Ok fine, what about this one?
He pulls another face and the kids laugh again.
White mother: Is that it?
Maestro: Did that scare you?
Mayor: Did you hear what I said? Freaky boy, it's time for you to go.
Maestro:(angry voice)Is THIS scary?
The Maestro grabs his skin by the eyes and mouth and pulls it out. The Villagers gasp and scream. He takes his chin and pulls down his jaw, the Villagers scream louder and back up.
Black kid: Wow!!
The Maestro grabs his skin again and tears his whole face off, only the scull is left. He then knocks on both sides if his head, the scull breaks and his own face shows up again. The Villagers run towards the the door, but he closes it before they get a chance to escape. The black man starts to sob.
Maestro: Are we going somewhere? Hello?! It's too late, you're my guests!(smiles)And by the way, did I tell you I wasn't alone? Meet the family!
Lots of ghosts appear. Maestro leads them in a humouros dance routine without music, which the kids enjoy, and then they start to dance to the song 2 Bad.
『一群鬼跑了出來,邁斯卓領著他們跳著一支有趣的舞蹈,雖然沒有音樂伴奏,可孩子們還是很喜歡,接著他們開始邊跳邊唱起了“Too bad”』
Told me that you're doin' wrong
Word out shockin' all alone
Cryin' wolf ain't like a man
Throwin' stones to hide your hand
You ain't done enough for me
You ain't done enough for me
You are disgustin' me, yeah yeah
You're aiming just for me
You are disgustin' me
Just want your cut from me
But too bad, too bad
Look who just walked in the place
Dead and stuffy in the face
Look who's standing if you please
Though you tired to bring me to my kneew
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Hell all up in Hollywood
Sayin' that you got it good
Creepin' from a dusty hole
Tales of what somebody told
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you scream and shout it
Too bad too bad about it
Why don't you just scream and shout it
Halfway through the song the ghosts start to climb the walls and walk upsidedown on the roof. All the villagers except the Mayor seem to enjoy the show and have a good time.
The music stops, the Maestro rips his clothes off, turns into a skelleton and dances to the song Ghosts. The Mayor looks scared to death.
The skelleton pulls the Mayor towards him and then jumps up on a shelf on the wall. He turns all the ghosts into some really scary looking - rotten - ghosts who start to mob the Mayor. Everybody gets scared.
They start to dance to 2 Bad again and the villagers seem to have fun again.
『這時他們再次跳起了“Too bad”,於是鎮民緊繃的神經又鬆懈了些。』
The Mayor tries to escape as the ghosts surround him. Maestro-skelleton snaps and they stop. He jumps down from the wall, spins around in the air and turns into a huge scary rotten looking version of the Maestro -SUPERGHOUL.
Superghoul: Are you scared yet? *hehehe*
The SUPERGHOUL opens the Mayor's mouth and flies into him. He posesses him. He's inside of him and he makes the Mayor dance. The Mayor tries to stop, but can't, he just keeps dancing.
Mayor: STOOOOOP!!!
The Mayor's stomach makes a lot of funny noices, and then suddenly an arm (the Superghoul's) holding a mirror pops out of it. The Mayor looks at himself in the mirror, and turns into a very ugly version of himself - GHOUL MAYOR.
Ghoul Mayor: Who's scary now? Who's the freak now? Freakyboy! Freak circus freak! Who's scary? *HAHAHA* Who's weird now?
He drops the mirror to the floor and the Superghoul flies out of his mouth again. The Mayor looks exhausted. He puts on his glasses and looks up at the Maestro (who's back to his normal self again). The Maestro smiles. He walks around the Mayor and then makes a bow.
Maestro: So, do you still want me to go?
Mayor: Yes! yes!
Maestro: Fine, I'll go.
The Maestro bangs his hands and head into the floor and crumbles into dust. The wind sweeps the rest of him away. The Villagers look sad and the kids cry.
Mayor: Good riddance. Let's go! Let's go!
The Villagers hesitate. The kids look at the place the Maestro disappeard.
Mayor: Let's go!! I showed that freak.
The Mayor opens the door, and the Superghoul's face peakes out of the entire door!
The Mayor gets terrified, turns in his tracks and legs towards a closed window. He runs right through it and only leaves a pattern of his body in the window. The Maestro walks to the Villagers.
Maestro: Did I scare you?
Everybody starts to talk in each others mouths. They laugh and tell him their experiences. "For a minute there I thought I was gonna lose it!" blah . . blah . . blah. . .
Maestro: But did we have a good time here?(big grin)Hello?!
Everybody: Yeah!
As the Villagers continue to talk, a shadow sneaks up behing the Maestro's back. He can't see anything, but he notices the scared looks in the Villager's eyes.
The Maestro: What?
One of the woman points at the shadow behind the Maestro. He slowly turns around, sees a scull face and jumps back. The mask comes off and they see that it's only a couple of the kids having fun with them.
『一個婦女指著邁斯卓背後的影子,邁斯卓緩緩轉身,看到一張骷髏臉,嚇得往後一跳。 骷髏臉慢慢掉了下來,原來是兩個小孩在捉弄邁斯卓。』
White young boy: Did I scare ya?
The Maestro: No. Well, maybe.. How about that? Maybe!(smiles)
The Maestro lifts the boy off the other boy's shoulders.
Older white brother: Excuse me? Excuse me, yeah, um.. Is THIS scary?
The boy takes his hands to his mouth like the Maestro did earlier when he pulled his skin off.
(Shot from outside the house)Everyone screams.
~ The End ~
陳苑倫老師和本人的英文繪本:飛天掃把的秘密(The Secret of Speeding Broom)得獎了。

