The Rooster and The Fox

The Rooster and the Fox, An Aesop's Fable
“beware of sudden offers of friendship”
The first ray of morning sun peeked over the mountains and shined down into the valley.
One solitary beam hit the rooster perched high atop the barn roof.
He opened his eyes and sang, "cock-a'doodle-doo."
All the animals were awoke and came hearing the rooster’s song.
The horses yawned and stretched their legs in their stables
The pigs rolled over in the mud and went to their troughs for breakfast.
Cows shuffled over to their mothers for a drink of milk.
And far away in the hills, the fox lifted his sleepy head.
The fox's belly growled.
"I'm so hungry," said the fox.
"All the farm animals in the valley Have eaten up a big healthy farm breakfast, and I am left alone, and hungry and here in the hill. It isn't fair"
In the valley, the rooster sang again, cock-a'doodle-doo.
Then the fox had an idea "I’ll eat that singing rooster that's what I'll do."
Quietly the fox came down and out of the hills and clawed onto the farm.
When he got to the barn, he looked up and said, "Hey rooster, I heard you singing up in the hills, you have a beautiful voice, come down and teach me how to sing as beautifully as you."
"If I come down you will eat me," said the rooster.
The fox was clever, he said, "have you not heard the news, all animals have agreed to live in peace and harmony. We can sing love songs together and be friends.
Please come down and teach me how to sing as beautifully as you."
The rooster was not a fool he knew that the fox was more deceitful and cunning than all the other animals the rooster said nothing to the fox but looked down into the distance as if he saw something interesting.
"What are you looking at," asked the fox. "I see a pack of wolves and they are coming this way," said the rooster.
The fox looked alarmed and nervous I really should be going now, rooster.
"Please don't go, we will wait for the wolves to come and then we can tell them about the new peace among animals. we can all learn to sing and love together."
It was too late, the fox had already raced back to his home in the hills.

Fox and Stork

To give without joy, not only carries no merit, but engenders afflictions.慈濟靜思語(六)張顗溱 劉子滎 Good morning Ladies, Gentlemen, and honorable judges. Today I'm going to tell a story about the Fox and the Stork. "Fox, I’ve lost my appetite, I haven’t had a decent meal lately. I need to find some delicious gourmet to bring back my appetite." "Is that right, I thought, you looked a little pale and skinny…" the fox said. "You think so. I’m worried." "Oh! Don’t worry too much, you will be all right." Later, the stork received an email from the fox. "Why! It’s from my friend Fox." "To my dear friend Stork, I hope all things are well with you. If you are free for dinner tomorrow, you are invited to my home for a special meal. Who knows, you might just get your lost appetite back." "What a friend, of course, I will be there!", the stork said. Next day, the stork visited the fox’s house. And they had dinner together. While the fox was enjoying the gourmet beef broth. The stork failed miserably to have even a single drop of delicious beef broth. "What’s wrong Stork, please go on 'eat up!', I’ve specially made the soup just for you…" "I’m so sorry, I was really looking forward to this dinner. But I’m afraid I’ve such an upset stomach. It must be the pizza I had for lunch." "What a shame! And it’s such good soup too! Too bad! Maybe next time…" "Yes, of course! Next time, you must have lunch with me." Oh my~ The fox had planned ahead to make fun of the Stork. What a mean fox, Oink~ Finally, it’s about time, the Stork invites me for the dinner. "Thank you for the dinner last time. I would like to treat you this time. Let’s have dinner together tomorrow. I have prepared a delicious gourmet just for you." "Oh, I’m so lucky! Free delicious gourmet, and the Stork still doesn’t know, she has been tricked," the Fox said. The next day, Grinning and gloating fox went to the Stork’s house for delicious meal. While the stork was enjoying the gourmet shrimp dinner. Now I understand this was the Stork’s plan. "Stork, my friend, is this for me? I mean, the long necked jar?" "Of course, my dear friend, beautiful and expensive jar just for this occasion. No expense is spared for my best buddy. Now, don’t be modest, Eat~" Then, the fox realized that he has been outsmarted by the stork. And thought backed on the prank he had played on the stork a few days back. The fox felt shame for this actions. Unable to eat a single bite, the fox held on to his hungry stomach. This is the end of my story, thank you.

