學校門口,有顆小葉欖仁 Remembered the Almond Tree at the school gate
三月時,樹上長滿嫩葉芽根 Where the leave sprouted in March
空中的小鳥,還不會飛只能等 Little birds learned to fly
你才轉學到班上,我當你是新人and you just transferred to our class
六月時,葉子翠綠滿圓整 where leave became ample in June
時而豔陽刺眼,時而如雨躲車棚Sun burned outside, rain sometime
我們的友誼滋長,懵懂加天真and our friendship settled and fixed |
十二月,樹枝禿頭葉子扔 where the leave all gone in December
鳥兒過冬南飛,萬里長征 Birds flied faraway south
你說大考沒考好,頭痛心底沉 and you said the exam had failed
學校門口,有顆小葉欖仁 Remembered the Almond Tree at the school gate
又是三月,樹上長滿嫩葉芽根The leave sprouted in March
空中的小鳥,還不會飛只能等 Little birds learned to fly
你我畢業已兩年,相思又心疼 and we had separated years since