培養英文感:A day at Old MacDonald Farm 麥當勞農場的一天

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1. Old MacDonald Had a Farm 麥當勞先生的農場
2. Shortening Bread 油酥麵包
3. Here we go around the mulberry bush 繞桑樹
4. Mary had a little lamb 瑪麗有隻小羊
5. This old man 這老人
6. Skip to my Lou 跳繩歌
7. Take me out to the ball game 看球賽
8. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt 約翰 雅各
9. She'll be coming round the mountain 伊比呀呀
10. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star 一閃一閃亮晶晶

查歌詞: http://www.kidsongs.com/downloads/songs?p=1

