moving my blog to msn

I don't know what's going on here. I can only type and can't open my blog, therefore I have no choice but move my blog to MSN,

Taipei's trip

This was my second time to ride the MRT. When I got out of Taipower MRT station, I got lost and couldn't tell my direction. I acrossed the sky-bridge, but I saw the hill of 公館. I retreated from the bridge and went back to original stand. I knew I had figured my direction. Sooner, I finished my lunch and hid myself in a bookstore. It was expected to rain, but on the contrary the sky was clear and sunshine fell through the buildings. Two years ago, I came to Taipei to take the TOEFL exam. This time I came here for another exam. I completed my registration in the late afternoon. I planned to see a movie, but I didn't have enough time. I proceeded to train station, sitting in the McDonald. The scene was familiar, but I couldn't recognize people passing by. Where was she now? The girl I once met down there. Wish she have great future in her life!


Perennialism claims education should base on one principle. It is hard to deny it that children should learn all the greatest writings and forget those sesames. The core of curriculum is literature. Children learn general knowledges and creation about their own rationality. It seems easy to say than done. The representative were Hutchins, R.M. and Alder, M.J. I am glad to grasp their ideas and this word, "perennialism".

Nel Noddings

Dr. Noddings’ career in education has spanned five decades, beginning as a middle grades and high school math teacher before moving to educational administration and higher education. She is an award-winning teacher — having won the Excellence in Teaching Award at Stanford in 1981, 1982 and 1997 — and an accomplished scholar. It is so unbelievable that she started as a math teacher. Now, her books are used for many colleges. Hopefully, her profile can inspire me to achieve my goal, as a small successful English teacher.

English Song

I can't sing English song well, because my voice isn't good at all. But, for the sake of learning English, I need to practice it at my best. Lately, I bought many CD's. I prefer watch MTV, since I can watch singers' lips and their emotion too. Now, I am listening to Blue's "You make me wanna." The song is wonderful and the melody is great. The song lyrics always help my writing in many ways. That is what I cherish so much. I listen to English songs and drama a lot everyday. Hopefully, my English makes progress grandly.