“巫婆掃把的秘密 2”The secret of Speeding Broom 2

角色介紹:小倫Helen、小白兔Rabbit、老巫婆Witch、小花貓Flower the Cat

1. 小倫在溪畔看見一支舊掃把。「這支掃把我可以帶回家掃落葉。」她喃喃自語。
One day, Helen passed by the riverside and saw an old broom. She said to herself, “I still can use this broom to sweep the fallen leave in the backyard.”

2. 小倫坐在掃把上休息,掃把竟然浮起來。「這~這是一支奇怪的掃把!」她驚叫著。
On the way home, she rested on the broom, but it lifted her up accidently. “Oops! This is a magic broom,” she yelled.

3. 小倫想:「如果我拿這支有魔力的掃把去幫助同學的話,說不定大家會喜歡我。」
She thought, “If I help others with this magic broom, they will like me.”

4. 開學後,小倫帶著掃把到學校,她幫大家提書包回家,大家都很高興。
After school, Helen helped carrying bags and everyone was happy.

5. 有一天,這支神奇的掃把不動了,小朋友也不再陪小倫玩了,她很無奈。
However, the broom couldn’t move on the other day. She was sad and children didn’t like her anymore.

6. 不久,小倫救了一隻小白兔,小白兔說:「小女孩!妳這支掃把是一位老巫婆的,掃把的秘密是要加汽油才能飛喔。」
One rainy day, the girl saved a rabbit from a trap. The rabbit saw the broom and said to Helen, “I know this broom it belonged to a witch. There is a secret on it. If you apply with gasoline it could fly”.

7. 從此,小倫又開始邀遊天空,她也獲准參加掃把飛天比賽。
Day in and night out, Helen started to fly the broom again. She was nominated to the speeding contest.

8. 老巫婆看到燒焦的掃把,說:「原來是我不要的掃把。」
The witch came and saw the broom. She said, “I wonder what the broom is. It turned out to be my discarded broom.”

9. 老巫婆就叫小花貓買柴油,倒進小倫的掃巴裡,讓它起火燃燒。
The sly witch called Flower the cat to play trick by adding diesel to the broom. It would catch the broom fire.”

10. 比賽結果接曉:小倫贏過老巫婆。因為小白兔偷偷的把柴油桶換裝成汽油。
The match was over, and Helen won over the witch. The reason was the rabbit secretly witched the diesel back to gasoline.

11. 老巫婆道:「小女孩,妳給我記住,我要讓妳以後的日子不好過。」
The witch said with anger, “Little girl, I will make your life miserable.”

12. 小白兔說:「小倫,不要怕,妳有了這支飛天掃把,巫婆就打不過妳的。」
The rabbit consoled Helen, “don’t be afraid. The witch can’t beat you as long as you hold this speeding broom.”

13. 家門前來了一位賣水果的婦人,小倫拿起蘋果,咬了一口便暈倒了。
The other day, there came a woman selling fruit outside of Helen’s home. Helen tested an apple and collapsed immediately.

14. 老巫婆說:「果真把妳騙了。不!我還不想傷害妳。」
The witch said, “you are tricked. But, I still don’t want to hurt you now.”

15. 老巫婆出門時,不小心掉落她的魔法書。小倫醒過來看了魔法書,也因而變成一個美艷的魔法少女。
The witch dropped her magic book on the way out. Helen waked up and read the magic book, she then became a beautiful girl magician.