"The Rolling Egg"

1. Mother Duck hatches an egg.

2. The egg suddenly rocks and rolls out of house.

3. Mother chases after and loses it.

4. The egg drops into a pond.

5. An eagle picks it up and hides it on the high nest.

6. The egg rocks again and falls on a giraffe's head.

7. The egg slides down the giraffe's neck.

8. The egg finally bounces back to its house.

9. Mother Duck comes home and finds a duckling.

10. "Who are you, little duckling?" the mother duck asks.

11. "I am the rolling egg," the little duckling says.

12. The mother duck is happy. She hugs and says, "I'm your mother."

"The Rolling Egg"

1. Mother Duck hatches an egg.

2. The egg suddenly rocks and rolls out of house.

3. Mother chases after and loses it.

4. The egg drops into a pond.

5. An eagle picks it up and hides it on the high nest.

6. The egg rocks again and falls on a giraffe's head.

7. The egg slides down the giraffe's neck.

8. The egg finally bounces back to its house.

9. Mother Duck comes home and finds a duckling.

10. "Who are you, little duckling?" the mother duck asks.

11. "I am the rolling egg," the little duckling says.

12. The mother duck is happy. She hugs and says, "I'm your mother."
製作繪本 三
“A Lost Village ”

1. Main characters: Pat and Father

2. There is a village by the river. The river is long and wild.

3. Pat is seven, and his whole family move here.

4. The water is clean and nonstop. The bed of river is wide open.

5. They said here could grow grapes. Grapes bring money and success.

6. People start to grow and harvest grapes. And, more people come to stay.

7. Father tells Pat, “we can build our home here.” He continues, “we would win over the nature, if we work hard enough.”

8. Pat loves to run and play in the grape yard. The place is like a maze.

9. One night, a giant typhoon blows and rolls over. The whole village is gone.

10. Fortunately, Pat’s father takes him away before the stormy night.

11. "Where are the grapes?" Pat asks. “They are washed away by the typhoon,” Father replies.

12. “Where is the village?” Pat asks. "Son, it's under the sliding mud," Father replies.

13. “Son, we will never win over the nature. I was wrong then,” Father sighs.

14. “I know. Father, we should obey our nature, right?” Pat asks.

