Mirror, Mirror

Long ago, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a king and a queen. They were eager to have a child, so the queen prayed to the god, "Oh, Lord, I want to have a child." The next winter, a baby girl was born with snow white skin, so everybody called her, "Snow White." Unfortunately, the queen was sick and died after. The king married a new queen, the stepmother, to take care of Snow White. Stepmother had a magic mirror that can talk. Once a while, stepmother would ask, "Mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world." "You are, you are the most beautiful in the world," the mirror answered. However, Snow White has grown up and became prettier, sweet, and friendly.Every one liked her very much. One day, stepmother asked the mirror again, "mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world." To her surprise, the mirror answered, "Snow White, snow white, is the most beautiful in the world." Stepmother was very angry and asked a hunter to kill her. "I want her hear." The hunter took Snow White to the forest, but couldn't kill Snow White because she was so sweet and friend. The hunter brought back a deer heart instead. Snow White was in the forest and she found a house. She was hungry and ate all the food on the table, then fell asleep. "Who is the pretty girl?" snow white woke up, and saw seven dwarfs. Snow white told them stories about stepmother and hunter. "You can stay here safely." When seven dwarfs went out to work, Snow White stayed and cleaned the house. Another day, stepmother asked mirror, "mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world." "Snow white, snow white is the most beautiful in the world." "I have to kill her by myself." Stepmother brought a poisoned apple and disguised as a ugly old woman. "This is a sweet and juiced apple." Snow white took a bite and fainted. The seven dwarfs came home and thought Snow white was dead. They put her in a glass coffin. One day, a prince passed by and kissed Snow White. Snow White was alive. They got married and lived in a kingdom. Stepmother asked the mirror again, "mirror, mirror, who is the most beautiful in the world." The mirror said, " a new princess in a kingdom is the most beautiful in the world."

