Emotional Development

There are many kinds of developments along with child development, such as physical development, motor development, verbal development, social development, cognitive development, emotional development, moral development, and so on. Howard Gardner said there were seven intelligences, but child develoment is more complicated than those. I continue my study on this area. Today, I want to talk about emotional development which many books have omitted. Child expresses fear when strangers near since the middle of first year, which is also called as stranger age. Other fear related emotional patterns include shyness, embarrassment, worry, and anxiety. In addition to fear, there are other emotions like anger, jealousy, grief, curiosity, joy, and affection. Most children should be able to control their emotions, but few has problem to deal with their physical and mental catharsis. The unfavorable judgements will affect their self-evaluation, and to their adjustments in the society. Today, we know it may be genetic differences. Nevertheless, our environments are largely responsible for the differences in emotionality. Last, studying children's emotional development will help us understand how to get along with children.