The lion and the clever rabbit

Do not underestimate yourself; , everyone has unlimited potential.(八) There once lived a huge hungry lion in a vast jungle. All the animals were afraid of him, Because he would kill many of them everyday for food. They had to find a way to stop him from killing all of them. After discussing among themselves, they went to the lion. We have come to ask you to hear us. You are our King and every King needs subjects. If you eat us all, then you will not have any subjects left. We will send you an animal everyday to your cave. This way you will get food without hunting for it. The lion agreed to the plan. He threatened to kill all of them if they ever failed to provide him food. And from that day onwards one animal was sent to the lion’s cave everyday. This plan seemed to work until it was the turn of the rabbits. A small, clever rabbit, when asked to go to the lion, Wanted to save himself and the other animals. He made a plan. He went to the lion and on seeing him the lion got angry. You are too small for my meal. I’m going to teach the animals a lesson for cheating me. I shall kill them all. Oh great King you must not blame us. There were 6 rabbits sent for your meal, But another lion ate the other 5 up. A lion? Who is he? Where does he live? He was a big lion, and he wanted to eat me too. But I told him that you would eat him up for spoiling your meal. He told the lion that the other lion became furious. And insisted that he was the bravest lion in the forest. And that he was the only King in the jungle. He boasted that he would show this Lion who the real king was. On hearing this the lion was enraged. His roar shook the jungle. Take me to this fool. I shall have no peace until I kill him. Yes, master. You must show that other lion who the real king is. He led the big lion into the jungle. He took him to a deep well and pointed down the well saying. That the other lion lived down there. The lion looked into the well and saw his own reflection in the well. He thought it was the other lion. The lion got even more enraged and jumped into the well to attack the other lion. He hit the water in the well with a loud splash and drowned. The clever little rabbit returned home and retold his adventure. All the other animals in the jungle were happy that their greatest enemy was dead. You have been very clever, my little friend. Yes, and you have brought courage back into the jungle.


With selfless intentions,, we will be showered with blessings.(34) The Honest Woodcutter in Aesop’s Fable Honesty is rewarded with kindness. Once upon a time, there were a woodcutter and his wife. They had three children. The family lived in a little house near the forest. Saturday was market day. Many people from the villages nearby. Went to town to buy and sell things. The woodcutter arose early in the morning. He yawned, stretched, and put on his work trousers. His wife set up in bed and watched her husband get ready for the day. I will go to the forest at once. Many people will go to the market today. They will want to buy firewood to cook their food. Work hard today husband. We only have three stale pieces of bread and a half a stick of butter. Please bring home money for food. Our children are hungry. I will do wife. I will bring you home four fat turkeys for dinner. The woodcutter walked as fast as he could to the forest. He began chopping wood as soon as he got there. Unfortunately the head of his axe was loose. It fell into a lake nearby. The woodcutter dived into the water. Yet, he could not find his axe. He dived again and again. Soon he felt tired and cold. So he sit on the bank of the lake. The woodcutter was very sad. Oh, no. I will not have any wood to sell today. How shall I get the money to buy the beautiful fat turkey I promised my wife. We will starve. At that moment a lovely fairy appeared from behind a tree. Kind Sir, why are you crying? My axe fell into the water without my axe, I cannot well wood to the people at the market. I’m poor. I need to feed my family. I promised my wife of fat turkey for dinner. The fairy looked at the man with compassion. Then she lifted into the air and gracefully dived into the lake. She came out of the water holding a golden axe. Is this your axe? Oh, no. I’m sorry, but that is not my axe. My axe does not made of gold. The fairy jumped into the lake again. Soon she came out with a silver axe. Is this your axe? Oh, no. That’s not mine either. My axe is not made of silver. My axe is a common axe made of wood and iron. The fairy jumped again into the water. Then she came back with an iron axe. Is this the one? The woodcutter fell to his knees. His eyes were filled with tears of joy. Yes, it is. That’s my iron axe. Thank you kind fairy. I will be able to chop wood. You are honest man. Because of your honesty, you may have the gold and silver axe, too. You may sell them. The good axe would sell a lot of money at the market. You will have plenty of food to feed your family tonight. So, the man spend all day chopping wood he work twice as hard, Because of his joy. That night, after selling all his wood and axes at the market, he came home with two big beautiful turkeys for his wife and children.

The boy and the Apple tree

The giving tree shows us most beautiful on Earth, is human warmth and love.

Treasure Hunt