15. Father nods, “Yes, we should obey and solute the nature. Next, we will find a safe and nice place to live on.”

1. Main characters: Pat and Father

2. There is a village by the river. The river is long and wild.

3. Pat is seven, and his whole family move here.

4. The water is clean and nonstop. The bed of river is wide open.

5. They said here could grow grapes. Grapes bring money and success.

6. People start to grow and harvest grapes. And, more people come to stay.

7. Father tells Pat, “we can build our home here.” He continues, “we would win over the nature, if we work hard enough.”

8. Pat loves to run and play in the grape yard. The place is like a maze.

9. One night, a giant typhoon blows and rolls over. The whole village is gone.

10. Fortunately, Pat’s father takes him away before the stormy night.

11. "Where are the grapes?" Pat asks. “They are washed away by the typhoon,” Father replies.

12. “Where is the village?” Pat asks. "Son, it's under the sliding mud," Father replies.

13. “Son, we will never win over the nature. I was wrong then,” Father sighs.

14. “I know. Father, we should obey our nature, right?” Pat asks.

15. Father nods, “Yes, we should obey and solute the nature. Next, we will find a safe and nice place to live on.”
製作繪本 二
A Judo Class
(1) Main characters: teacher and five students.







(2) Not long ago, A major quake struck a remote mountain. People migrated away from the village. Still, some family stayed there.
(3) One year, a teacher came here to teach at the elementary school. He would work for a short year. His class had only five students.

(4) On the very first day, teacher entered the classroom. He said to himself with surprise, "where are my students?"

(5) Students hid themselves in the cabinet. The teacher couldn’t notice them. Students showed up and laughed at the other end.

(6) During the lunch break nap, naughty students dropped roaches into teacher’s back when he was sleeping. Teacher was irritated.

(7) Students had no interest on study. They didn’t want to learn anything. Teacher worried very much.

(8) Students made big noises from time to time. Teacher had to confront with them.

(9) Students liked sports more than study. School asked them to take judo lesson and arranged a big judo contest.

(10) School began judo drills. Students made fun with it at first and the whole class made progress.

(11) As drills went on, students got frustrated. Sometime, they fought each other. Often, they fell to sleep at class.

(12) Students finally felt drills were not funny any more. They wanted to quit.

(13) Teacher said,” if you don’t practice judo, you should finish homework instead.” They needed to choose one between judo and study.

(14) Students chose to study. They realized reading was easier than practicing judo. They would be quiet and study from then on.
(15) However, the judo contest was set in the beginning. School wanted them to complete it. Students were asked to do more drills no matter what.

(16) Teacher said, “when there is a will, there is a way.” They couldn’t believe they won the final contest. The victory was sweet and anything deserved it after all.
(1) Main characters: teacher and five students.







(2) Not long ago, A major quake struck a remote mountain. People migrated away from the village. Still, some family stayed there.
(3) One year, a teacher came here to teach at the elementary school. He would work for a short year. His class had only five students.

(4) On the very first day, teacher entered the classroom. He said to himself with surprise, "where are my students?"
(5) Students hid themselves in the cabinet. The teacher couldn’t notice them. Students showed up and laughed at the other end.

(6) During the lunch break nap, naughty students dropped roaches into teacher’s back when he was sleeping. Teacher was irritated.
(7) Students had no interest on study. They didn’t want to learn anything. Teacher worried very much.
(8) Students made big noises from time to time. Teacher had to confront with them.
(9) Students liked sports more than study. School asked them to take judo lesson and arranged a big judo contest.

(10) School began judo drills. Students made fun with it at first and the whole class made progress.
(11) As drills went on, students got frustrated. Sometime, they fought each other. Often, they fell to sleep at class.

(12) Students finally felt drills were not funny any more. They wanted to quit.

(13) Teacher said,” if you don’t practice judo, you should finish homework instead.” They needed to choose one between judo and study.

(14) Students chose to study. They realized reading was easier than practicing judo. They would be quiet and study from then on.
(15) However, the judo contest was set in the beginning. School wanted them to complete it. Students were asked to do more drills no matter what.

(16) Teacher said, “when there is a will, there is a way.” They couldn’t believe they won the final contest. The victory was sweet and anything deserved it after all.
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