Listening Comprehansion

I went to a Yahoo Family Board quite often, mainly to post the latest news everyday. It forces me to read news and digests the news as far as I can. Before yesterday, a visitor asked where I extracted the news from. She wanted to know because her speaking class needed the resource. I made a suggestion for her to listen first, then spoke the news after. As I search the audio and video news, I found an idea for myself why not writing down the voices from the audio and video, since they were sounded, clear, and easy to rewind. I have written two news in two days only for short periods of time. I think it is very encouraging way to learn listening comprehansion.
OK, here is my post as belows:
Bush in Europe to mend relations
George W Bush has arrived in Brussels at the start of a five-day visit to rebuild US ties with Europe after disputes over Iraq. Jacques Chirac and Vladimir Putin are among the European leaders the president plans to meet.
看到?在左上角的地方 Latest news in video and audio 按一下框框,就可以看到影音了 我聽一下George Bush 在說什麼: "It had differences obviously, and that's OK. The key to move pass the differences and forcus on how we can read behind a lack of peace and freedom for our children and grandchildren. So, I am looking forward to it." 歷屆美國總統的聲音都是很清晰,且很吸引人的,不然怎麼當上總統的。

