

第一篇 Ants Are Marching(似乎可以讓小朋友背背看)

Ants are marching down the hall,
on the carpet, up the wall.
'Round the corner, there they go,
marching, marching in a row.
Turning left and turning right,
zigzag-marching--what a sight!

Single file above your bed,
on the ceiling overhead.
Hup, two, three, four, they don't fall.
Now they're marching down the wall.
Here they come across the sheet,
marching, marching on your feet.

'Round your ankle to your knee,
marching, marching happily.
Down your arm and off your thumb,
marching toward some yummy crumbs.
Now you know why Mama said,
"Don't eat cookies in your bed!"

