
若把名詞喻為寫作的建材,那動詞就是噴射機的燃油,因為動詞可以驅動你的文字。而與使用名詞一樣,儘量避免使用平淡無奇的動詞,而改用生動富有色彩的動詞。特別盡可能少用be動詞(如am, is, was, will be等)。
Emily was nervous before the interview. → Emily trembled and bit her nails before the interview.
The car came to a halt. → The car screeched to a halt.
“Are we there yet?” Meghan asked. → “Are we there yet?” Meghan whined.
The lawnmower made noises and stopped running. → The lawnmower sputtered and died.
“I hate this!” she said unthinkingly. → “I hate this!” she blurted out.
Robbie walked quickly up the stairs to see his date. → Robbie sprinted up the stairs to see his date.

