Sleeping beauty and the golden arm ghost

“Sleeping beauty and the golden arm ghost”

Long ago, in a faraway kingdom, a little princess was born.

To celebrate the princess’ birth, the king held a great feast in the castle. Many guests came to the feast. However, there was a golden arm ghost appeared.

“The princess will prick her finger on a spinning bicycle and die on her sixteenth birthday.” The golden arm ghost cursed. Everyone in the kingdom was frightened. The king forbad all the bicycles in the kingdom.

The golden arm ghost came the next day, but the princess was gone. Three fairies had taken her away and hidden in a small village. On the princess’ sixteenth birth, she came out and played in a river and met a prince.

The princess went out the next day, and was found by the golden arm ghost. She was caught in a tower and saw an old bicycle there. The bicycle was left by the golden arm.

As she touched the bicycle, she passed out right away. As the princess was in a deep sleep, three fairies made all living things fall asleep at the same time.

At night, the prince raced to the river and couldn’t see the sleeping beauty. Three fairies asked him to the tower, because only he could save the sleeping beauty.

The prince held a flash light and a water gun, combined with fairies spell, “water melt the golden arm, the devil die and good endure.” The prince melted the golden arm with water.

When the prince kissed the princess tenderly and awoke her from deep sleep.

Everyone in the kingdom awoke and felt happiness, for they knew that the princess and her prince would live happily ever after.

